Chapter 385 The Jade Tiger’s own cleverness! [Second more, please customize]

No one knows how much it costs to make these glass jewelry, but they know that the price of this thing is really scary. Everyone can’t resist the beauty of glass jewellery, and the same goes for some girls with a slightly average family background. Although they can’t afford glass jewelry, they can’t help but go to the store. Just look at it and feel satisfied.

Until one day, they finally couldn’t help but act coquettishly to ask for it. The reason is simple. I heard that a girl named Scarlet Smoke wears a pair of glass earrings on her ears. This news is terrible. It is rumored that Scarlet Smoke often enters and exits the Prince’s Mansion, and the relationship with the Prince’s Prince is extraordinary. All the girls are longing for the Saint Prince. Hearing this news, they did not hesitate to recognize this

Feiyan must be the sweetheart of the prince.

She had glass earrings that made these girls jealous. Only then bothered his parents to ask for a piece of glass jewelry. For a time, Daqin’s high-level people, as well as some middle-level people, all had 08 glass jade.

As the only person who knew the cost and price, when he saw the white painting eagerly telling how glass jewelry makes money, he finally told the truth: “The manufacturing cost of glass jewelry is only a few dozen cents.”

Bai Huagan was stunned when he heard this number. Although he ran to the Daqin Glass Factory every day, he also had a glass greenhouse. But it was the first time he knew that the cost of glass jewelry was so low. You know, the price of this thing is as high as hundreds of thousands taels.

“His Royal Highness, this thing is so profitable, it is almost a profit. If we continue to manufacture and sell, let everyone in the entire Qin country buy it, no, the entire Six Kingdoms. God, I just dare not dare. Imagine.” Bai Hua’s dry eyes turned into money.

Winning Zheng shook his head: “No, it’s time to end.”

Bai Huagan was stunned for an instant: “His Royal Highness, what are you talking about?” Bai Huagan thought he had heard it wrong, and it sold so well at the beginning, why did it stop there?

“Things are rare and expensive, and if you sell them too much, they will become less valuable.

Only then did Bai Huagan wake up, and nodded: “It is true.” “He just looked at the advantages of low manufacturing cost and simple manufacturing, and forgot that this thing is also jewelry. If it is jewelry, it is very rare.

“Next, it’s time to give them the goods promised to the six nations.” Ying Zheng showed a smile, Zhao Gao stood on the side of Ying Zheng, and didn’t quite understand the meaning of the expression. “The price given to them will naturally not be low, Zhao Gao, do you understand?”

Zhao Gao suddenly realized that he certainly couldn’t let the Six Nations take advantage of it in vain. They used to say that they wanted as much as they wanted, but now if they sell them a piece of tens of thousands of dollars, they don’t know if they can afford it.

Jade Tiger and the others gritted their teeth when they heard the price: “Yes, you still want as much as you want, and take it out quickly.” They don’t know how much it will cost, they only know that they are sold at the price of one hundred thousand taels in Qin. As long as there is a profit, no matter how small the fly is, it is meat.

After Zhao Gao took out the goods he was carrying, Jade Tiger and others were disappointed: “Just so?”

“Just so little, do you still think it’s impossible?”

Emerald Tiger frowned. It was indeed not as much as he had imagined. He was still planning to make a fortune from glass jewelry, but now it seemed to be impossible.

These people immediately began to sell glass jadeite in their own country after they got the glass jadeite. They had long heard about how Yingzheng made money from glass jadeite in Daqin. Now it is their turn to grab money and sell it at a high price. The point is that all countries still eat this set, no matter how high it is sold, people will buy it, and the selling is still very hot.

These people also finally experienced the taste of blood earning, and they couldn’t help thinking: Is it the way to win politics in ordinary times to make money? This is too cool!

The jade tiger collects the glass jade that he has accumulated, and of course the good things must be put on the shelf. Let the few people sell hard first, and keep a back hand. When their goods are sold out, no one who wants to buy will be able to buy it. When these glass jadeites are taken out at that time, the price will only be high, not low. In his opinion, this is a long-term purchase

Selling, those people gobbled it up like this, only choking to themselves, and then still can’t eat enough, it’s really stupid.

Jade Tiger is waiting for the opportunity to make a lot of money for himself. Now he is paying close attention to the news of the glass jade from other contacts every day. The first thing he does when he gets up every morning is to see which of his glass jade is still out. Check it out at night before going to bed. Then calculate based on the current selling price, the glass jade that I have hoarded can be sold

How much.

Because the prices sold by other people are rising every day, the figures counted here by Jade Tiger are also rising accordingly. He is very happy every day, and his smiling mouth can’t close. He was waiting for an opportunity. When the time came, he would immediately distribute these glass jewelry. Not only would he be able to pay back immediately, he could also earn more than others.

At the same time, winning politics is also waiting for an opportunity.

Bai Huaqian came to report: “His Royal Highness Prince, in addition to Han country, other countries have begun to sell glass jewelry.

“Except for Han country?” Ying Zheng 460 smiled at the corner of his mouth, the emerald tiger showed his own cleverness. Ying Zheng looked at Bai Hua’s dry face and asked curiously, “What’s the matter with the bubble at the corner of your mouth.”

In the past two days, Bai Huagan always thought about this glass jewelry. When I thought that it was gone after a wave of profit, I felt it was a pity that it made him anxious. Isn’t it all anxious to get angry? When asked by the winning government now, he can only truthfully tell the reason.

Yingzheng couldn’t help but smile: “Then just do as I said before, mass-produce, and then sell it at a lower price.”

Bai Huagan thought that he had heard it wrong, so why is the Saint Prince changed his mind now? Win Zheng just asked him to do so, Bai Huagan didn’t dare to ask more. Besides, this is a good thing for him! Hurry up and go to Daqin Glass Factory again.

Zhao Gao couldn’t help but curiously asked, “Why did His Royal Highness the Prince suddenly change his mind?”

“Of course it is to cure this anger depression.” After that, Ying Zheng got up and left. He had more important things to do.

Zhao Gao was left with a dazed expression, saying that he changed his mind suddenly, but his instinct told him that the Saint Prince definitely had premeditated. It can only be heard as a joke to give Baihua a dry treatment. The Saint Prince must have reason to do so. Zhao Gao was puzzled, only knowing that it would be too late if he didn’t keep up.

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