Chapter 382 College donated to auction! [First update, please customize]

The voice of the winning government businessmen have become like a rat, their cowering listeners, winning the government, spoke out the purpose of running a school, as well as all the noble children’s enrollment ideas, and the rules of this auction. When Ying Zheng said: “Then, donations can officially begin.” The merchants immediately became mad, and they had been preparing for this auction for many days.

“The first place, start bidding.” Ying Zheng looked at the businessmen, they were ready to go, just waiting for the start.

“One thousand two.” As soon as the voice fell, the first voice was eagerly called out. This auction is based on silver. The first one is the strongest, and the second one suffers. If you want to grab the first one, the merchant We all know the principle of raising the price. If you want to grab the same thing, grab the first one.

“Twenty thousand taels.” After the last person shouted out ten thousand taels, someone immediately doubled them. These people are all determined to win. They don’t have to worry about whether they can get the photo. They are more concerned about whether they can take the photo. The price is raised, so that other merchants can’t afford it.

“Thirty thousand taels.” The number shouted decisively. It was the first person to call this number. Businessmen know that it is meaningless to compete for 460 in this way. The first person must win this place. Compared with fighting him for a dead end, and losing face in the end, it is better to give this person first, and then compete with others for the second place.

No one was calling the price, and the first place was sold for thirty thousand taels of silver. The Prince Prince has regulations that the number of places photographed can only be reserved for his own use and is not transferable. The idea of ​​merchants using this quota to do business was cut off. The first merchant has now been auctioned, and subsequent auctions have no right to participate. The biggest fish has almost gone, the remaining talent is bidding

The workhorse.

Winning politics naturally has the idea of ​​winning politics. The scarcity is the most expensive, and only one can be bought, and if it is such a priceless thing, the merchants will go all out to bid without leaving a way out. Yingzheng watched this auction in his spare time. Starting from the second place, the price will skyrocket.

“The second place, start bidding.”

“Thirty thousand taels.” The price will only be high but not low. The last one was sold at thirty thousand taels, and this one could only start from thirty thousand taels.

“Thirty-five thousand taels.” Without that giant, the competition among businessmen became fierce.

“Forty thousand two (aibd).

“Fifty thousand taels.

“One hundred thousand taels.” The merchants were watching carefully, and as expected, from the second bidding, no one kept asking for the price. Although the price was increased all the way to one hundred thousand, they were all called out by different people and the merchants gave it away. In one breath, as long as there is no such person, they will all have a chance.

Soon the third place, the fourth place, the price soared.

“Next is the last place. You must seize the opportunity and start bidding now.”

The last place is the most competitive. The bid for the previous quota has reached 200,000 taels, and the first voice came up: “Two hundred and fifty thousand taels.

“Two hundred and sixty thousand taels.” Compared with the price of the first place, it has nearly doubled by nearly ten times. They even thought about asking the price first and then borrowing when they had to pay the money. After so many years of business, they felt that they had lost control of their money for the first time.

“Three hundred thousand taels.” A voice broke the last hope of the remaining merchants. They looked around and found the person who shouted the price. No one thought that it was the boss of the Bai family, who was in vain. The businessmen just remembered that there is indeed a child of the right age in the Bai family who is about to go to school.

A businessman next to Bai Huagan came over and lowered his voice and said, “Boss Bai, don’t be kidding, please raise your hands and let go of the last spot.” This businessman has only 300,000, and he wanted to bid, but was caught. Baihuagan is one step ahead, 300,000 is already the top price in this auction, as long as Baihua is willing to give up, he will have a chance.

“Just kidding, how can the price advertised in the auction be recovered. Even if I deliberately give up, His Royal Highness will not agree.

“If you remember correctly, the school-age child of Boss Bai’s family is a distant relative. As long as you say that the qualifications are not enough, you can let go.” The businessman’s long eyebrows and rat eyes, and also shrieked, made Bai Huagan a little disgusted.

He turned his head and said, “You’d better save the province, 300,000 have already been called out, this place belongs to my Bai family.

When the last spot was announced, the businessmen present had different expressions on their faces, and those who took the spot were naturally full of joy and pride. The businessmen who were not photographed were sad. Before an auction came in, everyone was a businessman, it was just the difference between the more money in the family and the less. After the auction was over, they were farewell.

Those who have a quota can hope to be a dragon, and those who don’t have a quota can only let the next generation continue to do business.

This auction seems to have determined the fate of many people. Bai Huagan saw a businessman who hadn’t got a spot for the photo, and suddenly seemed to be much older. He bent down and buried his head, sighing constantly, “Hey, I knew I should bring more money.” I dare not.

The spot has been auctioned, and the auction will end. Ying Zheng said: “If you get the spot, someone will ask you to check it. You only need to prepare the money. If you don’t get the spot, wait for the next time.

The dejected businessman suddenly bounced: “His Royal Highness, do you mean there is another next time?” He grabbed the straw and asked quickly.

“That’s right, the college donates and auctions once a year.”

This sentence undoubtedly brought new hope to those who did not get the spot, they all secretly made up their minds, and they must win it next time!

After the auction was over, the merchants left the auction house, except for the white paintings, and asked to see the Prince. Ying Zheng saw him with a smile on his lips: “Many businesses in the Bai family have to pay a high tax of 60% to Da Qin. Boss Bai is still able to call out the highest price of 300,000 yuan today. Surprise this palace.”

“The holy prince is absurd, and the Bai family relies on the holy prince to gain. To be honest, after the three hundred thousand dollars are taken out, my Bai family is empty.

Baihua worked in Baoyang County. Hearing about the auction held by Yingzheng, he participated in the auction under the guise of his distant relatives and children. It appeared on the auction floor today. Bai Huagan is now an old fox, and things related to the Prince, of course, can’t be missed.

Doesn’t this allow him to seize new business opportunities? Yingzheng picked up the cup on the table and played with it. His dry eyes followed his movements, clinging to the cup.

“Xiaomin is spending money here today for fear of bankruptcy. I want to discuss business with His Royal Highness to support the family. I don’t know what His Royal Highness wants?” Bai Huagan respectfully said his purpose. .

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