Chapter 381 At auction, tables, chairs and glasses

Many businessmen came to Xianyang City after hearing the news. They have lived in the inn since then, preparing for the auction wholeheartedly, and did not move around in Xianyang City. Daqin Xuezi Mansion happened to be near the new Xianyang Palace. They saw a tall building from a distance, reflecting a beautiful gleam in the morning sun, and they couldn’t help asking, “Ah! What is that?”

Daqin Xuezifu? Impossible, if you remember that direction correctly, it is the location of Xianyang Palace.

Merchants wandered among the six countries and had heard of the victory in the rebuilding of the Xianyang Palace. It’s just that I didn’t expect it to be built like this. It’s really terrifying to win the government. They are very interested in the things that reflect the light in the new Xianyang Palace. Unfortunately, I asked the people around, they don’t know what gems it is. The prince can always bring out things they have never heard of.

When they arrived at the Daqin Academy, the merchants were like chicken blood, constantly admiring the construction of the Daqin Academy: “It is indeed a place for the children of the nobles to study, and it is really extraordinary.,

Other businessmen sneered at this. Who didn’t know that this man had brought all the family property, and the quota was already in his pocket. When I say this now, the implication is also to lift up my son.

Han Fei and Li Si hurriedly arrived before winning the government and arranged for merchants to enter the auction house. Speaking of this auction site, it is not simple. The layout of the venue is like a sports field, in a ring shape. It is surrounded by cement and soil from low to high, and there are many tables and chairs on it. This is specially prepared by Yingzheng for the auction. The businessmen walked over and took a closer look, only to find that these tables and chairs were unique


These tables and chairs were all made by disciples of the Mo family. On the basis of the original tables and chairs, the height was adjusted to make them more reasonable. A curved arc is added to the back of the chair to fit the waist more closely. The center of the chair surface also has a downward depression, unlike the completely flat chair surface before, it is easy to get tired after sitting for a long time. The tables and chairs are covered with wool skin, and the inside is padded with wool,

It’s more comfortable to sit on.

After sitting down, the businessmen began to discuss: “Where do these tables and chairs come from? It’s so comfortable, 々.” Sheng Merchants touched the wool on the armrests of the chairs, only to feel that they felt very good.

“Who knows this, I have been in Xianyang City, and I have never heard of a merchant selling this thing. I am afraid that the Prince Prince did it again.” The two merchants glanced at each other, tacitly agreeing to each other.

“There are so many tricks of the Prince Prince. I just bought a set of Huanghuali tables and chairs at home last month. I regret the expensive ones. Now I see this table and chair, even more. I regret it,” he said and wiped his face with his hands, looking a little bit painful.

“Isn’t it? No matter how expensive Huanghuali is, the tables and chairs made are too hard. After sitting for a long time, my waist seems to be broken.” The merchant sighed helplessly. There is no need to consider practicality at all.

“Why don’t we businessmen sit often? When the accounts are messed up, we can sit there for two or three days without moving. You see, my belly is round. Fortunately, every seat in this place occupies a lot of space. Make it spacious, otherwise I really wonder if I can fit me.” The businessman said somewhat self-deprecatingly.

Not only that, the tables and chairs made by Yingzheng are much better than other tables and chairs. After the Mohist disciples made the tables and chairs, they were then handed over to Daqin Garment Factory to make the sheepskins. The female workers there were all ingenious and skillful in sewing. Wrapped in wool not only makes the tables and chairs more comfortable to use, but also changes in style. The beauty of wooden tables and chairs is nothing more than

Because of the wood grain, the tables and chairs made of wool leather can be decorated more as you like.

Some businessmen rushed through the night and did not sleep well. Now I feel very comfortable sitting on the soft wool chair. One inadvertently fell asleep, and his snoring can be heard throughout the auction house.

Soon after all the businessmen were seated, someone came to each of them to register them. This made the businessmen realize that they were at the auction, and their attention was all attracted by the tables and chairs, and they almost forgot the purpose of the trip. Those who were asleep were also woken up, wiped their saliva and registered.

A waiter came up with a tray in his hand and put the water he had prepared on the table. The merchants only felt a ray of light flashing, and when they fixed their eyes, it turned out to be a water glass. It was noon, and the sunlight projected the water light through the cup. This light was even more moving than the emerald. The merchants had never seen such treasures, and carefully held them up with both hands, and carefully considered them before their eyes.

Then, following the shaking of the water in the cup, the light cast was also unpredictable and intriguing.

*”What kind of new jade is this, it is so beautiful!” The businessman exclaimed from the bottom of his heart. He had seen many gems, among which jade was the most precious. The reflection of this thing in front of him was even more beautiful than jade. In his small size Within the scope of his cognition, I can only think of the new jadeite.

The merchants did not dare to touch the water in it, let alone drink it. What is contained in such a cup, I’m afraid it is jelly and jelly.

“How rich is this Saint Prince, you can buy so many emeralds?”

As soon as the word money was mentioned, other businessmen immediately spoke. They were not as good at doing business as the Prince Prince. They were also curious about how much money it would have to win politics: “I don’t know, the most important thing is that he also made these jadeites. The water cups are used to drink water, and these cups are used to entertain me and wait. This is simply a violent thing.”

“Yes, that’s right, if (Wang Wang’s) is made into jewelry or something, the price is so high that it is unimaginable.” Everyone sighed. A person who could even build the Xianyang Palace discussed his How much money has no meaning. That number is called: inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

“Here is the Saint Prince!” Zhao Gao’s voice interrupted the businessmen’s conversation, and they all got up and saluted.

Han Fei and Li Si walked over and separated on the side of Yingzheng. Winning the government walked slowly, stepping up to the center of the round stage, and looking at the neatly organized business people sitting down with satisfaction. Under the urging of innate vitality, everyone present can hear the voice of the victory: “You can come here today to say something similar to welcome. Because of the relationship between the emperor’s confession of the gods, the momentum is as above.

Ancient emperor.

Regardless of the content of the words, these merchants tremble and almost kneel down. .

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