Chapter 380 Spend money to buy future

The news of winning politicians’ auctions spread like wildfire. When people doing business in the six countries heard the news, they didn’t do business, and what business they were doing. This auction was the top priority and turned around. It doesn’t matter how much you lose, just rush back.

The number of places this time has nothing to do with the aptitude of the children in your family, and you don’t need to rely on personal connections, just use your financial resources to decide. They have worked hard in the business world for most of their lives, and they have not experienced auctions less often. They are willing to bankrupt their family for the sake of rare and exotic treasures, let alone for their own children.

As soon as the businessmen went home, no matter what the trouble was, they quickly asked the accountant to check how much money they had. This time they wanted to put all their wealth on it.

Every one of them thought about it. They didn’t get anything in the auction, and at most they lost face. If they didn’t bid for the quota, their children would definitely hate them in the future. Not only that, they would be looked down upon by other businessmen. If the children of other businessmen have become so prosperous because they entered Daqin Academy, they still have to look at them, and they will regret death when they live 08 alive.

The next day, the merchants prepared their money, loaded them into their carriages, and rushed to Xianyang City. The people of Xianyang City would only see such a scene during the imperial examination. A group of people gathered from all directions into the city of Xianyang. Okay, all the business is left, everything is ready, just owe


Yingzheng is also preparing for the auction. The other palace people in the Prince’s Mansion feel that the Saint Prince is mysterious recently. The giants of Zhao Gao and Sanmo keep going in and out of the Prince’s Mansion, seeming to be busy with something. Ordinarily, it’s just an auction. What does Prince Sheng need to prepare? The Daqin Glass Factory in Baoyang County is very busy, and they are rushing to work Sheng Prince Xin

A batch of goods ordered.

In Xianyang City, businessmen crowded each other in the inn, bowing their heads and not looking up. Although this auction was a competitive relationship, they still had to maintain business relations in an embarrassing manner. They could only smile and be courteous to each other.

At the dinner table, a businessman looked around and lowered his voice. Another businessman knew that this was about to tell important news, and he turned his ears over: “The news I just got, this year Ji Zhong will also enter Daqin Academy to study.”

“Who is Ji Zhong?” The other businessman was a little puzzled. He didn’t seem to have heard the name.

“You don’t know this? The son of Ji Ya, who doesn’t know Ji Ya now. She was pulled by the holy prince and the carp jumped into the dragon gate. Now in Daqin, he is more powerful than Li Si Han Fei and the others. “The businessman’s tone was exaggerated, and he tried to keep his voice down so as not to let others in the inn hear him.

Another businessman suddenly realized that they all knew that the Saint Prince valued Ji Ya very much and promoted him again and again. Ji Ya even took the word loyalty in the name of her child to show her loyalty. Ji Ya’s future is infinitely good, and Ji Zhong certainly can be touched by the light of his father’s generation. The eyes of the two businessmen brightened. Originally, ordinary people of the Ji family had their current glory thanks to the imperial examination system. Now they have become businessmen.

People are unattainable and famous.

Everything in the middle is embarrassing. The merchants also wanted to make the glory of Ji’s family reappear in their home. Send your own children to the school, get to know Ji Zhong, and then get a fame in the imperial examination, and make a good relationship, they will be the next Ji family. Every businessman is having such a dream.

“You said that the friendship between classmates is reliable.” A businessman started to retreat. His business days were short and his family was not as solid as other businessman. Asking this question was nothing more than to find comfort in his heart.

“We have to fight whether we are reliable or not. We are all big bosses. We haven’t read any books. We don’t know a few big characters. We don’t even have a window, let alone classmate friendship. This is what Qin Xueli said, and we want to talk about it. Righteousness, these children are sent in, not all of them are studying Qin Xue. After that, if there is something to do with each other, they must not help each other.” The merchant revealed

With a treacherous smile, when working hard in the mall, they desperately to maintain their personal connections, for this set. The officialdom is protected by officials, and the truth is naturally the same.

The businessman nodded like garlic. It seemed that he was still relatively inexperienced in the market, and he couldn’t even see this. After he figured it out, he sighed: “Oh. How would that be good. To be honest, I have nothing in my heart to participate in the auction this time. I am just a small businessman. I only got a few clothes to sell before they were sent

Family. In this auction, even if I got all my wealth in, I couldn’t be more than that group of old foxes. “The little businessman had no choice but to ask for help: “Otherwise, if you lend me a little bit this time, you will return it as a bonus in the future.” ”

“You are laughing now. The auction is coming soon. Don’t say I won’t lend you. If you ask the merchants throughout Xianyang, no one will lend you.” Don’t look at these merchants sitting together now and talking about the wine, waiting for tomorrow. When it comes to the auction, it is all enemies.

The little businessman was frowning. The other old foxes seemed to see a piece of fat in front of them, and didn’t know how to hide their happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy in their hearts. One 457 must not be a businessman who can do business. Several well-off businessmen walked over and said: Difficulty, what do you have on hand, if it is good, I can buy it now.”

Then there was a low price, relying on the small merchants to rush the money and buy it at a very low price. These goods were originally shelved by the small merchants, and they were ready to be sold when the price was good. After just listening to other people’s words, they were so anxious that they sold them so cheaply.

For these merchants who bought other goods, they are already determined to get the quota tomorrow, and the money they just bought for the goods is simply not within the auction budget. This trip to do business with auctions is really cunning.

It doesn’t matter if the little merchant loses, there are many merchants who have followed his example, and talked about a few losing businesses in one night, just to quickly gather wealth and welcome tomorrow’s auction. In the business world, big fish eat small fish and small fish eat dried shrimps. This kind of situation is what Big Fish loves most, but I dare not let go of buying a lot tonight, if it is for business delay

If you have a major event, the gain is not worth the loss.

As the moon sinks and the sun rises, the night of intrigue among the merchants is over. They packed up one after another and went to Daqin Xuezi Mansion to participate in the auction. At this moment, they hadn’t thought of what they would see at the auction. ,

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