Chapter 379 Daqin Xuezifu! [Third more, please customize]

In addition to the magnificent three-story buildings surrounding Daqin City, where the new Xianyang City is constructed, it is enviable. Next to the new Xianyang City, there is a newly constructed building. This architectural style is not as rich as the Xianyang Palace. Stately, on the contrary, it gives people a sense of beauty, and the five characters on the plaque: “Daqin Xuezifu”.

Yingzheng only issued an order not long ago, and today this institution has been built. The people of Xianyang City said that it was changed, and how could it be built so quickly. This speed is nothing to say to the giants of Sanmo.

Han Fei and Li Si traveled with each other and were ordered by the Holy Prince yesterday. The outstanding talents in the first imperial examination were sent to teach, and the two of them served as the chief and deputy chiefs respectively. They entered the Daqin Academy, which was very elegantly built. Although it was not as open as the previous Central Academy, it was also an elegant place.

The newly printed bibliography was sent to “Four-Five-Seven”. Han Fei and Li Si took a look at them. They were all unheard of subjects: Chinese, mathematics, politics, and physics. These are all derived from the Qin School of Yingzheng, and they are more detailed than before. It will be used as a textbook for the Daqin Academy in the future.

The new school attracted the attention of the people in Xianyang City. They gathered at the gate of Daqin Xuezi Mansion and looked inside curiously. Han Fei and Li Si walked over: “The Daqin Academy was specially set up by the Prince Sheng to further cultivate talents. In the future, the content of the imperial examination will be tested around the subjects taught in the Daqin Academy.”

These people looked at Han Fei and Li Si in confusion, they didn’t understand the significance of winning the government. Han Fei and Li Si didn’t say much, the pros and cons of this will naturally be understood by those who understand.

Today is the first day that the Daqin Academy is built. There are no people in it, only Han Fei and Li Si, and some coolies for transporting things. Yingzheng has instructed that if people are curious about Xuezi Mansion, they are allowed to visit inside.

People who entered the Xuezi Mansion were all admired: “This building is so beautiful. Look where you look, and the compartments are like the ones in the Juxian Building.” This person has watched the imperial examinations before. Outside the door, I saw the structure inside the Juxian Building.

Li Si explained: “This is a place specially used for examinations, and their studies can be checked at any time.

The people of Xianyang City were curious to visit. In addition to the places where the students study, they are also interested in places such as canteens and dormitories. Come here? ”

Li Si saw how ordinary the couple were wearing, and sighed softly: “His Royal Highness has ordered that this school currently only accepts the children of aristocrats and high-ranking officials.

When the couple heard this, the expressions on their faces were obviously dimmed. They knew that their identities were humble and could not be compared.

Li Si comforted them: “The Saint Prince is not unfeeling. If your child is striving and is a plastic talent, he can enter the Central Academy. Gold will shine everywhere.

“We are grateful that the Prince is too late, how could he say that he is unfeeling. It just depends on whether my doll’s brain is bright enough.” The couple continued to visit after speaking, their eyes were full of envy, but they were just civilians. , Even my own children are tired.

These conversations were heard by the businessman on the side, and their ears were pointed like monkeys. A key message was immediately caught: “All the children of nobles, high-ranking officials and famous sects will be enrolled!” The businessman did not dare to slacken his efforts, and hurriedly spread the news. Everyone knows that the city is full of ups and downs for a while.

All the businessmen were jealous and crazy, and they all made small calculations in their hearts. If you send your own children in, you can not only enjoy the environment inside, but also take the opportunity to get to know the Daqin officials in the future. , To build a teacher-student relationship

Also good. If the child is neat, maybe the child really enters the officialdom through the imperial examination, that is the real lintel.

No matter how rich a businessman is, he is also a cheap citizen. After entering officialdom, it is the right way to go to official career. Businessmen desperately work hard to make money, and they will try to stabilize their children and grandchildren and create a bright road for them. In the past, they wanted to send their children into officialdom, but now they finally have a chance. This news made the whole Daqin a sensation.

All the rich people in each city-state seemed to be mad, desperately desperate for the opportunity to enroll in the Daqin Academy. Spend money and buy relationships, just to win a place for their children.

Han Fei and Li Si coldly rejected them: “None of them will be accepted.

The businessmen were anxiously red eyes: “Two adults, my children are very smart. They can read at one year old and can read and write at two years old. They can be clever in their brains. As long as you have a little training, they will become great in the future.”

“If you want to be so magical, just send it to the Central Academy. This place only accepts the children of the nobles and is not suitable for your children.”

“Sir, please don’t say that. Our businessmen are indeed not as noble as the nobles. If you ask, I will get you any rare treasures.” Merchants can only use money to bribe.

“Nonsense! As the minister of the criminal ministry, how can I allow you to pay bribes!” Li Siyi said righteously. The businessman was taken aback and shut up quickly, wondering if there was any other way to make Han Fei and Li Si carry him. One hand.

Standing next to them were their own children. These children thought it was because they were stupid that the university didn’t want them. Seeing that their father was rejected, they couldn’t help but shed tears. The businessmen can only coax their children: “Don’t cry, don’t cry, you can rest assured that even if your family is ruined, you will be sent in.”

Han Fei looked at this group of businessmen trying to win a seat for their children at all costs, and felt that the fire was almost over. He smiled and said: “Everyone, although Daqin Xuezi Mansion will not accept your kindness, fortunately, His Royal Highness Saint Prince is kind and understands your anxious mood.” 1.3

His words caught everyone’s attention. They all stared at Han Fei, expecting him to convey the benevolent decision of the Prince. Now they lack hope. As long as there is a little bit, the merchants will firmly grasp it.

Under the scorching gaze, Han Fei continued to say: “Three days later, Daqin Xuezifu will organize donations. There are only 100 places. Whoever donates the most will naturally have this place.

After listening, the merchants looked at each other, and their jealousy instantly turned into opposites. They are all determined to win this place. They also donated money when they won the government-run school last time, but it is definitely different from this time. Last time they were planning talents for the development of the family industry.

Putting the honor of the whole family on it, the amount of money donated is not too much than the last time. .

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