Chapter 378 Grab it! [Second more, please customize]

There are curses in the courts of the Six Nations, and it is so far away that Da Qin won the government. He doesn’t care what these people say. Counting money is tiring enough, so he can take care of these nosy matters.

Listening to the king’s angry curses, the ministers underneath did not think so. They only captured one important message: “Yingzheng has built houses for all Daqin officials.” They were already moved by the three-story building. As ministers, why didn’t they have such good treatment, which made them feel very uneasy. Although the price of 30 million is really amazing


Ying Zheng sneezed for no reason, and Zhao Gao quickly closed his chattering mouth, and asked with concern: “His Royal Highness is affected by the wind and cold, so the servant will go to teach the imperial doctor.”

Shui Qing said on the side: “I am afraid that there are people in the six kingdoms who are jealous of the crown prince, who are chattering.

Yingzheng smiled: “No, this is someone-miss me.”

Hearing this, Shui Qing suddenly raised her head, her eyes widened slightly, and her face flushed. Her own careful thoughts were seen through by the winning government. She stood there a little flustered, and her soft-hearted hands tightened unconsciously, causing her soft-hearted to crawl out.

Zhao Gao didn’t understand his meaning: “His Royal Highness, what do you mean by this?”

“Zhao Gao, pass my order. Daqin house-building factories will be opened in various city-states. Anyone who wants to buy a house will be treated equally regardless of country.”

This decision came too abruptly, and Zhao Gao couldn’t react, and Ying Zheng continued to explain: “As long as you pay enough silver, there will be someone to arrange the construction.”

Hearing this, Zhao Gaocai showed a look of enlightenment, and he couldn’t help but stretched out his thumb: “Holy Prince, this is a clever trick. Now Da Qin is living in a three-story small attic from the top of the king and the officials to the people. I’m afraid people want to be crazy.”

Those nobles certainly don’t care about the money, and don’t know how much money they can make this time. At the thought of making money again, Zhao Gao was as excited as he was beaten up. I ran all the way to convey the Prince’s order.

On the day when the Daqin House Factory was built in various city-states, the people of the Six Nations also got the news. They were dying with joy in their hearts, but they couldn’t show it on their faces. The monarchs of various countries hated the victory of the government, and they can’t wait to get rid of it. They don’t discuss state affairs in the court every day, and they are not as powerful as the Qin State. The way to deal with the winning government is not discussed anymore,

Discussing and discussing is not about looking at the back of the winning government. As soon as I arrived at the court, I could only hear the voice of the king cursing to win the government, as if a big living person far away in the sky could really be scolded to death by him.

The ministers of the six countries could only cooperate with the emperor on the surface, but secretly figured out where to build a three-story small pavilion. Every day people go to court, but their servants take silver to Daqin’s house building factory.

The monarchs of the six kingdoms also noticed that the court officials were somewhat different. They were unwilling to curse and the courtiers were absent-minded, which made them even more angry: “What are you thinking? Say! The widows heard that they won the government and come out again. Moth, sold the house. You all listen, if the widow finds out that someone has built Daqin’s house, the widow will beheaded.”

There are policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom. The ministers all know that the king did not stop what the winning government wanted to do, and none of them succeeded. What’s more, it’s not just the officials who want to buy. In the six countries, everyone who has money and can afford it has an idea. If you want to buy it, you have to buy it.

In the Daqin building factory, the raw materials sent from the glass factory and the steelmaking factory are piled up like a mountain, and people sent by the giants of Sanmo sit in the town. There was a long line outside the door. They all came from different places in the Six Nations, carrying boxes of silver and preparing to send them inside. The money does not belong to these slaves, they are all doing things for their masters, and they can’t help but sigh when looking at the scene in front of them.

“It’s really hard to die, to die of starvation. We can’t make a box of silver in our lives as cattle and horses. There are hundreds of boxes of money to send in here and we have to line up.”

When the queue finally arrives, you have to register if you carry the money in.

The servants had been in a hurry after waiting for so long, and asked in a bad tone: “What are you registering? Didn’t you say that you came to build a house after you gave the money? How come you are back, Da Qin is so untrustworthy?”

The registrant was also not very angry: “There are not enough people to build the house. They are waiting one by one in the order of first come first arrival. If you don’t want to wait, you can take your money away and the house will not be built.” Rush people.

0……for flowers…

When the servant heard it, it didn’t work. When the owner knew that he would be punished, he rushed to admit his mistake in a good voice.

The Daqin House Factory is building houses very fast. Three-story small attics have risen from the ground in six countries. The people who own the houses are happy. They know that Daqin officials bought them at a price of 30,000. But I bought it for only ten thousand taels, thinking about it, I still feel that I have made money.

It’s right for people who really earn money to win the government. Daqin’s house factory has made a profit of as much as 10 million taels! Yingzheng is very satisfied with this number, and he is not in a hurry. Earn more.

The monarchs of all countries saw the three-story small attic appearing on the land, and they were shocked at first. This kind of house has never been seen before, and it looks pretty good from a distance. Then there is curiosity. I don’t know whether this house is stable or not, and what kind of layout it looks like inside. Then there is anger. Winning politics is no longer a way to grab money with a brush or rice paper.

It’s too much to let people rush to send money. This recognition made them flip the table angrily.

Finally, they came up with an idea that they couldn’t believe. Monarchs of various countries also want to have a three-story small attic to experience it. Being disturbed at night by these three-story small attic, I finally couldn’t help it after tossing and turning. I asked the eunuchs around me to buy a set under the guise of other names. They cursed victory in the court all day, and they also banned it.

Baiguan was not allowed to buy Daqin’s house. Now he digs holes and jumps on his own. If he is discovered, his face as a monarch will disappear.

Shui Qing quickly discovered the six unusual entries in the accounts, which happened to be six different countries. : “It’s really interesting, the Six Kingdoms couldn’t hold back.”

Shui Qing didn’t understand what Yingzheng was talking about, and just asked: “Please indicate clearly when going down to the Palace of the Holy Prince, how should I deal with these six accounts?”

“Even in the head of the monarchs of the six nations.” Yingzheng threw away the books. factory,

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