Chapter 373 The name moves the world! [third update, ask for customization]

After roughly reading the drawings, Ying Zichu looked at Ying Zheng for a long time in surprise, until he really understood that Ying Zheng did not joke with himself.

Ying Zheng stepped forward and stood beside Ying Zi Chu: “Look, father, the painting here is the bedroom, and there is a three-story small attic on the side, which is very close so that the father and the king can come and go at will. As for the father, he just promised. The other two three-story small attics of Wang have not been designed yet.

Ying Zichu nodded, one is his bedroom as a king, and the other is his home as an ordinary person. Win Zichu is very satisfied with the design put together.

“My father just said that the imperial study room was not sufficiently ventilated because the air outlet was blocked by other houses. The son-chen set up the imperial study room here. The surrounding area was wide open and planted with flowers and low trees. The wind blowing into the imperial study room would also smell of flowers. “Ying Zheng pointed to a position in the picture.

Ying Zichu nodded in satisfaction, this design is also good. As a king, he often has to stay in the imperial study room, where the environment is not good.

“Also, here is the Imperial Garden. It is more than four times larger than the current Imperial Garden. Not only can it raise the current exotic flowers and plants, but if there are other flowers and plants in the future, they can also be planted in it.” Chu knows what Yingzheng’s words mean, and where there are strange flowers and plants. Now in Daqin’s imperial garden, there are no more precious flowers and plants from the Six Kingdoms.

Yingzheng is to rebuild the Xianyang Palace in name for itself, but in fact it is to rebuild the palace of Daqin, including the share of the seven kingdoms. By then, Xianyang Palace will be more than the capital of this small land.

Winner Chu smiled bitterly: “Zheng’er, it’s not for my father to disagree. The taxation of your Baoyang County has relieved a lot of pressure on Daqin Treasury, and it is even enough to support my expenses for the next 40 years, but to build a Xianyang A matter of such a size as the palace, the expenses are so great that even the current state treasury of the Great Qin State must be reduced by as much as 50%.”

Zhao Gao said from the side: “The king is too worried. His Royal Highness has rebuilt the houses of the people in Xianyang City. Now it is not difficult to build a Xianyang Palace.”

Ying Zichu said, “The people who built the houses in Xianyang City were also paid for by the people. Not only would they not reduce the treasury, but they would also make a lot of money. Moreover, Xianyang Palace is a palace. How does it compare with the houses of ordinary people!”

Zhao Gao obediently shut up after being fiercely refuted. Ying Zi Chu sighed again: “Even if the father agrees, the ministers will never agree -“.

After saying this, Zhao Gao understood from the bottom of his heart that Ying Zichu’s careful thinking, he wanted a brand new Xianyang Palace, but he didn’t dare to take the risk of being reprimanded by the world.

“Erchen understands.” Ying Zichu looked at the appearance of Yingzheng, without any retreat in the slightest. It was obvious that he did not give up the plan to rebuild the Xianyang Palace.

Winner Chu was puzzled, but he did not refute. He was quietly waiting for the explanation of Winning.

“In the future, the layout of Baoyang County will definitely expand, and the children will let everyone in the six countries know about it. The children will ask his father a question.”

Winning Zichu didn’t know why Winning would suddenly mention Baoyang County: “Ask the prince.”

“If the father is asked to think about the Six Kingdoms, where is there other than Daqin, what is the first reaction of the father?”

Winning Zichu didn’t even think about it, and blurted out: “Zhao Guo’s Feixue Pavilion.”

Ying Zheng slightly raised the corners of his mouth: “Why is Feixue Pavilion the first thing that father can think of?”

This question made Ying Zichu a little embarrassed. Feixue Pavilion is well-known as a dancer, and she suddenly thought of Feixue Pavilion, which inevitably made people mistaken for lust.

Win Zheng didn’t think so. He said on behalf of Win Zi Chu: “Because Feixue Pavilion is so famous, where there is Yuxue Feihuatai, it is a rare treasure in the world. There are many beautiful dancers. They are all one by one. Dancing the world. From this, everyone in the six nations knows Feixue Pavilion. Even people who don’t know how to dance and dance, they know Feixue Pavilion.”

Winning Zichu eased the embarrassment a little: “The prince was right, and it is precisely because of this that the widow thinks of Feixue Pavilion.

“Erchen is exactly what he meant. There are so many good things in Baoyang County, which are only known to merchants now. In the future, Echen will expand Baoyang County’s influence and make him known to everyone like Feixuege. .”

Winning Zichu nodded, the idea of ​​the prince is actually not difficult to realize. But what does this have to do with the reconstruction of Xianyang Palace?

“Among the Seven Kingdoms, no palace in any country can be as famous as Feixue Pavilion. Is the treasure in the palace less famous than Yuxue Feihuatai? Or is it that the imperial concubine is not as beautiful as the dancers in Feixue Pavilion? I am afraid that the reason is not so. It is the monarchs of all countries who dare not build a magnificent palace, just thinking of frugality to show the world.”

0……Look for flowers…

This made Ying Zichu feel that he was talking about himself, but thinking about it carefully, it seemed that all kings were like this.

“Erchen’s reconstruction of the Xianyang Palace is exactly this, so that Daqin has enough fame, and the construction of other things can not achieve the fame, Xianyang Palace can achieve. Let the six countries see the prosperity of Da Qin.” Ying Sheng’s tone was very firm and let it win. Zi Chu felt unable to refute.

“What about fame? Is it worth it to exchange a lot of money for fame?” Ying Zichu was a little worried, as long as he nodded his head, one-fifth of the treasury would be gone.

“Naturally worth it. Fame can attract people from the Six Nations, including business. Just like the people of the Six Nations spend sky-high prices on Feixue Pavilion, is it really good to say something? I am afraid that it is not necessarily true. Yuxue Feihuatai is more expensive than time. There are too many expensive things. The dancing girls are beautiful and moving, and the real beauty is probably not among them. They go to Feixue Pavilion for nothing more than famous

Away in anger.

If the Xianyang Palace had such a reputation, then people from the Six Nations would also come in droves. At that time, Daqin’s business will expand to the six countries, and I am afraid that its income will far exceed today’s consumption. Win Zichu has already moved.

“Why does the father care about the criticisms of the courtiers? I’m afraid they will change their faces immediately and say that your decision is very wise.” Ying Zichu was shocked when he heard the plan of the government.

In the courtroom, he has seen too many of the courtiers who have changed their faces before and after. All those who deny winning the government will end up reaping the consequences. Winning Zichu thinks sadly, I am afraid that he is the same as those people.

“What the prince said, the widow is accurate. Just follow this drawing of the prince to transform the Xianyang Palace! Tomorrow, the widow will issue an order on top of the court. The prince only needs to let it go, don’t worry about it.” Yes, if you say that you need to rebuild, don’t you just give one-fifth of the treasury to the prince’s flower, and it doesn’t hurt at all.

At that time, you will truly become a behemoth mastering the financial power of the Seven Kingdoms. factory,

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