Chapter 374 Win the political power of one person! [First update, please customize]

Ying Zichu sat alone in the imperial study, using the brush and rice paper that Ying Zheng presented to him. Write Yuzhao with a stroke of a pen. Just as he promised to win the government, he announced the reconstruction of the Xianyang Palace to the world. Winning Zichu knew that the only way to do this was correct. Even if he had doubts in his heart, he wrote every word with force.

This Yuzhao was quickly sent to the hands of the courtiers. They all felt incredible. Why did the king suddenly want to rebuild the Xianyang Palace? He made up his mind to ask the question tomorrow morning. Yu Zhao was reprinted and posted in the city. Some of the people made a protest: “The king is too extravagant and wasteful to do this. Even if the great power of the Qin Dynasty is strong,

I can’t help but be so defeated. If you want to rebuild the Xianyang Palace today, something will be built tomorrow. ”

Someone heard him say this and snorted coldly: “You are really heartless when you say this. Why didn’t you hear your complaints when you rebuilt Xianyang City?”

This person was not convinced yet, and mumbled quietly: “Rebuilding Xianyang City is for the benefit of the people. Can the house we live in is comparable to Xianyang Palace?”

Above the court, the hundreds of civil and military officials all had expressions on their faces when they came to court. Everyone knows that there is a major issue to be discussed today. A minister stood up and asked: “The minister received Yu Zhao yesterday and heard that the king was going to rebuild the Xianyang Palace. I don’t know if it is true or not.

“Widow personally write Yuzhao, how can it be fake?”

“Shu Chen is abrupt, but the content of this edict is really puzzling. I don’t know if the king can help the minister.

King Zhuang Xiang didn’t speak, and Ying Zheng stood up and said: “The father has decided to rebuild the Xianyang Palace, and the imperial Zhao has been released. The officials only need to act according to the king’s order.”

A scholar-official said: “The king suddenly wants to rebuild the Xianyang Palace. I am afraid that he has been deceived by the traitor. The king must not do this. Once the Xianyang Palace is rebuilt, he will be scolded by the world. Guess the idea of ​​rebuilding the Xianyang Palace this time is yours.”

“It’s this palace.” Yingzheng didn’t intend to hide anything.

“The minister knows that Baoyang County, where His Royal Highness Prince Prince, has a lot of tax and silver, but that money is only a drop in the bucket for the reconstruction of the Xianyang Palace. The Saint Prince must think twice.”

As soon as the minister’s voice fell, another minister stood up and continued to say: “The Great Qin Treasury has just become stronger, so it must not be the case. The Holy Prince thinks twice.

Now it’s alright, let him think twice about each one. If it is useful, he must be determined. Winning government no longer talks nonsense with them: “The palace will not let the Daqin treasury pay a cent for the money for the reconstruction of the Xianyang Palace, and the money and wealth of the new Xianyang Palace will be borne by one person!”

The civil and military of the Manchu dynasty were shocked to the end. If you can say this, I don’t know how rich it is to win the government?

“The Saint Prince alone bears all the expenses of the entire Xianyang Palace. This is probably unrealistic. The Saint Prince knows that the grand palace is very different from the three-story small attic built by the former Saint Prince. The palace is a symbol of power and gold is everywhere. Inlaid with jade, all the treasures of the world belong to it, one brick and one tile, one wood, one stone, one flower and one grass are all rare and exotic treasures, I am afraid it is the Holy Prince alone

Out of financial means. ”

The minister’s speech was quite euphemistic. The scholar-bureaucrats couldn’t close their mouths when they heard Yingzheng’s words like this: “Holy Prince, are you trying to build Xianyang Palace into a thatched hut and broken stables? In that case, the Prince’s money is enough. I just don’t know how the king lives? After the construction, I’m afraid it will become the laughing stock of the world and ridicule the people of the world.”

The scholar-bureaucrats finally caught the mistake of winning the government. They believed that the rebuilding of the Xianyang Palace this time was to fight the fire with moths and kill themselves. No matter how rich he is, it is impossible to take out the money to rebuild the Xianyang Palace, and he will not be able to fill up the swollen face and fill the fat man. Now is the best time for them to laugh and win politics: “Holy Prince, if it is time for Xianyang The palace is half built,

What should you do if you suddenly run out of money? Not only Xianyang Palace will be ridiculed at that time, people in the world will probably criticize you when it comes to you.

The scholar-official smiled while covering his mouth, his eyes kept watching whether there was any reaction in Yingzheng. Yingzheng’s expression was very calm. Almost everyone in the court heard objection, but he didn’t care at all.

“It’s better for us to make a bet on whether this palace can rebuild Xianyang Palace.”

The scholar-bureaucrats are coming. They are determined that winning the government will never be able to rebuild. The bigger the bet, the better: “The Holy Prince is determined to do this. Naturally I can’t stop it. What is the Holy Prince’s bet?”

“Since I gave my pet dog to others, I have never heard a dog barking in Xianyang Palace again. It’s better to let the loser crawl around with the dog in the new Xianyang Palace Middle School.” Ying Zheng looked coldly. The scholar-bureaucrats seem to be asking if they dare to gamble.

The scholar-officials were a little excited when they heard this bet. If they could see such a humiliating day to win politics in their lifetime, it would be worth their death: “We bet.” They felt that not only had to climb a circle in the Xianyang Palace, but also let the people. They all saw: “Why do you want to climb around the Xianyang Gong Palace again, what do you think of the Prince?” Their eyes shot a fierce light.

“Naughty!” Winning Zichu listened to a group of courtiers betting such an insulting bet, and the prince followed the prank. He really couldn’t stand it, and he was ready to stop them.

Yingzheng said, “Father, don’t worry, your sons and ministers are just joking.”

The scholar-officials thought that this was a win in politics, and they said with great intent: “His Royal Highness, is this afraid? Or are you going to abandon the reconstruction of Xianyang Palace?”

Winning Zi Chu felt a little entangled when he heard that he had given up rebuilding the Xianyang Palace. Yingzheng said in time: “Of course we need to rebuild. Since you are so looking forward to your bet, just follow this. Then you should not be wronged.”

The scholar-bureaucrats raised their chins and let out a sigh of relief: “If a gentleman says a word, it’s hard to chase a horse.” At this time, he pretended to be a gentleman.

This incident quickly spread to the Six Nations, and the hundreds of officials and monarchs all laughed 1.3 times.

When King Chukaole heard the news, his reaction was even more exaggerated: “That Winner Chu was so squandering, it is really stupid. If he was a widow, he would have poured all his money into the army a long time ago. Winning the government would be even more stupid. How could it be possible? People bear the money for the new Xianyang Palace and make that kind of bet. When he loses the day, the widow must go to Xianyang to see in person, hahaha.”

The hundreds of officials also agreed: “What the king said is that this trick is really stupid. Then Qin has made a lot of money from the six countries, and now it can be defeated all at once, and used to build a middle school. Playthings that are inconspicuous are really the best thing in the world.”

The people of the Six Nations were all waiting to see Da Qin’s jokes. They looked forward to the appearance of a dog chewing after the victory of the government fell from a height. .

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