Chapter 372 Rebuilding Xianyang Palace

Winning son Chu Xian had nothing to do and found the winning government. The two talked like ordinary father and son, except that they were talking about national affairs. Winning Zichu was very satisfied with winning politics, always praised him for being a king, and felt that he was not as good as his son.

“The prince has made great contributions to my Daqin over the years. A Baoyang county is comparable to Xianyang. Now where people live and work in peace and contentment, the widows have to admit that the prince is capable of reaching the sky.” Xianyang is the foot of the emperor, if Baoyang County is really better than Xianyang. Prosperity, that win Zi Chu is completely speechless.

Yingzheng said humbly: “The father is willing to give his children the opportunity to have such an effect.”

“The prince is too modest. The prince can still remember that there was a minister named Ji Ya in the court. He was personally recommended by the prince. Two days ago, the widow impeached a scholar-official for embezzlement. The evidence is solid and the widow wanted to get rid of that. It’s a scholar-official, which is just what you want.”

“The son-chen naturally remembers that this Ji Ya was born in the imperial examination system, so he can be outstanding. The son-chen has high hopes for him.” The impeachment of the scholar-bureaucrat was instructed by the government, but the evidence was collected by Ji Ya alone. Zheng is very satisfied with his efficiency.

“With the 453 imperial examination system, all the talents of the world will belong to Daqin, and the imperial examination system will be held soon. When the time comes, the widows will also want to go upstairs in Juxian.

“The sons and ministers will accompany the father and the king.”

Winning Zichu knew the rules of the Juxian Building exam. He wanted to know if he would feel like he was above the brains of the world when sitting on the third floor of the Juxian Building.

“Hey.” Ying Zichu sighed.

“Why did the father sigh for no reason?” It is said that everything in Daqin is all right now. It is the monarch of the Six Kingdoms who should sigh, not the King Zhuangxiang of Daqin.

“Recently, the widow always feels that the body is a little tired, it seems that the sun is slanting.” Ying Zichu’s tone is low, and the expression on his face also shows a sad look.

What he meant was that he felt that he was old, his body was not good enough, and he was always very sleepy. Yingzheng was a little bit astonished. He didn’t understand why Ying Zichu would suddenly say this: “If the father finds trivial matters complicated, he can be handed over to his sons and ministers to take care of the father’s more rest, and he should get better.”

Win Zichu closed his eyes: “I’m a little tired. When the widow (aibd) is tired, he must go to the three-story small attic built by the prince for the widow to rest. What is the best for the widow. place.”

“Father, if you like it.”

Winning Zi Chu’s words changed: “Widows naturally like them. Not only widows like them, but courtiers and concubines also like it. Many courtiers have the same small attic, but the concubines

The previous experience of Zhao Gao in Zhao Ji Palace when he offered quilts and Qiu Yi long trousers was told to Ying Zheng. Now that the winning government can roughly guess, it is the jealousy of the harem again.

“Erchen is willing to build two more identical small attics for his mother and the emperor’s grandmother, just in the harem.” Ying Zheng took the initiative.

“It’s the best. Only the widows can enjoy it. If they are in private, they will say that the widows are not.” Ying Zi Chu breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, his own son is generous enough. “The ministers of the DPRK are always talking behind their backs, saying that the widow is too nostalgic for the house built by the prince.”

Ying Zheng remembered what Ying Zi Chu had said in the three-story small attic that day. I am afraid that it is the only piece of pure land that Ying Zi Chu has now.

Ying Zichu began to say enthusiastically: “The prince always has many ideas in terms of architecture. It is better to rebuild the imperial study room of the widow. Most of the time, the widow will sit in the imperial study room. The ventilation is not good. I feel a little bored after sitting for a long time.

Yingzheng nodded. The location of the Imperial Study Room is not very good. Opening a few more windows may not be able to change the shortcomings of poor ventilation.

“It seems good to change the Imperial Garden. The Imperial Garden is full of famous and responsible flowers and plants, but the widows feel that the layout of the Imperial Garden is too messy. The famous and responsible flowers and plants are messy, just like wild flowers and weeds.”

“Father is right. The Royal Garden is too small. If you want to put down countless precious flowers and plants, it will naturally be crowded.”

After thinking about it, Ying Zi Chu Si said for a while that it should be rebuilt, where it should be rebuilt, and all of them were denied. After considering for a long time, he finally said: “Sure enough, it is the Yushufang and Yuhuayuan that should be rebuilt. Which of the two is better?”

Ying Zheng knew what Ying Zi Chu was worrying about. He had just ascended the throne for more than a year. As a monarch, you must lead by example, and don’t be extravagant. If the palace is built lavishly, it will only make the people think that he is a profligate and mediocre monarch. Win politics pondered for a moment.

Seeing this scene, Ying Zichu was a little ambitious: “Is it too much?” He asked Ying Zheng tentatively. After all, he had to rely on the prince to do everything he wanted to build. “Why not, let the prince build a three-story small attic for your mother and Xia Ji first. There is no hurry to rebuild the palace for the widows. You can wait a little longer. The widows should also consider how to compare.

Suitable. ”

As Ying Zi Chu Zheng said, Ying Zheng suddenly said: “Father, the reconstruction is indeed inappropriate.”

Winning Zichu was a little sad, even the prince felt wrong, I am afraid he also felt that he was extravagant and extravagant. King Zhuang Xiang knew this was right, but he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. As a king, he didn’t like any negative voices, and sometimes even if he encountered negatives, he had to go his own way.

“Father, how about a son-chen rebuilding a Xianyang palace for you?” Ying Zheng raised his eyes and looked directly at Ying Zi Chu. His eyes reflected the expressions of Ying Zi Chu gradually becoming strange, surprised and unbelievable.

“What is the prince talking nonsense? Rebuilding the Xianyang Palace is not a joke.

“Erchen knows that he is not playing around, he is serious.” The expression on Yingzheng’s face was very firm.

Winning Zichu also felt that every time the prince showed such an expression, it meant that he was not joking. No matter how incredible the things he heard, the prince was determined to win.

Ying Zheng asked Zhao Gao to fetch the things on his desk and presented it to Ying Zichu. Ying Zichu looked at this drawing, his eyes widened: “Prince, what do you mean by this?”

“As early as today, before the father called the son, the son was already thinking about rebuilding the Xianyang Palace, but the father happened to mention it. This picture has not been completed, and I wanted to give it to the father after it was completely completed. “Ying Zheng said lightly.

Ying Zichu felt that every word Ying Zheng said was hitting his heart, and the things drawn in this picture were really incredible. He saw the glorious Xianyang Palace from this picture. .

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