Chapter 371 Six countries, powerless to stop!

There are also many opposing voices among the six countries. Wei Guo and Wei Wuji looked at the cotton seeds on the table with a bad premonition. He doesn’t know why he feels this way.He only knows that winning politics never does things that harm oneself and others, especially for the six countries. money.

He knew that this time it would definitely not be a mistake that he was suddenly knocked to the head by winning the government, or that he was suddenly unable to turn his mind to make a mistake. This person has always been foresight, if the six countries only focus on the immediate interests, they will definitely suffer a big loss in the future.

Wei Wuji met with King Wei Anli in an attempt to stop the cultivation of cotton in Wei. King Wei Anli didn’t give him a good face: “If you dare to obstruct the widows in this matter, you are obstructing Wei, a heinous crime, death is not a pity!”

King Wei Anli has gone crazy, he now puts all his hopes on cotton seeds, desperately. No one is allowed to shake his resolve.

Wei Wuji knew that he could no longer stop King Wei Anli: “The minister did not discourage the king, but hoped that the king can go three or four. This cotton can be planted, but it cannot be planted at the expense of farmland. You can use the remaining free space. Come to plant and wait until next year to wait and see the changes before making plans.”

“You don’t want to say any more, few people don’t want to listen. Do you know what kind of cotton is grown in the six countries now? That is not cultivated by farmland. I, Wei, and others are left behind and will not say it. Now it is so easy Given a chance, can’t you still fall behind?

King Wei Anli’s eyes were red, as if he was about to eat people. Wei Wuji knew that it was useless to persuade him, so he resigned and left.

He stood on the tower and looked into the distance. There were a few small figures. They were pulling out things in their farmland. Autumn was the harvest season, and it only took a few days to harvest. Now I can’t eat it at all. In Dawei, planting cotton has become a law, and everyone must abide by it. These farmers have no other choice but to obey orders.

Wei Wuji looked into the distance and let out a sigh. Someone has reached into Da Wei and is turning the clouds and raining, playing with the fate of Da Wei’s people, but he can only watch this happen and can’t do anything about it. The wind took away his sigh and blew all over the six countries.

Chu State, Huang Xie’s thoughts are the same as Wei Wuji’s. It is a pity that the reason for his failure was not the madness of his own king. While listening to Huang Xie’s report, King Chu Kaolie wandered into the arms of his charming wife and concubine to drink.

“Your Majesty, what the minister said is related to the safety of our country, Chu. He also asked the king to act decisively and plant cotton seeds. We still need to re-plan. 々.

Before King Chu Kaorie spoke, the beautiful concubine next to him interrupted and said: “My lord, you see how much this adult is worried about the country and the people. I can’t even wait for the morning to come, so I will report it, completely ignoring the rare facts of our sisters. The slave family is so sad to have the opportunity to have a drink with the king.”

As early as a few days ago, Ying Zheng asked Zhao Gao to sort out the clothes and quilts used by the female workers of Daqin garment factory to practice and give them to Bai Hua. Then it was given to the Six Nations in the name of apologizing to the merchants. These things were then offered to the powerful and powerful, and many of them were used to please the women of the Six Nations harem.

“That is, saying that the adults are anxious is really anxious, saying that the adults are not anxious, and they don’t seem to be anxious. Now everyone doesn’t know that the six countries have planted cotton seeds, but the adults persuaded the king to make a long-term plan. , The other six countries have all harvested, and the seeds of Da Chu are still in your hands.”

These words made the group of beautiful wives and concubines giggle. Even King Chu Kaolie couldn’t help making fun of Huang Xie: “The widow has already ordered the planting. Is it possible to take it back now? The people will be chilled when the day is changed.”

Huang Xie ignored these ignorant women who only knew how to behave: “Although the king has given the order to plant, the fields of Da Chu are still there. As long as the cotton does not occupy the magpie’s nest, the minister has no objection.”

These women were unhappy when they heard this. They were all women in the harem of Chu Kingdom. Where do you care about the safety of the country? They had long used the cotton cloth bought by the State of Qin, made them into new clothes and put them on. Their faces were radiant, and the king loved them even more.

They are not willing to let Huang Xie block cotton planting and continue to fan the flames in the ears of King Chu Kaorie: “What the Lord said is wrong. When the king does something, he has to consider whether he has objections.”

Upon hearing this, King Chu Kaorie also opened his drunken eyes. Huang Xie knew that it was not a good time to discuss state affairs when the king was drinking in the mist, but if he was late, the fields of Da Chu were gone, so he could only bite the bullet and give advice at this time.

Seeing King Chukollie’s expression, the women continued to fan the flames: “Don’t the king want to see us put on beautiful clothes? The sisters have newly choreographed the dance, just waiting for the king to jump to the king when there are beautiful clothes. Look at it. “They quietly glanced at Huang Xie with their eyes, and Huang Xie’s face was flushed with anger.

King Chu Kaorie only promised again and again: “Well, it depends on you, and it depends on you as much.”

“The minister retire.” Huang Xie couldn’t stand it anymore, just want to leave this place full of Yingying and Yanyan quickly.

Wei Wuji was defeated by the stubbornness of his own king, but Huang Xie was defeated by these women. This failure made Huang Xie furious. He returned to his mansion and saw the cotton seeds again.

He looked at the cotton seeds all over the floor, and he could already imagine that these seeds took root and sprouted, growing everywhere. They couldn’t be cut, and they couldn’t be burned. Finally, everyone in Da Chu was entangled in them. Let them stuff their mouths and noses with cotton until they die of smoke.

This is not cotton at all, it is a weapon used to kill the six nations. The sky above his head was suddenly overcast, and a torrential rain fell after a short while. Huang Xie stood in the rain, showing no intention of avoiding it. He watched the rain fall on the ground, moisturizing the damn cotton, allowing them to sprout and grow.

In Xianyang, a maid came in and closed the window: “His Royal Highness, the sky is going to change, please take care of your body, the hot water is ready, and your Royal Highness will move.

Ying Zheng put down the things in his hands, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: “Yes, it’s going to change.” After he left with the maids, the things on the table were taken away by Zhao Gao.

He couldn’t help but glanced curiously, it was a picture. Zhao Gao couldn’t understand it. It seemed to be similar to the picture given to the giant Sanmo before. I don’t know what His Royal Highness the Prince has any thoughts. .

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