Chapter 370 The fields of the Six Kingdoms are already in the palm of the hand to win politics! [Second update, please customize]

The six countries all bought cotton seeds at the price of one million Qin banknotes. Some were more and some were less. Winning government carefully considered them and gave them the largest planting amount in each country. Unsurprisingly, the merchants who participated in the auction that day were very regretful after returning, and hated how they missed such a good opportunity.

There was news shortly after that the price was interrupted as soon as the price was released, and the auction was covered in cubicles. I don’t know which merchant it was. When these people turned their eyes, they all said they were asking for the price they called, and secretly contacted the Bai family and bought cotton seeds. They also feel that they have made a profit. If you buy it at auction again, you will get a higher price.

Now you don’t need to pretend to be like this.

When they covered their mouths and snickered, Ying Zheng was also laughing, just mocking. As businessmen, don’t they know the truth about greed for small gains and lose big. After these merchants happily planted cotton in the field, they discovered how the six countries have cotton seeds. After inquiring about it, they found out that there is basically a bag of white painting dried, and the six countries have now planted them.

On it.

They can only remember this hatred on the head of Bai Huagan, who hides in Daqin, and now they dare not make it out of Gate 08. After carrying such a pot, he could only eat yellow lotus dumb and couldn’t tell. This is probably the punishment of the Saint Prince for tax evasion.

Those who participated in the auction that day were not only merchants, but many of them were dignitaries from the six nations who pretended to be merchants. They spent sky-high prices to get cotton seeds, which are naturally cherished in every possible way. Determined to promote cotton.

In the country of Han, Han Wangan saw the cotton seeds offered by Jin, and couldn’t help twisting one or two with his hands: “This thing is cotton seeds? The widow has never seen what cotton looks like. Even if you have seeds, I am afraid. No one knows how to grow it.”

The following courtier said with some embarrassment: “Not only does no one in Korea know how to plant, but no one among the six countries knows. Now they have to look for help from farmers and hope that the planting will be successful.”

Han Wangan nodded, this little plant was twisted at his fingertips, but he felt like he was twisting the lifeblood of Han country, hoping that this thing could really make money, Dahan’s treasury has been in deficit for a long time, and Han Wangan gave himself a copy. Resolve: “The order is passed down. From today, cotton will be planted wherever crops can be grown in Korea!”

The courtier asked with some doubts: “My lord, do you mean everything?”

“Yes, all, as long as this thing can be planted, you must plant it at all costs.”

“What about the food? The king must not waste agriculture.” Some courtiers stood up and spoke with impassioned words. They anticipated the crisis in Korea.

The ministers who have opposing opinions jumped out and said: “You don’t need to worry about food. Qin’s food is so cheap. Why don’t we grow more profitable things if we have land? If we need food, we can buy it from Qin’s country. .”

Han Wangan was troubled by their quarrel, and he held his forehead and said, “Okay, okay, stop arguing, just do it according to the wishes of the widows. In Han country, all the farmland is changed to cotton, and the farmers must master it. The method of growing cotton.”

The courtiers could only take their orders and retreat. Soon after, Princess Honglian rushed in: “Father and father.”

She saw King Han Kuo sitting on the throne with her head head, and ran to Wang An’s side: “Father, does it have a headache? Guren will not hurt if he blows to his father, huh.”

Guren pouting her mouth is very cute, and Han Wangan’s worries just now disappeared: “Hongren, my father just made a decision to plant cotton in the entire country of Han, how does Guren feel.”

“Cotton, what is that? Is it a kind of flower, is it beautiful? Father?” Honglian asked, dragging his face with both hands.

“It’s something used to make clothes. My father doesn’t know what it looks like, but since it’s called cotton, it should also be a kind of flower.” King Han petted and touched Princess Honglian’s hair.

“Clothes! Guren likes clothes the most. Father is right. From now on, everyone in Han country will be able to wear beautiful clothes, and Guren will be happy too.” Guren’s eyes will light up.

“Well, well, when the time comes, I will give the entire sea of ​​flowers from Dahan to our little princess.” Han Wangan knew that Honglian was young and ignorant and did not understand national affairs, but he was still willing to tell Hongren about this, which ministers. They are too incompetent and cringe at everything, not as straightforward as Honglian.

Immature rice fields were uprooted, and cotton seeds fell into the land of Dahan. The peasants feel distressed in every way, and the peasant disciples persuade them to be relieved that cotton will make more money. The peasants cry even harder after hearing this: “If you make more money, it will also be next year’s money. What should I do this year and what to eat?”

Not only the Han country, but also the six countries, they can’t wait to plant cotton seeds.

In order to cope with the first year, all countries could only buy grain from Qin. Winning the government only raised the price a little bit. Now is not the time to start. Boil the frog in warm water, and you must not be anxious. It only claimed to the outside world that the six countries all bought food, and the price was raised because of insufficient attacks.

The six countries have accepted this reason, and they have no interest in the problem at all. We are happily waiting for the harvest next autumn.

At this time, Yingzheng asked Daqin Garment Factory to train female workers for weaving cotton cloth, and asked them to weave quickly and well.

Zhao Gao looked at these female workers and was puzzled: “His Royal Highness, the servant has 450 questions.

“Just ask.”

“No matter how fast the weaving is, what’s the use? Don’t you say that your Royal Highness is worried that there will be too much cotton to weave by then? If you can’t weave, you can weave slowly. Don’t be so impatient.”

In order to train these women workers, the cotton that was planted last time was used to train them. This was all cultivated by Zhao Gao’s hard work, which made him feel a little painful.

“You are wrong. The weaving speed must be faster, at least faster than that of the six countries. Only in this way can the price of Daqin cotton cloth come down. At that time, Qin’s cloth will be cheaper than that of the six countries. I will give up weaving.”

Zhao Gao suddenly realized that His Royal Highness the Prince was letting the Six Nations grow cotton for them, rather than letting the Six Nations produce and sell them themselves. If they cut off their sales, the raw materials will be stored in the country’s hands. None of the six countries will buy and sell cotton with each other, only Qin will collect it.

As long as they give them a little profit, they will sell the cotton obediently, otherwise they have no choice, whether to fish for that little oil, or to smash the cotton in their own hands to get moldy and smelly. There is only one way. What’s more ruthless is still to come, that little oil and water will be reclaimed by Da Qin in the form of grain.

The fields of the Six Kingdoms are already in the hands of the winning government. .

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