Chapter 364 The whole county bows to the head! [Fourth update, please customize]

The innkeeper was taken aback by the little girl’s reaction, and he dared to talk like this while holding his clothes. The boss looked at the little girl and showed Bu Yi in his eyes: “It’s just a dog. If you lose it, you will lose it. Oh, why is your girl so fierce.” She pushed the water clear as she said.

Shui Qing was knocked down unpreparedly and slammed into the table and chairs behind him. Yingzheng raised his eyes and looked at the boss: “Give you a chance to tell where that little white dog is, and spare you not to die.” Winning the government’s emperor’s spirit is undoubtedly revealed, and the voice is beyond doubt, the innkeeper shuddered in fright. .

He stabilized his heart and swallowed. I looked up and down to win the politics. Although this man was very powerful, he was surrounded by domineering aura, which was daunting. The clothes on his body are civilians, and they should be just ordinary people. The owner of the inn “four forty seven” gave himself a reassurance.

After calming down, he remembered that he was frightened and embarrassed just now, and he was very annoyed. He uttered an insult to the person in front of him: “Just give me a chance, who are you. I think you live here, and you are all billed by this girl. You shouldn’t be a little white face. Seeing you are handsome, it turns out to be This kind of person, slurp.

Shui Qing got up from the ground, clutching the painful place. When she heard the innkeeper say so, Shui Qing was so frightened that she looked at Ying Zheng’s back. In just a breath, the sword of the Emperor of Heaven was unsheathed, and the cold light appeared.

The inn Xiaoer on the side screamed like a pig, and his legs were so frightened that he couldn’t even run. Shui Qing was blocked by Ying Zheng’s back. She knew what was going on and she dared not look at it with her eyes closed.

Ying Zheng used the sword of the Emperor of Heaven to point to the second person on the side: “What is the end of the last person who didn’t cherish the opportunity? You have seen it, and you know what to do.

Xiao Er was so scared that he couldn’t speak. In order to survive, he forced a few words from his throat: “The county guard, where is the county guard.”

Ying Zheng put away the sword of the Emperor of Heaven and let Shuiqing follow him to find the county guard of Chen Jun. After they left, the little two came back to their senses. They murdered, and they went to find the county guard. Isn’t this a self-inflicted snare? After the little two reacted, he hurried to the county guard where he wanted to be in front of the county guard. Testify and arrest these two men!

When he arrived at the gate of the county, winning the government called out the net. Zhao Gao made a clever arrangement. Now it saves trouble. The arrested assassins didn’t kill them, but they pinched the guards’ necks tightly so that they obediently and don’t disturb the Prince.

The county guard still didn’t know that a big Buddha had come in his small temple, and he was at a loss until the trapeze dragged him to Yingzheng.

“Who are you? How dare you be good at the county guard mansion, come here, get me arrested!” The county guard ordered angrily, no one dared to step forward, everyone in the net was fierce and evil, who would dare to approach.

“This is because the Prince of Daqin wins the government, and the bluffing in front of the prince is like a decent way.” Shui Qing reminded him sternly, so as not to offend the prince again.

The county guard heard that he was actually the holy prince. Carefully check it out. Although this person is dressed in ordinary clothes, he is full of the color of the emperor between the eyebrows. What the girl said should be true. The county guard hurriedly knelt: “Where to see the holy prince, the minister has no eyes to know Mount Tai, and forgets the holy prince Haihan.”

Yingzheng didn’t say much, and asked directly: “This prince lost a little white dog. I don’t know if it’s with you.”

The county guard was puzzled, not knowing what the prince was referring to. At this time, Xiao Er stumbled over and said out of breath: “The county guard, the county guard, the big thing is not good! This person killed our boss. You have to be the master for us.”

“Where did the unsophisticated people come from, talking nonsense in front of the holy prince, don’t die!” the county guard said loudly.

When Xiao Ni heard of the Saint Prince, she was still fierce, and instantly softened and knelt to the ground. Ying Zheng looked at him: “You just said that the dog is here at the county guard, but the county guard doesn’t know it. Are you fooling the prince?”

The two men were so frightened that they repeatedly begged for mercy: “His Royal Highness quelled his anger. It was our boss who had no heart and lungs. Seeing that the little white dog was a good breed, he stole it and gave it to the county guard, and wanted to beg the county guard. Huanxin, just wait for the little girl to ask and then just pull it over.”

When the county guard heard that he was about to pour dirty water on him, he quickly said, “His Royal Highness, the little white dog, the minister really doesn’t know what the little white dog is talking about.”

Yingzheng said: “You are Chen Junjun, and now you have lost something at your place, what should you do with 0”

When asked such a question, the county guard recovered from the fright and showed his old manner of managing the affairs of the county: “You should search with all your strength. If someone really steals, the financial value shall prevail, according to the Daqin law. In terms of punishment, fines will be fine, or decapitation will be imprisoned, and will never be tolerated.”

Yingzheng nodded. This county guard is pretty good. A little white dog flew up in the distance and got into Shui Qing’s arms. A girl from behind chased over, saw the little white dog in Shuiqing’s arms, and pouted: “That’s my dog, you give it back to me.” This is the daughter of the county guard’s family, and the innkeeper came to send it this morning. When she was a little white dog, she caught it at a glance, do you love it in her arms?

Put it down, the puppy just didn’t know what happened, and came here as soon as he let it go.

“Yours? This young lady might be mistaken. It’s called Ruanxin, and it’s something that His Royal Highness personally bestowed on me.” Shui Qing raised her eyebrows and looked at Miss Qian Jin in front of her. She dressed very ordinary during this trip. Jin Daiyin’s rich lady is a little different, and Shuiqing is worried that the crown prince will be hooked by her.

Seeing that Ruanxin had been found back, Ying Zheng waved his hand to make the Luo Wang retreat, turned and left, Shui Qing followed closely behind.

The people behind hurriedly sent it off. Ms. Qianjin didn’t know yet. So she only saw Yingzheng, she was deeply attracted, and quickly asked her father: “Who is this person 1.3? Is this person from a foreign country?”

The county guard saw that his daughter’s soul had been hooked away: “Don’t think about it, that’s the holy prince, we can’t afford it.”

Now that they have identified themselves, the two can’t keep a low profile in Chen County. Now that the people of Chen Jun know that the Saint Prince has come to them, they are all talking about it. They are all eager to see the Prince, this may be the only time in this life to be so close to the Prince.

Shui Qing didn’t like the feeling of these people rushing to the Prince Sheng like wolves, and proposed to leave Chen Jun and go to the next place. Yingzheng nodded: “Go and prepare the frame.

The two come as they say they come, and leave as they say they leave. When the carriage went out of the gate of Chen County, the people, officials and soldiers all knelt and saluted. The gratitude in their hearts to the holy prince is indescribable, and they can only bow their heads to the ground to show their gratitude.

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