Chapter 363 The holy prince is not a man, but a god! [third update, please customize]

After leaving Xianyang, Yingzheng pointed out the direction to the driver at will, and the frame moved forward. Shuiqing didn’t know the way forward, but was willing to accompany Yingzheng.

Ying Zheng concealed his identity as a Saint Prince. The world is so big that everyone is a drop in the ocean. When winning the government, he is just a vagrancy. When it was too late when the two arrived at Chen County, they decided to settle down here and live in an inn. Down.

I plan to stroll around Chen Junli the next day and see how the people live here. Shui Qing was full of curiosity about everything outside. When the two of them were walking on the street, she would jump to play. Ruanxin was also brought out by her. I thought I could stay in step with this dog, but I didn’t expect to be attracted by other fun things as soon as I left Xianyang.

Yili had no choice but to put his soft heart in the inn so that he could play freely.

When I saw vendors selling snacks on the street, Shuiqing often didn’t let them go, eating one family after another. Sometimes she feels that after this trip, she will definitely eat fat. Yingzheng was very helpless. Originally, she was asked to accompany her as a maid, but now she looks like a pair of brothers and sisters.

Chen Jun is not as remote as Yiqu, and the county looks good. Ying Zheng looked at the faces of pedestrians on the road without a decadent state, without a thin posture, and felt relieved. It seems that Chen County is pretty good.

There is a restaurant by the road, and the two of them went in and rested. There were many people sitting at a table, and they were talking loudly. The more they talked, the more excited they were, and the voice was loud enough for everyone in the restaurant to hear. It was originally an act of disturbing others, but no one stopped it. The reason was simple. The topic they were talking about was about the Prince, and others were curious to hear it.

“Don’t you know, what about the Huns, what are they pretentious, but after offering a lot of gifts, I begged His Royal Highness to spare him.” His tone was exaggerated, and his movements became exaggerated.

“What good things does the Xiongnu have, and no matter how much it contributes, what use is it that it can be compared to the head of the head that they are good at?” The listener joked, and they all agreed that Mao Dun good should be killed.

“You don’t understand this. Do you know why there are more sheep in the county recently? It is the ones that the county guard assigns to each household.”

“Of course I know, that sheep is a good baby. I’m still waiting to kill the lamb-meat during the Chinese New Year next year.

Hearing what he said, some people laughed at him: “You have no vision like this, you deserve to be poor for a lifetime. Sheep can’t be killed until they are old, so they should be raised well. When they can shed their wool, they will be able to sell a lot of money. Killed than you-a mouth-watering addiction.”

“You were talking about how you got to the sheep, and asked what gift you bravely gave. Say it quickly.” Several urged with a temper.

“Didn’t I say everything, sheep.” At this moment, everyone suddenly realized: “Where else are there sheep besides the grassland? Yiqu’s sheep will definitely not be given to you. I tell you, this is pretending to be good at going forward. Before and after, 11,099 heads were donated. This number is splattered.”

Everyone now understood how this Maorton was good at surviving. A good person was really useless. The people in the whole restaurant were talking about the Huns’ bad luck.

“You said that Laozi, who is so aggressive, gave birth to such a son. It is estimated that if Touman knew that this prodigal son had done so many things, he would still jump up from the ground in a desperate manner.”

“Don’t tell me, let me see, that Man and Mouton is really a father and son, one is as timid as a mouse, and the other is bold. Even Da Qin dares to provoke me, isn’t it self-defeating?”

The people in the restaurant were amused by these words and laughed loudly with their stomachs wrapped around them.

“It’s our saint prince who is very good. Killing the Huns like this is really a relief. These barbarians have always been restless a few years ago, and they have done some sneaky things. Now they have finally learned how to behave, and they are so relieved!”

“Isn’t it? I am afraid that only the Holy Prince can subdue the Huns. According to others, it is not possible. The six countries are known as talents. I see, no one can compare to the Holy Prince.” The others agreed. So, in the current state of Qin, everyone admires the winning government.

0……Look for flowers…

Shui Qing watched Ying Zheng while listening to their conversation. There was no superfluous expression on his face, and he was not picky after eating the rough tea and light rice on the table. Shui Qing asked tentatively: “Is the Saint Prince heard the admiration of the people for you, isn’t he happy?”

“They are all the people of Daqin, and this is what I should do. If I get overwhelmed just because of these words, it will only make me stagnate and make it difficult for me to achieve a great cause.

The people in the restaurant were very interested in such topics. They chatted about the great achievements of the Prince enthusiastically, and finally someone said: “I think we, the Prince Prince, are not humans at all.”

“Bah! What are you talking nonsense? Take your words back to me.”

“No, no, no, please calm down and listen to me. I mean, the Prince is not a man, but a god. He came down from the sky to bless us.”

When Ying Zheng heard these words, he couldn’t help but laugh. Shui Qing quickly realized that she thought it was a joy to win the government. In fact, it is not the case. Winning the government is just the ignorance of some helpless people, and the sudden surprise of the two people when they speak is a bit ridiculous.

The people in the restaurant were still talking, Shuiqing had already taken out the purse and settled the bill, and walked out of the restaurant with Yingzheng, leaving those words behind.

Since the typing, Shuiqing has been in a good mood, including everything she experienced today. On the way back, she was still thinking about those people’s words, which was very interesting. Her good mood was broken after entering the inn. The owner of that house told her: “I am objective, I’m so sorry. The dog you left in the guest room doesn’t know where it went. I sent a team.

I tried to find it, but I didn’t find it. Look at this.”

The boss’s expression was very embarrassing, but Shui Qing suddenly became violent, and grabbed the boss’s clothes: “You profiteer! Say, where is my soft heart! Advise you to hand it over quickly, otherwise I will smash you.” The shop.” She said fiercely, but her tone was a little trembling. This sudden change made her a little scared, and she started to cry as she spoke. factory,

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