Chapter 365 Cotton harvest in autumn! [First update, please customize]

Yingzheng and Shuiqing have traveled to many places along the way. Since they exposed their identities in Chen Jun, wherever they go, they have been the focus of the crowd. The news about the Prince Sheng has spread too fast, and they have not gone wherever they are. , The news has arrived. The admiration of the people of Daqin towards the prince is indescribable, and can only be expressed by actions.

The surnames all gathered at the door to welcome them spontaneously.

It’s best to arrange everything, how comfortable and comfortable it is to stay, and I’m not used to the clean water. When I left, I bowed down and saluted, watching the frame go away. A game of winning politics on a whim becomes like a tour.

After six months of going out, Yingzheng finally decided to return to Yiqu. This is not his intention now, the people are well, and he shouldn’t bother them in this way. As the autumn is about to fall, winning the government calls the coachman to drive back to Yiqu.

When Shuiqing heard about returning to Yiqu, he chuckled lightly. It was the same as before. The news had reached the people of Yiqu before it reached Yiqu. At that time, in 2008, Zhao Gao was in Yiqu. He was ordered to stick to cotton planting. Since the Saint Prince left Xianyang, he has been with cotton all day long in Yiqu, and he has never left. Watching the farmers teach cotton planting to the people of Yiqu


He couldn’t help sighing that the current Yiqu not only knows how to herd sheep, who can process woolen threads, but also those who can grow cotton. They are all proficient. Of course he hasn’t forgotten that there is someone who can do business here.

Bai Huagan and Zhao Gao met in Yiqu. For more than half a year, Bai Hua became fatter, and Zhao Gao looked at Bai Huagan with an unpredictable expression: “Now that the Prince and Shui Qing are not there, you can honestly say, Is it the tax burden, eh?”

Bai Huagan did not answer this question directly, but asked Zhao Gaohu to eat and drink the next day. After that, nothing happened to the two human rights. The meeting was still chatting and laughing, and there was already news of the Saint Prince returning to Yiqu. I believe he will arrive soon.

A few days later, Luo Wang reported to Zhao Gao the news that the Saint Prince had already gone outside of Yiqu. Zhao Gao ran to greet him and told the Yiqu county magistrate by the way: “Other places heard that the prince prince arrived, and that was all to start the whole county to greet him. You, Yiqu County, can’t fall behind.”

Yiqu county magistrate heart understands. Shuiqing drove in the car. Before reaching Yiqu County, she saw a bunch of people standing outside the city gate in the distance. After the coachman drove past, she shouted in unison: “Welcome to your Royal Highness!

Shui Qing had gotten used to this battle, and got off the car calmly, stepping on these people without any reason, and preparing to return to his Daqin bank.

Zhao Gao looked at something wrong, and approached Shuiqing and asked, “His Royal Highness, why isn’t he in the car.” The people in Yiqu County were also very curious. After waiting for a long time, they didn’t even see a person, this Saint Prince. His Royal Highness is really fascinating.

“At this time, His Royal Highness the Prince should have been looking at your cotton.” Shui Qing said lightly, winning politics along the way, thinking about the cotton business in his heart, so he got off the car ahead of time, let Shui Qing take his place. Accept the enthusiasm of the people of Yiqu.

Zhao Gaoyi didn’t hear well, so he hurried to the cotton garden. Ying Zheng stood in the cotton field with some cotton wool sticking to his body. He was wearing ordinary clothes. This scene looked like a detached worldly immortal.

“Zhao Gao, you have taken care of this cotton field well, and you have not lived up to my expectations of you.” As soon as Ying Zheng spoke, Zhao Gao felt that that feeling just disappeared. The holy prince is still the holy prince.

“Prince Xie Sheng praised. This is what a minion should do.”

Yingzheng ordered the harvest of cotton within a few days, and part of it was put into a woolen thread processing plant to make cotton thread. After the peasant disciples took the order, they led the people of Yiqu into action.

The final result, Yingzheng, simply inspected: “You did a good job. These cotton threads, along with the previous woolen threads, were sent to Baoyang County.”

The quantity of these things is very staggering, and it took several days and nights by car to transport them all to Baoyang County. In the Daqin garment factory, Xiaoying watched the carts and carts of raw materials being delivered. She knew that whenever such a scene, His Royal Highness made an action. It didn’t take long before I had the opportunity to see His Royal Highness the Prince again.

She heard that this time the Saint Prince traveled everywhere, with a girl around him. She didn’t know who was sacred, and she had this honor. If there is a chance, Xiaoying would like to meet that girl to see if she has the dexterity of her own.

Shuiqing sneezed in the water of Yiqu, and she was so busy with the pile of accounts in front of her. As soon as she came back, she asked the maid to bring Bai’s post. Start with the most treacherous and cunning old fox, and see if your master accountability has fallen. When it comes to matters on financial accounts, I am afraid that there is no woman in the world as sharp as Shui Qing. This has always been

Shuiqing is most proud of.

Yingzheng had no time to care about the thoughts of these girls, went straight to Daqin Garment Factory, and asked Xiaoying to do something by name. Xiao Ying was flattered, took out the scarf she had prepared last year and presented it, and Ying Zheng touched the scarf: “I didn’t get it wrong, your tailoring methods are much better than others. This time you are going to do things. Just make it in the same way as this scarf.”

After talking and leaving, Xiaoying remembered the requirements of the Saint Prince one by one, and did it happily. The deadline for this thing is very tight, and the Prince seems to be very anxious.

450 rushed to work day and night for a few days. When Xiaoying presented the things, there was obviously a blackness under his eyes, so Zhao Gao rewarded him with some silver. Xiaoying did not accept: “Xiaoying did not dare to exceed the construction period set by the Prince Prince.

Da Qin did have a major event, Xiao Ying roughly guessed that the birthday feast of King Qin Zhuangxiang was approaching, and the Saint Prince rushed to make this thing, I am afraid it was used as a birthday gift.

On the King’s birthday, the ten parties offer gifts. Everyone has a variety of tricks, and the things they give are more precious than each one. If you win the king’s favor at the birthday gift, it will naturally have many benefits for yourself. The courtiers wanted to be promoted to be a nobleman, and the concubines wanted Yulu Enze. All kinds of prayers compete with birthday gifts.

They offered them one by one. Winning Zichu nodded and smiled after seeing them. Apart from the value of these things, there was nothing unusual about them. As the King of Qin, these things were of no use to him.

When it was his turn to win politics, Ying Zichu showed a look of expectation. The prince’s things have never disappointed him, and this time is no exception.

Others watched Yingzheng move forward, and they also had their own ghosts. The scholar-bureaucrats began to imagine that winning politics must have prepared something worthless, and then it would provoke the king’s anger. .

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