Chapter 362 Sweaters popular in the six countries, Honglian’s expectation! [Second more, please customize]

Zhao Gao was still aside and told Shui Qinggan to watch him work, but he won the government but only praised: “It’s worthy of being the master account of the Daqin Bank, and the calculation is very fast. In the future, you only need to manage the accounts, and you don’t need to do this. Rough work.”

“The Xiongnu have already decided, it’s spring, Zhao Gao, how about planting cotton?”

Zhao Gao hurriedly replied: “Report to His Royal Highness that the peasants have been sent to give instructions. They have been planted, and they can be harvested in autumn.”

“Very well done. Keep an eye on that side. I’m a little tired recently, and I’m going to go for a walk, to help me prepare the frame and accompanying things, and set off tomorrow.

“Holy Prince, you want to go out for fun? Yes, you should see this great river and mountains. I don’t know where the Holy Prince is going?”

“This is not something you should be concerned about.” Yingzheng reminded Zhao Gao not to ask about these extras.

Zhao Gaoming fell silent and ordered his servants to prepare things, but he sent a net to protect him in secret. Yingzheng asked him to keep an eye on the cotton business, and it seemed that he was not going to take him with him. Without knowing what the Prince was thinking, Zhao Gao did not dare to speculate.

Shui Qing did not retire with Zhao Gao, staying in place, and stopped talking. Ying Zheng saw the embarrassed look on her face: “Are there 447 things to say?”

Shui Qing knelt down directly: “His Royal Highness, Shui Qing knows that it is overpowering to say so, and hopes that His Highness can take Shui Qing with him on this trip, and is willing to be a slave and maid along the way to take care of trivial matters for the Prince.”

This request came a little bit suddenly. In this trip, I wanted to give myself a vacation and travel around to see the customs and customs of various countries. I didn’t plan to bring servants and guards. I would come back when the cotton was about to ripen. “I don’t need you to take care of trivial matters. It is Daqin Bank that needs you to Dali.”

Hearing these words, Shui Qing said nothing, but did not stand up, knelt on the ground and was silent. After a while, there was a slight sobbing: “His Royal Highness, this is Shui Qing’s wishful thinking. He also invited the Holy Prince. Your Highness is perfect.

The tone of this sentence was full of grievances, and I felt a little reluctant to hear the victory. He waved his hand and turned away. Shui Qing didn’t know what the holy prince meant. When Yingzheng was about to leave the next day, Shui Qing still appeared, her eyes were red, and the expression on her face was pitiful.

After Ying Zheng got into the car, Shui Qing felt wronged again, tears rolling in her eyes. Zhao Gao (aibd) reminded her: “It’s not hurry, the Prince is waiting for the departure, just wait for you.”

At this time, Shui Qing realized it suddenly, wiped his tears and then went in. The trip was very simple. There was only a car with some simple things. If you need money in the future, someone will send it to you. After being busy for a whole year, the Prince Sheng finally found himself a chance to spare time.

Along the way, Shui Qing sat awkwardly. The identity of the two was different. Shui Qing knew that he was not qualified to ride in the same car with the Prince, and it was inevitable that he was a little nervous. Yingzheng said: “When you leave this Xianyang Palace, you will call me your son.”

Shuiqing understood. She would accompany Yingzheng as a maid on this trip: “The son.” She called out softly, and her words were full of shyness.

Along the way, the two heard that there were people talking about the Saint Prince’s battle against the Huns in the streets and alleys, all of them were like storytellers, adding fuel to the story and making the headlines.

“Then? You are fine, the later things are more interesting. As soon as the holy prince raised the sword, the sword turned into a golden dragon, hovering towards the sky. Guess what, the golden dragon turned out to be real. As soon as the dragon’s tail flicked, the Xiongnu soldiers flew directly.”

The children around him exclaimed: “Wow! Really? It’s amazing.”

“Isn’t that true, I can still deceive people.”

That person must not know that the protagonist in his story is by his side at the moment. Shui Qing also asked curiously: “My son, is what he said is true?”

Yingzheng chuckled and did not answer. How could it be true? His sword was the Emperor of Heaven, and when did it have something to do with the Golden Dragon. Hou Yi can shoot a phoenix-like arrow when he shoots the Sunbow. This person is just coaxing a child. If he can make it up like this, he can be regarded as a blind cat and a dead mouse.

Everyone in Daqin was spreading about the victory in the political battle against the Huns. Not only them, but even the Six Nations had heard of it. The monarchy of the six kingdoms was shocked, and that man who was good at was an extremely crazy person, often attacking the six kingdoms at every turn.

Among the six countries, only Li Mu of Zhao country can contend, and other countries simply can’t hold it. Whenever the border is invaded by the Huns, we can only think of ways to make peace.

In country Han, Han Wangan was holding a letter in his hand. After reading it, his brows were furrowed, his hands were unconsciously pressed, and the letter was crumpled into a ball. No matter how many troops the Huns battled, they would suffer heavy casualties. Such a difference made Han Wangan feel desperate.

In the end he could only turn everything into a helpless sigh.

Princess Guren next to Han Wangan was attracted by the sigh, turned her head to look at Han Wangan in doubt, and sighed as she foolishly learned Han Wangan’s appearance: “Oh.”

“What’s the matter, my little princess, why sigh.” Han Wangan was amused by the look of Honglian.

“Sigh? Is this just sighing?” Han Wangan nodded, and Guren poked her chin with her index finger: “Father, father, why do you sigh.”

“Father is very sad, so he sighed.”

Guren suddenly realized: “That’s right, people will sigh when they are sad. Then why is the father sad?”

After Han Wangan was asked, he felt uncomfortable again: “Honglian knows that Daqin has a holy prince who wins politics.

Gu Lian was still young, and like other girls of the same age, she knew nothing about everything, so she could only honestly shook her head and said that she didn’t know. Han Wangan looked at the young Honglian, no longer as guarded as a vigilant courtier in his heart, and told Honglian about winning the government, his victory on the battlefield, and the dyed woolen sweater in Daqin. Also his


Just like listening to a story, Guren fell sleepy as she listened. She hid in Han Wang’an’s arms and fell asleep. She didn’t care about the war, but was excited when she heard that Yingzheng was doing dyeing woolen sweaters. When she was about to go to sleep, she sighed softly: “Oh.”

Han Wangan was puzzled. Why was his precious daughter sighing again. Just when he wanted to ask, he realized that Guren was actually asleep. Han Wangan could only order the next person to place the princess.

When Hong Lian was placed on the bed, she thought dizzyly: “This Prince Daqin, if he can see him one day, he will be arrested and locked up in her bedroom, so she can make so many beautiful woolen sweaters. “The innocent Gulian didn’t know what business was, and thought that the sweaters were all made by this man named Yingzheng. .

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