Chapter 361 It is equivalent to 40 years of taxes in Daqin! [First update, please customize]

A few days later, a newcomer was added to the official rank and replaced the former official position of the scholar-official. He jumped several levels in the middle, which made other officials feel scared. This person was called Ji Ya. He was originally a poor scholar and became famous after participating in the imperial examination system. He was one of the five people upstairs in Juxian that day. After entering the officialdom, he worked hard and was finally discovered by the winning government.


Suddenly being promoted, he was still a little uncomfortable, and he stood in front when he was going up. Since Juxian Tower, this is the second time he has seen the Saint Prince up close.

As he thought, in the court hall, the prince was the same majestic and inviolable person as the king, and their words were beyond doubt. Ji Ya felt relieved that there are people like the Saint Prince in Daqin, so why not worry about being rich and strong. On the way to Shangchao in the sky, he heard other ministers talking: “You said how capable this Saint Prince is to make Mouton good at bowing his head.

Hearing that it had something to do with His Royal Highness the Prince, Ji Ya raised his ears to listen. Another replied: “Isn’t it? That is also the goodness of the Huns, as noble as the king, how can it be like a dog tamed by the prince, obediently to the prince, no, it is to present a gift to Daqin Jin.”

“It’s not that I want to make friends with Da Qin and seek asylum.

“It’s definitely not the case. If you really want to make a covenant, don’t give anything wrong, but donate to the flock, you must know that the holy prince is currently short of wool. Who is this gift to please, it is clear at a glance.”

The other made a sudden realization, and the two were not talking. Ji Ya naturally knew the meaning of their words, and her admiration for the Prince was added a little bit in her heart.

During the dynasty, Ji Ya found that the Saint Prince appeared again in the court. Wang Shang’s mood looked good today. The courtier reported something bad and he was not angry. When the state affairs were discussed, he turned his attention to the Saint Prince. , He actually laughed heartily: “Prince Zhen is good at suppressing the Xiongnu, and he is more good at killing the head. The widow is deeply gratified. This time, he must be rewarded.

If the prince has anything you want, please speak up,々. ”

Yingzheng takes a step forward: “Father, a large number of sheep are now grazing in Yiqu. When the lambs are fed, they will sift the wool, and then process them in the wool yarn yard and send them to Baoyang County through the concrete road. , Daqin Garment Factory will make it into garments. After this round of harvesting, there is no need to worry about raw materials in a short time. Since the father wants to reward, the children only

May the father love the people like his son, and the country will be peaceful and peaceful.

Winning Zichu nodded: “The prince is humble.”

Ji Ya couldn’t contain the excitement in her heart, and said something uncontrollably: “Wang Shang Yingming.”

The scholar-bureaucrats all responded with bitter eyes. They originally wanted to see the jokes about winning the government. If Mao Dun was good at really taking back 10,000 lambs, then winning the government would become the biggest laughing stock in the world. Now not only can’t laugh out, but a scholar-official has been damaged, and Ji Ya has appeared, which is annoying to look at.

Ji Ya was stared at and closed her mouth obediently. Winning the government doesn’t take it seriously. Soon these scholar-bureaucrats will disappear one by one. Just stare at them.

The scholar-officials dared to be angry but did not dare to speak, and could only viciously insult the Huns in their hearts.

Baoyang County is now a paradise for merchants. The merchants buy a lot of goods in Baoyang County, whether it is vegetables or woolen clothes, or even other favorite things. Now the Daqin Garment Factory has sufficient supplies, and more dyed woolen garments are produced.

Xiaoying was sitting among the female workers, lowering her head and busy with her work. It was a purple dyed scarf. She deliberately selected the best quality wool, used the best dye, and dyed it with purple, which symbolizes honor. Every stitch and thread are sewn by myself. She fumbled with her fingertips to feel whether there was any confusion inside. She was doing it all winter.

Scarf, this is the best one right now.

She remained unmoved when the other female workers around her were busy. The woolen thread was transported in by carts and carts. After being made into woolen sweaters, merchants bought them by carts. Xiaoying didn’t know where he would end up or who he would wear on him. Any corner of the six countries. It is possible, it may be bought by the children of rich families, or it may be bought by ordinary people.

I don’t care, as long as the scarf in my hand can finally reach the Saint Prince.

For the little girl’s thoughts, Yingzheng never knew. Regarding Baoyang County, he only knows where the speed of commercial circulation is increasing. The six countries are very persistent in Baoyang County’s commodities and are rushing to buy them.

It can be seen from the accounts brought by Shuiqing that the number of taxes collected by Baoyang County is increasing every day.

*^” Zhao Gao, you go to Baoyang County with Shuiqing, count the number in the silver vault and return it to me. “Yingzheng gave orders and walked towards Shuiqing. Now she is the master accountant of Daqin Bank. She is not as childish as before, and her face is beginning to show an intoxicating charm. The account books are all taken by the maid around her. I hold that bark wherever I go

Soft-hearted little white dog.

Seeing Yingzheng walking towards him, Shui Qing’s heart missed a beat for a while, and his head hung motionless. After standing still, Yingzheng stretched out his hand, just touching Ruanxin’s head. Ruanxin was sleeping. After being awakened, he stretched out his tongue and licked the palm of Yingzheng’s palm.

“You fed it too fat, and you just woke up to find the burden of eating.”

Shui Qing nodded and said nothing. At this moment, her face is empty, and she can only hide her by hanging down. If she speaks now, her voice will be very strange. While Zhao Gaogao (Ma Zhao) retired, he slipped out along with him.

Zhao Gao has become accustomed to it. Every time he does something the Prince Prince confesses, Shui Qing will participate in it for various reasons. Just like now, Zhao Gao is counting tax and silver. The piles of visiting tax and silver are like a silver mountain from a distance, and Zhao Gao is the worker who is mining this mountain.

“If you really want to get involved, why is it interesting to stand there motionless, watching me work like this?”

Shuiqing just stood on the side, didn’t mean to help in the slightest, holding a soft heart in his hand, and gently stroking its head with his hand.

Zhao Gao had no choice but to count it himself. The gold and silver were very heavy. After the count, Zhao Gao felt that his hands were about to be broken. In the end, the number returned to the Saint Prince was: “Nine thousand three hundred and two.

Shuiqing on the side interjected: “It is Daqin’s forty years of taxation.”

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