Chapter 360 Did the Xiongnu really take it? [third update, ask for customization]

No one thought that the first person to see that head would be Marauding Good. He was shocked. This bloody scene reminded him again of the horror of facing victory on the battlefield that day. In front of him, he fell straight down.

Behind him was a large flock of sheep. When Mao Dunshan was good at falling, the sheep dispersed and let him fall to the ground.

Mouton was good at knowing how this person died. He walked tremblingly: “Why do you want to die if you can live.” Now in Mouton’s heart, he feels that everyone who comes to provoke Da Qin is stupid. This person is his own father. So is the king, and the people in the tribe who are supporting themselves against Da Qin, they just want to die.

The Daqin soldier upstairs in Yiqu City saw someone coming from a distance, and a group of things followed behind him. I immediately became alert, pulled the bows full, and pointed directly at the city: “Who is here!

Mao Dunshan was good at seeing this battle as soon as he arrived at Yiqu. He was afraid that his life would be lost when their hands tremble. Give the lambs on my grassland to Da Qin first, and hope that the friendship between Da Qin and the grassland will last forever.”

The soldiers looked at each other. In 08, they took a closer look that it was indeed a sheep behind Moudun, and then put down the bow and arrow in his hand, making Mouton good at driving the lambs into the righteous canal. Mouton was good at fearing that the people in the city would be unfavorable to him, and he would run away after he drove the sheep. The rest of the Yiqu people stood on the spot, staring at the flock of snow-white sheep in amazement.

Just as shocked as them are the people in the court hall. They heard that when Moutonshen was really good at offering 10,000 lambs, his jaw would fall to the ground. Even Win Zichu felt a tremor in his heart.

The scholar-official side stood up: “My lord, it’s really surprising that Mouton did this.”

Victor Chu raised his eyebrows: “What’s the oddity? They attacked the border of Daqin and Qin people for no reason, hurting the people of Daqin. Now that they are defeated, they are nothing more than seeking peace.

“But the king, for so many years, we have tried our best to tame this group of barbarians, and the reasons are well known.” The scholar-bureaucrat who spoke looked at the loyal ministers in the court, as if mocking their incompetence.

A loyal official stood up helplessly: “This Huns is untamable. They are all barbarians. They don’t hear the words of the saints, and they don’t look at the sages’ books. There are no grains in their belly, and they are full of blood. Incompatible and difficult to assimilate.

Winning Zi Chu also nodded. This can’t be blamed on the ministers’ uselessness. The Huns were a hard stone to Da Qin before, and they were helpless. Thinking of this, many loyal ministers and good generals couldn’t help sighing.

The scholar-officials looked at their reaction and continued with satisfaction: “The Huns are all uncivilized. They are accompanied by wolves on the grassland every day, and their personalities have become wolf-like, extremely cunning, and always inconsistent. Heard. The State of Yan and the Xiongnu once gave food as a gift, and agreed that the two sides would not go to war within one year. Unfortunately, in just a few months, what food has just been eaten by the Xiongnu?

Shi tore up the contract signed at the beginning, and attacked the country of Yan to demand food. This practice is really a villainous practice, but they are not ashamed, but proud of it. ”

In this case, Zi Chu also knew that it was still the Huns under the leadership of Toman: “The implication is that the Huns will also turn back this time. What do you do that is detrimental to my Qin country?”

“I’m afraid they will take a bite back then, saying that Da Qin robbed their cattle and sheep and used this reason to start a war, and then the border will not be peaceful.

The court began to discuss again, feeling that this person had some truth, Changping and Changguo also fan the flames: “My lord, this is reasonable. If this is the case, then I am in danger on the border of Daqin.”

Ying Zheng heard them keep talking nonsense and found it very ridiculous: “Father, the sons and ministers also think that this person’s words are reasonable, and it is commendable to be able to think about the safety of the country in this way. It is better to give him a chance to make contributions.”

This scholar-official didn’t know that the danger was getting closer and closer to him, and said pretentiously: “Don’t dare, this is the duty of a minister. It is the minister’s fortunate to be able to do some meager efforts for Da Qin.”

Winning Zichu was too lazy to listen to these scenes and asked Winning: “What opportunity?”

Ying Zheng looked at the scholar-official and said word by word: “Send him to represent the Huns of Da Qin, to meet Mao Dun Good, and ask him if he sent the tens of thousands of cattle and sheep sincerely. Ask him. Da Qin dare to pay it back, dare he dare to ask for it.”

When the scholar-official heard this, he sent himself to the wild land. Isn’t this killing himself? Nowadays, many of the Huns will hate Da Qin very much. Once they encounter a mob, they will probably be cut off by them.

Winning Zi Chu did not hesitate to agree to the Prince’s proposal. By the way, he arranged all the ceremonial missions for the envoy and set off tomorrow.

“My lord, my lord, think twice, I’m afraid this method won’t work.”

“If anything doesn’t work, the widow’s heart is determined, you go.” Ying Zichu is merciless, can detect the real situation of the Xiongnu, and it won’t hurt to break such a waste.

Ying Zheng has no expression on his face on the side. Three days later, news came from the court, and Ying Zichu said, “The sent messenger came back, and he was very sincere and kind. He refused to accept the return of 10,000 cattle and sheep. In order to reassure Da Qin, He also specially took out a hundred cows and gave them to the envoys to bring them back. I would like to conclude a 447-hundred-year good with Daqin.”

The ministers talked a lot, and saw the sincerity of Mao Dun good, Ying Zi Chu continued: “Unfortunately, there is another news that the few people heard that the messenger was killed on the way back, and his death was miserable and could not be brought back. The messenger group can only do it. To bury it in the ground, for the sake of the great Qin state, to damage important officials, it is really painful to the widows.”

Everyone knows that the place of the Xiongnu is extremely desolate. If someone dies in the wilderness, vultures will soon be recruited and eat the corpse completely. The tragic state of the scholar-bureaucrat when he died makes everyone shudder.

Yingzheng only felt that the man had died from his own troubles: “Father, the relationship between Da Qin and the Xiongnu has just eased, and this minister may also die at the hands of an ignorant mob. It has nothing to do with Mao Dun being good at it. This is another disaster.”

Winning Zichu nodded: “The prince said so.”

“This matter was raised by the son of the minister, so that the important minister was killed and the son of the son would not be able to resign. Therefore, I hope to recommend a talent to fill the vacant position and continue the loyalty of the dead to my Daqin.”

After hearing this, other people couldn’t help but slander in their hearts: “Is this an expression of condolences? The people who promoted them in disguise were promoted to the ranks, and they kept saying that they were making up for their own faults. Winning politics is too shameless.” More than just that. Winning politics is a rogue, and their king agreed without even thinking about it. .

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