Chapter 359 The Huns bow their heads and become ministers! [Second update, please customize]

“Yes, I not only repelled the Huns, but also destroyed half of their tribes, robbed them of their cattle and sheep, and made Mao Dun Shanyu obediently obedient.” Ying Zheng said while looking at the faces of these hundreds of civil and military officials. The more shocked the expression on the face, and finally the mouth opened round to be able to swallow an egg.

After Ying Zheng finished talking about the good things he had done one by one, the courtiers were still stunned. This is really incredible. The Prince Prince did so many things, and they are still worrying about food here. This is something that shouldn’t have been worried about a long time ago, but they are still thinking about it.

All of them bowed their heads, knowing that they were a joke. Chang Ping Jun and Chang Guo Jun also stopped talking, and the literati and officialdom were ashamed. They were the grasshoppers after the autumn.

Ying Zichu said: “The widow is very pleased that the prince is not only a talent for ruling the country, but also has the ability to lead soldiers in wars. The Xiongnu has been suffering from foreign affairs for a long time, and the prince only led two thousand people to make them lose 50,000 people. , The god of soldiers can be seen.

When everyone in the court heard what Ying Zichu said, there was an instant commotion. They talked a lot and suspected that there was a problem with their ears. Two thousand people defeated fifty thousand people, even if the facts are in front of them, they would not believe it.

Yingzheng said: “My father, Muzan, this time the son of the Huns has not cut its roots and wiped out its roots. It is really shameful. The sons of the sons are worried that the future troubles of the Huns will rise again, and they specially set up a place in Yiqu City for the Huns Business exchange with Daqin.

Winning Zichu asked curiously: “What do you communicate in business exchanges?”

“Of course it’s supplies. The Xiongnu can sell cattle and sheep here, and Daqin can also sell grain here. Everyone gets what they need.”

When the courtier heard this, he was a little bit embarrassed: “I’m afraid the Xiongnu will not be willing to do this business.”

“No, they will be very happy. I asked Mao Dundan for 10,000 cattle and sheep, and he will deliver them soon. After the Huns were defeated, I burned a lot of their food and grass, and now they are all hungry. The belly is waiting for food to save lives.” Yingzheng was a little proud, he wanted the Huns to bow to Da Qin from now on, and could not disobey the slightest bit.

Winning Zichu was very pleased when he heard it: “The prince is thoughtful and holding the grain is equivalent to choking the Huns by the throat. They have to obediently obey.”

From then on, Da Qin didn’t have to worry about the Huns anymore. Winning Zichu looked at winning the government, thinking in his heart that he could use two thousand tiger and wolf soldiers to take down half of the Xiongnu’s grasslands. Are all the fights wiped out?

These people originally wanted to pick things up, saying that winning politics would undermine agricultural production, but they didn’t expect to let the government show a wave of great feats. Not only is Baoyang County prosperous and beautiful, but also a small place like Lianyiqu that was once a poor rural area has become different.

In Yiqu County, the Xiongnu women herd sheep as usual. When they were tired, they would sit together and worry about the children in the woollen factory. Now they have to sift the sheep off the sheep and send them to the wool thread factory. I wonder if they happen to be processed by their own children.

They have gradually become accustomed to living in Daqin, and now they don’t feel like the Huns. They heard that the Prince Daqin was going to build a house for them. Kind?

Of course not. Winning Zhengjian’s house is not for them to build. A small part of it is as long as they can afford it. Most of them are for the people of Yiqu. If these women want to live a happy life again, they can choose to marry the men of Yiqu. But at the time he had everything he needed. This was a way for Yingzheng to estimate their marriage.

These women felt that the road ahead was slender, and they looked into the distance with confused eyes. Several small black spots appeared in the distance. Compatriots.

Are you here to save them? Or there is going to be another war. The women panicked and took the sheep and walked over.

“What are you doing here? Do you want to fight again? Stop fighting. If you can’t fight Daqin, then the entire Huns will be destroyed.” The voices of the female sexes were crying.

These Huns only regarded them as deserters and traitors to the Huns. Without even looking at them, he walked straight to Yiqu.

Only then did the women discover that they were holding sheep and carrying bags without weapons in their hands. They follow up curiously 0

When these Huns walked to Yiqu, they whispered a few words to the guard, and the gate of Yiqu opened. The women continued to follow. They walked into an open field. There are many trucks used to carry things outside.

It took a long time for the Huns to come out. The cattle and sheep in their hands are gone, and the packages on their bodies are deflated. Instead, bags of grain and grass, they carried on their bodies, ready to leave Yiqu.

The women were not reconciled and asked them what was going on. These Huns did not answer, and they did not look at these women at all. One of them was grumpy and was annoyed by their trembling, and directly kicked Rui on the woman who was in the way in front of him.

The woman fell to the ground and clutched her belly. The rope in her hand was sent away, and the sheep was scared away. She didn’t care about the pain and hurried to chase.

The Daqin soldiers from Yiqu went over and arrested the kicking man. The others could go, but he could not go. Any harm to the people of Da Qin on the land of Da Qin should be dealt with according to the law.

The Huns hurriedly explained what the Daqin soldiers didn’t understand. The women helped to translate. Unfortunately, in the end, he couldn’t change the fate of the man. He might have forgotten that the woman was no longer a Huns. They can’t control what happened to the Huns, but they are now in Daqin.

In fact, what they did was the business exchanges that Yingzheng said before. They brought a large amount of cattle, sheep and money. They didn’t expect that they could only exchange for such a small amount of grain, but they were also helpless. Only this place can trade with Daqin. If you want to sell grain in other counties, you have to get Yiqu. Come, sell them at a uniform price.

The Huns were embarrassed in their hearts. They won the government and burned their grain and grass, and now they are sold to them at a high price, which is forcing them to die.

They used to be high-spirited prairie men. Where can they bear this grievance, they only hope that they can go to war with Da Qin again, rather than fighting to die on the battlefield instead of living like a dog.

It’s a pity that their Mouton Shanyu doesn’t think so. If there is anything wrong with being like a dog, he is willing to be a dog.

A few days later, the Daqin soldiers in Yiqu were ordered to execute the kicking man, cut off his head and hung it on the border between the Xiongnu and Daqin. .

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