Chapter 358 Chaotang is shocked! [First update, please customize]

Above the court, Emperor Changping and Emperor Changguo began to make trouble again: “The king, we have no objection to the wool business of the Prince Prince, but now the whole country is crazy about wool, and many counties have planted grass in the fields. It just used it to raise sheep.”

“When the Huns were defeated, they offered 1,099 sheep to Daqin Jin. These counties were only ordered to raise sheep. Why did it make a mistake?” Ying Zichu always had no good expressions at the two people.

“The king does not know that they are not for the purpose of raising the cattle and sheep allocated by the king. Every part of the king is allocated some, and the one thousand and ninety-nine are evenly divided and there are only a dozen in each place. The fields need to be turned into grass… They are clearly under the influence of the Holy Prince, and they are the last one.” Chang Ping Jun and Chang Guo Jun have not been affected since the audit.

Frustrated, recently became arrogant again.

“Raising sheep can take meat and hair, and the whole body is a treasure. Why don’t you give up the original and ask for it~ the end.”

“The king’s words are very bad. The land is the foundation of people’s livelihood. The people rely on food as the sky. Only what comes out of the land can fill the people’s stomachs. Now they are dazzled by the Prince’s wool business. Raising sheep, how will you settle down in the future?” Chang Ping Jun and Chang Guo Jun are good at exaggerating.

Winner is a little hesitant. Is it true that Winning did this to destroy himself? The two characters of land and farming are the foundation of a country. If you give up and raise sheep, then it will not become the way of life of the Huns- Yet.

“Now everyone knows that weaving fabrics makes a lot of money, and they don’t want to farm. In the long run, Daqin’s foundation will be unstable.” The two men openly proposed above the court.

The scholar-bureaucrats were even more ruthless. They echoed the words of Emperor Changping and Emperor Chang, and put more oil and jealousy on Yingzheng. Finally, they even proposed that Yingzichu dismiss Daqin garment factory. Think that is the origin of the scourge.

Winning Zichu is also very embarrassed. Now Yingzheng is vigorously recommending the imperial examination system. This Daqin garment factory is the most profitable business. He really dismissed it when he said that he was dismissed. Winning government still has to worry about him.

“Summon the prince to the court first.” Ying Zichu sighed and made a compromise.

When they were preparing to dismiss Daqin Garment Factory in the court, Baoyang County and the Garment Factory knew nothing about it. They were still trading money in full swing.

Merchants are most keen to fight for nothing more than purple and gold. When these two colors are produced, they almost squeeze their heads to grab them. As long as winter is not over, their carnival will not stop.

Shortly after winning the victory over the Xiongnu, Ying Zheng received a bunch of gifts from Mao Dun Shan Yu. I was in a good mood, ready to spend the remaining winter happily. Then he was called to the court.

Winning politics is late, and every time he enters the court, he has a bad premonition. He always feels that it is a waste of time to argue with a group of boring people. But this time he felt something was wrong after saluting the winning son Chu.

It is not only the old rivals like Changping Jun and Chang Guojun, but also people who often have nothing to look for, including scholar-officials. Today, even the civil and military officials are hostile to winning politics.

Changping Jun and Chang Guojun raised their persistence to Yingzheng again, and this time their words were slightly obscure. They didn’t dare to speak directly in front of the winning government, winding the bend as rugged as a mountain road.

Winning politics is not stupid, and of course you can hear what they have said. No wonder the civil and military officials are no longer on their side. They always care about the safety of Daqin.

“It is really rare that the two monarchs of Changping, Changping, can think about Daqin for me, but unfortunately they are still worrying about it. Nowadays, Baoyang County’s tax revenue, gold and silver piled up into a mountain, has exceeded 10 million taels, which is equivalent to Daqin’s past ten years. Taxes. It is the time of prosperity, where do you see that there is a problem?”

“His Royal Highness’s words are not correct. Although Baoyang County has a lot of taxation, it is not like that in other places. I have only one Baoyang County in Daqin.

“Other places have also made a lot of money by selling wool, and they all think it’s okay.

“Although mutton is delicious, it will not be good if it affects agriculture.” A civil official put forward respectfully. Agriculture is the foundation. The Prince Prince also vigorously promoted agriculture. How can he be willing to change the former fields into pastures today?

Ying Zheng stared at the civil servant and asked coldly: “Are our grain output very low?”

No one can answer this question. All the civil and military people of the Manchu Dynasty shut their mouths and talked about winning the government funds: “Our grain output last year has allowed the entire Daqin people to eat, and can provide the army with reserve rations. Every granary is full. The output of sweet potatoes and potatoes is terrible. Are we short of food? Did you find that there was no food to eat and were hungry this morning?”

0………Look for flowers…

The civil and military officials were speechless, and looked at Ying Zichu with some cry for help. Winning Zichu turned a blind eye and let them take it upon themselves.

“But what you consider is reasonable. But you must consider the actual conditions. First, there are places in Daqin that are not suitable for raising sheep. We have taken a lot of grassland from the Xiongnu. Why not do sheep herding on the grassland?”

The officials did not know about winning the government and defeating the Xiongnu. When they heard the victory talk about the Xiongnu, their eyes suddenly brightened: “His Royal Highness, what does this matter have to do with the Xiongnu?’

Yingzheng asked Zhao Gao to dominate the head that Touman was good at. This head was specially brought back by Yingzheng and kept in a box. If the Xiongnu dared to be disobedient one day, he would hang this head on the border.

“About three months ago, the Huns invaded the righteous canal, and I led the tiger and wolf soldiers to attack the Huns. In this battle, Man’s good head was beheaded and he captured the Huns for more than six hundred miles.

The civil and military people of the Manchu dynasty were dumbfounded. Why didn’t they know about this, three months ago? Three months have passed and they don’t know, are they really courtiers of Daqin?

Yingzheng said: “After the Huns were defeated, the father asked them for compensation. One thousand and ninety-nine cattle and sheep and half of the grassland were the price of their failure.

At this time, the officials suddenly realized that it was so. I thought these things were the Xiongnu’s contribution to the court, but I didn’t expect it to be like this. Just say why the Huns suddenly became so generous.

They just got the news that they heard that the Xiongnu attacked the Yiqu. They thought that the king would send troops today. They didn’t expect that the victory would have killed the Xiongnu? This speed is really admirable.

Daqin has a vast territory. In the past, when there were wars, it took a long time for the news to reach Xianyang. After the king knew about it, he made a decision, and then sent troops from various places to fight. It’s impossible to do this within a few months. factory,

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