Chapter 355 Huns captives! [First update, please customize]

Ying Zheng chased the tiger wolf soldiers a long way, and the tribes along the way were ransacked by the tiger wolf soldiers. This day is the catastrophe of the Huns. No one knows how many people were killed or injured, how many people were in exile, and how much food was burned. Only know that nearly half of the tribes have been brutally attacked, and only a thousand of the 50,000 Huns have returned.

Further forward is the depths of the grassland, and it is not a wise move to venture forward. Yingzheng ordered the tiger and wolf soldiers to turn around and return to Yiqu. This time he didn’t chase down Prince Maurton, he had already hid in the deepest part of the grassland and dared not to appear. The tiger and wolf soldiers finally stopped their advance after taking orders.


When they came back, the people of Yiqu were repairing the city gate, and seeing the victory and the return of the troops, they put down their work to meet them. The tiger and wolf soldiers brought back not only the heads of the Huns, but also herds of cattle and sheep.

Ying Zheng looked at the people of Yi 08 who had just experienced the battle. They were more or less bruised, their faces covered with dust, and their hair was fluffy and messy. The wounds brought to them by this battle are hard to heal. Winning sees a bit distressed: “You don’t have to do the repair of the city gate. Now the righteous canal is a waste of time. You should rest first and heal your injuries.

The people of Yiqu were a little embarrassed and said: “But your Royal Highness, if the city gate is not repaired for a moment, Yiqu will be in danger for one more moment.”

“No need but worry, I won’t let you suffer from the war anymore. The Xiongnu suffered heavy losses this time, and it is impossible to make a comeback in a short time. The giant Sanmo is already on the road, and will soon arrive at Yiqu to build one for you. A stronger gate.”

Hearing what the Saint Prince said, the people of Yiqu were grateful, and the Saint Prince did one more thing for Yiqu, and they didn’t know why it should be repaid.

“His Royal Highness, what you have done for Yiqu, Yiqu can’t forget from generation to generation.” An elderly man said with tears on his face, every word.

“I’m not doing anything for Yiqu, I’m here to save you because you are all of my Daqin people, and Yiqu is the border of my Daqin, nothing more.” Winning the government does not require them to be grateful for themselves, as long as they can recognize This is the protection they deserve to belong to Daqin.

Zhao Gao came to Yingzheng and reported in a low voice: “His Royal Highness has sent a net to clear the city. It is very clean. Please rest assured, His Royal Highness.”

Yingzheng nodded: “Good job.

Just after speaking, a group of Hun women walked behind them. They came on foot, with mud and dust on their feet, a little blood stains on their bodies, sweat on their foreheads, their faces pale, and their physical strength was exhausted. They had to come here, without the protection of the men, without food and houses. If they come here, they will starve to death, freeze to death, and be wolves

Bite to death. No matter how dead, they want to live.

Seeing these women walking by, the people of Yiqu picked up their labor tools. Not long ago, their brothers and sisters died at the hands of the Huns, and even the entire Yiqu was almost flattened by the Huns. They can’t forget this hatred. Regardless of whether they are male or female, they will kill the Huns as soon as possible.

Seeing the appearance of the people in Yiqu facing each other maliciously, the Huns were frightened and shrank together, holding the hands of the people around them tightly. They negotiated in a low voice, and finally bowed their heads, ready to turn away.

“It will be late, and the wolves will appear. I heard that the prairie people are company with wolves. I don’t know what method is used to prevent the hungry wolves from biting people.” The words of Ying Zheng are very ironic. How can the hungry wolves not bite? People? As long as these women dare to look back, they will die without a burial place. Only by entering Yiqu can you survive.

Those women looked back at the victory, with tears in their eyes. It was this person who made them feel despair in a day and gave them hope.

The people of Yiqu didn’t know what it meant. “His Royal Highness, are you going to let these Hun women enter the righteous canal? They are” this man has a deep wound on his face, which seems to be completely disfigured. His disgust towards the Huns is self-evident.

“No, they used to be the Huns, and they will be my Daqin people in the future, just like you. You must live in harmony.”

The people of Yiqu were stunned by the words of the prince. They did not forget that the same was true of Yiqu, and the words of the prince became Daqin’s words. But now Yiqu and the Xiongnu are incompatible with each other, how can they live in harmony.

The two sides faced each other, and neither Yingzheng nor the Tiger Wolf Army entered outside the city gate. The county magistrate of Yiqu stood up: “Didn’t you just say that you want to be grateful for the rebuilding of His Royal Highness the Prince? Forgetting so quickly, what is the difference with the perfidious person.”

These words made the people of Yiqu bow their heads in shame. Now the Saint Prince and the Tiger Wolf Soldier are at the gate of the city, and the cattle and sheep they brought back are also at the gate, including those women. Yiqu either accepts them all or shuts them all out. In the end, they gritted their teeth, and it was right that these women were the trophies of the prince.

After these Hun women entered the Yiqu, Yingzheng assigned them something to do: “If you want to live in the Yiqu, you have to graze, raise more sheep for me, and produce more wool for me. I will give you three more. During this month, 440 will be provided for you to eat and live. If you can raise all the sheep I brought back, you can continue to stay in Yiqu. But if the raising is not good

You will be driven out. ”

The voice of Ying Zheng was very majestic, and the children of the Huns were hiding behind their mothers in fear. After Ying Zheng saw them, he remembered that these children had not arranged: “Children can be sent as apprentices in a woolen thread factory, and they can do some chores behind the female workers, and they will also receive Qin cash according to their work. Adults and children raise sheep. Knitting yarn, as long as there is a useful one

Staying in Yiqu, this is my tolerance for you. ”

Zhao Gao counted the number of cattle and sheep, and then allocated them to the Huns. After all the records were completed, he let them leave. The giant Sanmo has also rushed over. They will build temporary shelters for these women after they have finished repairing the city gates. I am afraid it will be too late before dark. These women have to sleep in the open air for a night.

Winning the government made the Sanmo giants need not worry, and let them suffer a little bit to know the benefits of Da Qin. He was kind enough to treat these prisoners of war.

The county magistrate of Yiqu was called, and Yingzheng instructed him: “Now Yiqu needs a good rest. Three months later, you will leave all qualified Huns and let them live as Daqin citizens. From now on, Yiqu will be my money. treasure house!”.

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