Chapter 356 Mao Dun Dan Yu is as timid as a mouse! [Second update, please customize]

The newly-built city gate of the giant Sanmo is very strong. After Yingzheng looked at it, he nodded: “Yes, but it’s not enough. Yiqu’s armaments need to be strengthened. I will send more Daqin soldiers to guard here, Daqin’s. Every inch of territory must be as solid as golden soup.”

Not only to defend against the invasion of the Huns, winning the government is also worried that as soon as they leave, the Yiqu people will fight with the new Huns. In Yiqu County, the Huns are a disadvantaged group. Winning wants them to become a labor force. , You have to maintain order.

Winning the government was ruthless. The men were basically killed. All the women who came in were women, and there were few boys among the children. Waiting for these women to live in Yiqu for a few years, they will gradually be assimilated and give birth to children. After a few generations, whoever knows that they are Xiongnu people will obediently become his citizens of Daqin.

Before leaving Yiqu, Ying Zheng also took a look at the temporary residence. Their faces no longer had the tiredness of the day. The cattle and sheep were also grazing very well. Herding is the strength of the prairie people. They educate their children to work hard, and only work hard to survive. In the three-month period, they did not want to face the fate of being driven out.

They occasionally dream of the life they used to live on the grassland. Although the conditions are difficult, they are also very satisfactory. All of this disappeared in the blink of an eye, and they could only complete another kind of Consummation in Daqin. To live is their only hope. When people die, there is nothing left.

Everywhere on the grassland where they dreamed of their dreams was lifeless, as if the sky above their heads had become gloomy. Since the death of Mandanyu, Prince Mouton inherited his seat and became Moutondanyu.

After the two thousand tiger and wolf soldiers were transferred back to Baoyang County, Ying Zheng returned to Xianyang City. As soon as the front foot arrived, he was called into the Xianyang Palace. Winning Zichu told the matter about Mouton’s succession to Shanyu.

Yingzheng remembered the man lying on the ground crying like a slug, and couldn’t help laughing: “Are the Xiongnu no one? Why do you want people like Mouton to be the only one? They are not afraid of subjugation. 々.”

Ying Zheng is indifferent by nature and rarely laughs out loud. Ying Zichu sees him smiling so openly, can’t help asking: “The prince has seen Mao Dun Shanyu, what kind of person is that?”

“It’s not just that I’ve seen him, but the child minister almost killed him.

“Then why don’t you kill it?” It was a pity that Ying Zichu had killed him earlier.

“Because he knelt on the ground and kowtowed his head vigorously, begging his son to let him go. Father, you didn’t see him like that. You are not as good as the stray dogs on the street. The son doesn’t bother to kill him.”

Ying Zichu looked at Ying Zheng in disbelief: “The prince said this is too exaggerated.

“It’s not that the son is exaggerating. If the father saw it with his own eyes, he would think so. This time the son didn’t kill him. It is really fortunate for the Da Qin. He is the only one, and the father can take and ask the Xiongnu as much as possible. When Mouton was on the battlefield, he was stunned by his ministers. He would definitely not dare to go to war again. No matter what request was made to him, he would agree.”

Winning Zichu can’t believe that if he wins the government, he will be as timid as a mouse. The dog jumped off the wall when he was forced to be in a hurry. If he really wanted and wanted from the Huns, he wouldn’t be able to fight.

“Father, the Xiongnu still have some cattle and sheep. We can continue to ask them. Let’s first ask for a thousand. We will only select healthy and healthy ones. The rest of the old and sick sheep can be left to them.”

Winning Zichu was stunned, and it was a question of whether he was willing to give it or not.

Seeing that Ying Zichu hesitated, Ying Zheng said solemnly: “The Xiongnu killed a lot of Qin soldiers and people this time. There is very little left for one thousand. If we don’t follow, we will immediately send troops to destroy the Xiongnu. !’

Winning Zichu was a little timid and fearful. Now the Xiongnu’s vitality was severely injured, he did not dare to attack rashly. He could only listen to the words of the victory and ask Mao Dunyu for these “presents.” A few days later, a thousand cattle and sheep were sent to Daqin. The winning government sent Zhao Gao to take a careful inventory. After Zhao Gao did so, he replied: “I missed a cow, saying that he died on the road.”

“One can’t be lost. Let Maudun pay hundreds more. Before we requested that we must be healthy and healthy. It must be a sick cow that died on the road. This is the Xiongnu deceiving me, Da Qin. !’

Mao Dun just agreed to this request without even thinking about it. The people on the grassland were afraid to speak up. They resented Da Qin’s greed in their hearts, and also resented Mao Dun’s incompetence.

Winning Zichu listened to the reports from people around him that there were a total of 1,099 heads, all of which had their jaws dropped. It seemed that Mouton was not only timid but also prodigal, and the cattle and sheep were sent to Daqin as if they didn’t need money.

Unfortunately, I was still not satisfied with the victory. A few days later, I suggested that I win Zichu: “” The cattle and sheep sent by the Huns have no place to raise. It is better to let Maudun cede the land and give us half of the grassland.

This time, Zichu did not hesitate to win, and followed the Prince’s request. A few days later, he liked to mention a piece of grassland. The Xiongnu women in Yiqu stood on the reclaimed land, grazing the cattle and sheep that came in. Everything belonged to Daqin.

When winter passed, the county magistrate of Yiqu sent a long list. Most of the Xiongnu women and children passed the examination of the Holy Prince, and now they have officially become the citizens of Daqin. Yiqu’s population has suddenly increased and the land is vast.

After flipping through the list, Ying Zheng instructed Yiqu County Order: “Give them a new name. Since they are my Daqin citizens, they should look like Daqin citizens. The names adopt Daqin’s naming method, and the names must be Daqin’s writings. So are the children, you can use the last name to indicate their origins.”

Yingzheng also asked about the construction of Yiqu after the war. The county magistrate of Yiqu was full of smiles on his face: “His Royal Highness, Prince Sheng, has comforted the families of the casualties, and the vacant posts have been filled. Everyone lives and works in peace and contentment. Except for the Huns, ah no, the new Da Qin people have no place to live, everything is fine.”

They have never had a house, and spent the winter in a temporary residence, which is very difficult in comparison. The Xiongnu nomads may not be able to bear this suffering. Yingzheng thought for a while: “It seems that Yiqu is still short of money and continues to make a fuss on clothes. It is now February. Let the people of Yiqu open up new land. We want to grow cotton. Sowing in March and April, 90

It can be harvested at the beginning of the month, and when Yiqu becomes rich, a new house can be built.

Yingzheng wants to build Yiqu into a place as rich as Baoyang County.

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