Chapter 354 Chase the remnants, kill the Huns! [Fourth update, ask for customization]

While they were talking, Prince Mouton didn’t know when he slipped away. Yingzheng didn’t care about the waste at all. If he waited quietly wherever he died, it would be not just waste but rubbish. Thinking of the way he was afraid, winning the government felt ridiculous. The two of them were obviously princes. Why is Maudun like a monkey wearing Prince’s clothes, in

It’s the same for spectators on stage.

After this battle, the loss of the tiger and wolf soldiers was very small, and the number of 3,000 soldiers was basically 3,000. Ying Zheng left a hundred people who were exhausted and seriously injured in Yiqu, and led the others to chase the Xiongnu deserters.

The tiger and wolf soldiers were full of slaughter, and when the game was finalized, the pain and exhaustion on their bodies were all wiped out, and they followed the holy prince all the way to catch up.

Yingzheng led people all the way to chase the grassland. The Xiongnu “four or four zero” soldiers scattered and fled, most of them ran to their hometowns. Running slowly, they were caught up quickly. The tiger and wolf soldiers raised their knives and slashed fiercely from behind them.

They fell facing their hometown, which was a place they could never reach. They were replaced by the tiger and wolf soldiers of Yingzheng and Daqin.

The grasslands are inhabited in the form of tribes, and every tribe in Yingzheng, they ordered all men to be killed, regardless of age. As long as anyone in the family joins the army to attack Daqin, not one is spared. Not only are men, women, children, and children killed, the house will also be burned down, so that even if they can come back alive, they will be homeless.

Touman was good at raising troops this time because he had lost his money. All those who could fight on the grassland were taken away. Now that they can win the government and they have no power to fight back.

Yingzheng also ordered that all cattle and sheep on the grassland should be taken to the Yiqu, and all the food would be burned. The remaining valuable things can be plundered by tiger soldiers at will.

This order made the tiger and wolf soldiers into a carnival. They rushed into the houses of the people in the grassland. Before they could react, they saw the man hacked to death, and then searched in their houses wantonly. All valuable things were swept away.

The Huns deserters soon brought the news of the defeat to the grassland. The Huns first mourned for the defeat of the battle, and mourned for the death of Touman, and finally remembered Daqin’s revenge after the defeat, and they couldn’t help being frightened.

They didn’t expect Daqin’s revenge to come so quickly, just as they didn’t expect that fifty thousand grassland men died and injured countless people without even stepping into the border of Daqin.

Soon other tribes heard the wind, knowing that other tribes had been burned, killed and looted by the Daqin people, and quickly asked the tribes to pack their things and escape for their lives.

They were far behind the winning government, and before they had time to leave, the winning government brought the tiger and wolf army. The leader of the tribe stood in front and wanted to stop them, shouting: “Our tribe is not good at supporting Touman, let us go. We are a small tribe and have no value to you.

Winning government doesn’t care what he is talking about, this is revenge, there is no mercy at all. Cut off his head with the sword of the emperor of heaven.

When the leader’s head flew out, the Huns behind him all exclaimed. Others say that the Huns are barbaric and uncivilized people. Now these people are like robbers, aren’t they barbaric?

A Hun woman rushed in desperately. Just now she saw her husband and son were killed. A tiger wolf soldier grabbed her by the hair and tore off the necklace from her neck.

“People of Daqin, how can you be so frantic! You robbed our cattle and sheep, and now you are still coming to destroy our people. You are deprived of conscience, not human.” She desperately and angrily accused her of winning the government.

“You are right, these are indeed not people.” What Yingzheng refers to is the tiger and wolf soldiers under his own.

This woman actually thought that they were the first to rob the cattle and sheep. They were all bought honestly. How could they rob it? It seems that Touman is good at brainwashing the Huns in order to start a war.

“I only give you a way to survive now. If you want to survive, let me go to Yiqu where I will live.” Ying Zheng looked at the tribe being destroyed into ruins, and commanded them proudly.

“What are you going to do to Yiqu?” The woman looked at Winning with cold eyes, with a pale and cold smile on her face. She deliberately satirized Winning in this way.

“Yiqu will give you food. From now on, you will be the herdsmen of Daqin, grazing sheep and grass. Live as the people of Daqin.”

The other women shrank together in fear when they heard these words, and did not dare to make a sound. Only the woman’s voice suddenly made a sharp and thin voice, as if she was laughing: “You are making me the Huns completely annihilated. You are dreaming!”

After that, he hit the tiger wolf soldier’s blood-stained knife and committed suicide. She hasn’t died yet, and she is still clinging to Yingzheng’s face. She hopes that her life can bring a little shake to Yingzheng, make him regret doing this, and let him know that the Huns can never give in, even a woman.

Ying Zheng looked at her about to die, and said coldly: “I regret it now. Cut off this woman’s head and hang it on the highest place in this tribe. Only the people of your tribe will kill me without leaving. Light, let you truly annihilate the race. From now on you will be the sinner of this race.

After the woman heard this, other women suddenly burst into crying, and the sound of a butcher knife chopping over.

Each tribe in the grassland is composed of several tribes. He wanted the entire Xiongnu to submit to him and honestly become a citizen of Daqin. If you don’t have anything to say, it’s a dead end.

If a tribe doesn’t follow it, then it will destroy another tribe. If the entire Huns don’t follow it, he doesn’t mind letting them all die.

That day, the originally peaceful grassland was full of mourning, and Yingzheng took the tiger and wolf soldiers to destroy it wherever they went. The grassland was full of sores, and the flames burning grains emitted thick smoke to the sky 1.3.

The hidden Hun soldiers saw smoke rising in the direction of their home from a distance, and they all understood what was going on. They ended their lives with the machete in their hands.

Tribe after tribe encountered this catastrophe, and few people ran away. In the vast grassland, tiger and wolf soldiers were also searching and killing all those left behind.

Someone from Yiqu reported that some of the Huns used their cleverness to hide in Yiqu County. The remaining hundred tiger and wolf soldiers subdued them. The people of Yiqu were filled with righteous indignation and beat them to death with sticks.

After Yingzheng heard it, he only ordered: “Let the people of Yiqu quickly dispose of the bodies of those people and throw them away. There are other Huns in the city as soon as possible to clear them out. In the future, it is not allowed to mention the killing of the Huns, including today. The people participating in the battle.”.

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