Chapter 353 Decapitate Man is good at it! [Third, please customize]

The encirclement of Wanjun couldn’t stop the pace of the victory. The other tiger and wolf soldiers separated behind him, and the victory came to Touman alone. Coming all the way to fight, he didn’t know how many lives of the Huns were entangled in his body. Zhengrong wailed in pain around Yingzheng, which made him exude an aura of persecution.

He is like a god of death, who accompanies death all day long, can determine life and death, and determine the number of lives. Anyone he believes will surely step into the door of death.

Touman is good at being frightened by the atmosphere of winning the government, and he is very frightened. He reluctantly keeps his body from shaking, forcing his eyes to look directly at the winning government.

The appearance of winning the government is very indifferent. On the battlefield, the wind passes by the ears, bringing the sound of killing and the smell of blood. The people around him are struggling between life and death, but he seems to be not among them, calm and calm.

As the victory came to the front of Man Shun, Yiqu Tiger Wolf Soldiers also slammed forward and surrounded Tou Man Shun and Prince Mouton. Only a part of the Huns remained desperately resisting. The Huns had already lost this battle.

The Huns died one by one. Touman was good at screaming in his heart and wielding the golden scimitar in his hand, but he couldn’t wield it anyway. He has been stunned by the murderous hostility and the emperor’s aura of the winning government.

Touman is good at asking: “Who are you? Could it be the king of Daqin’s court?” His voice was already faintly trembling.

“I am the prince of Daqin, winning the government.” His voice was full of the majesty of the emperor, and he smelled all of them solemnly.

Prince Mouton was a coward. Hearing the voice of Ying Zheng, his legs trembled with fright, and he wanted to kneel down. By his side is Touman Good. If he really kneels down, he will definitely be beaten to death by his father. His legs are shaking more and more severely, and he has reached the point where he can’t stand. Winning the government has looked up and down~ he glanced.

Feeling the gaze of Yingzheng, Prince Mouton finally couldn’t help it, and knelt down in front of Yingzheng with a thump.

Yingzheng was condescending, looking down at the head of Prince Maoudun sticking to the ground. He snorted contemptuously: “Touman, it seems that your son is more sensible than you. If you kneel down like this three times, I can give you a chance to surrender.”

Tou Man was so mad at seeing the situation. The man in front of him was the son of King Daqin. It was his son who knelt on the ground and shivered. There was a huge difference between the two. His son is so trash, Touman is good at feeling ashamed on his face, and roars: “This king can never be soft to a child like you!”

He forcibly broke free from the shackles of his momentum, and Jin in his hand swung the scimitar to win the government. Touman’s good eyes saw that Yingzheng hadn’t moved. The machete cut through the air and made a whistling sound, and he was about to touch Yingzheng’s neck.

Touman couldn’t help but smile, and sent so many Huns to die without being able to win the first prize of winning the government. He didn’t expect that he could win it himself. He was ecstatic in his heart: “Win politics, win politics, no matter who you are, give me death! As expected, my head is unparalleled in the world hahaha!”

Between the lightning and flint, the sword of the Emperor of Heaven came like thunder. Before Jin touched the scimitar, he cut off his good head and fell on the ground and rolled a few times. Touman’s laughter in his heart was cut off forever before it came out.

Kneeling on the ground, Prince Maodun raised his eyes just to see Touman’s good head, and the blood-stained face, with an expression of joy that had not yet emerged. Prince Mouton was so frightened, he crawled out in a kneeling position.

Yingzheng said indifferently: “Go and pick it up and bring it to me.”

This was a cruel and irresistible order for Prince Mouton. He had to resist the fear and nausea in his heart, closed his eyes and picked up the head, and walked on his knees in front of Yingzheng.

The Huns have a habit of fighting in war. If you don’t want to kill an enemy soldier, you have to chop off his head, tie his hair together, and tie it around his waist. This shows that he has killed countless enemies and made a lot of achievements. After the war, they would compare with the number of heads on their waists. The more heads a person has, the more respectable they are. They will also use these heads to make wine glasses for drinking, celebrating

I wish victory.

Ying Zheng looked at Prince Mouton: “You have cut off the heads of so many Daqin soldiers, have you ever thought that one day your own will be cut off? You are so scared now, just because this is your father and king. But you I know that those Daqin soldiers are also my people, so how heartache I am!”

These words were very serious, and the prince Bratton was so scared that he kowtows his head repeatedly, and he dared not stop the blood flow from the kowtow, and he kept repeating forgiveness in his mouth.

0……Look for flowers…

Yingzheng ignored him and waited until he got the ground out of a hole. Turning around and raising Touman’s good head high, facing the tiger wolf soldier and the Huns who are still fighting, he calmly and majesticly said: “Touman is good at dead, wait, why are you still fighting!”

The tiger and wolf soldiers did not act rashly. Looking at the Xiongnu soldiers who should have died under their own hands just now, they hoped that the other party would not run away, so that they could kill them happily.

The Huns also reacted in shock. The people who promised this promise are dead, and the promise is naturally invalidated. Those who imagine that Touman is good at rewarding are all waking up from a dream.


Without the headman being good at it, the Xiongnu army is like a plate of scattered sand. Not only did they lose the reason to fight, they also lost the ability to fight. Seeing that the general situation is over, the Huns threw their helmets and armors and fled.

Seeing the situation in front of him, Yiqu tiger and wolf soldiers hurried to report the situation: “His Royal Highness, the Yiqu city gate is broken, but the Huns did not really enter. It is a blessing.

Ying Zheng waved his hand and pointed the sword straight at the man: “Fortunately? Did you dare to go out without entering? I sent you to guard the righteous canal to protect the people’s safety, not to bring them to the battlefield to die.”

When the tiger and wolf soldiers of Yiqu came out to respond, the people of Yiqu also followed. Their military strength was very weak and they were not equipped with weapons. Many people died in the battle.

An old man from Yiqu rushed up: “His Royal Highness, you really came to save us. It’s not to blame the tiger and wolf soldiers. They defended the city gate for us, and this allowed us to survive. It was we who heard about the Holy Prince. You came out to fight to the death.”

Ying Zheng looked at this old man. He was already old, with a cut kitchen knife in his hand, and there were still scars on his body. He couldn’t help sighing, that’s why he was eager to stop the fight.

Let the county magistrate of Yiqu first settle the people of Yiqu quickly and put the injured to death. Turned around and ordered the tiger and wolf soldiers: “Can’t let them run, we chase after!” The factory,

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