Chapter 352 The heaven and the earth are killing, and the creatures are disgraced. The crime of non-war, this is the price the Xiongnu must deal with!

What made the tiger and wolf soldiers in Yiqu country unexpected was that the people of Yiqu also rushed out with them. For a time, the soldiers and civilians were one, shouting and killing. Those Xiongnu soldiers waiting at the gate of Yiqu were caught off guard, I don’t know why. These people will suddenly rush out and have to hurriedly respond to the enemy.

Touman was good at seeing that the tiger wolf soldiers in front of him were about to rush to him, and the tiger wolf soldiers in the Yiqu also came out. Knowing that he was attacked by the enemy, he hurriedly let the other Huns who attacked the Yiqu country quickly rushed back and gathered together:” Stop attacking the city and come to me immediately to protect me!”

In the past few days, the tiger and wolf soldiers were mainly defensive, and they fought very conservatively in every battle. The Huns couldn’t attack them and couldn’t kill them, so they held back a lot of fire. Now the Tiger Wolf Soldiers finally came out. They were about to fight a battle, but they were interrupted by Toman’s good calling order.

As soon as the slogan summoned, all the Huns and soldiers were puzzled. The military order is like a mountain, and none of them knows to violate it. But among these Huns soldiers there is no shortage of bloody men. Seeing their brothers killed by tiger and wolf soldiers, this hatred is not shared. They would rather fight against the 440 Tiger Wolf Soldiers to the end.

If someone does not follow the military order, the battlefield cannot be unified. The Huns were divided into two waves, one was in front of the tiger and wolf soldiers in Yiqu, and the other was guarding Prince Mouton, who was good at Touman. As for the injuries of the Huns who had died long ago, they were defeated.

The vast sword energy rushed straight into the sky in everyone’s eyes. In the entire battlefield, Ying Zheng’s figure was covered by the dust blown by the gale, and he could only be seen vaguely.

The sword energy was sharp and sharp, cutting through the wind and smoke directly. Ying Zheng shuttled like ghosts among the Xiongnu soldiers, and before they could see clearly, his throat was cut by the sword.

Another piece of Huns fell, and no one was allowed to wait. Every moment, dozens of Huns died. Touman is good at sweating cold behind his back and is anxious like an ant on a hot pan. He roars hoarsely: “What are you still watching? Give me all! No matter who it is, just show me his head, and the king will reward him. Thousands of cattle and sheep, ten thousand

A mu of grassland is worth a thousand taels of gold, and a thousand catties of spirits!”

Touman is good at being a (aibd) innate master, and with the innate vitality, he spreads the wide range of voices, so that the Huns are anxious, and the Huns who fought in the front also regretted it, and quickly turned around and gave up the tiger and wolf soldiers in front of them. , Rushing to Touman where he is good at.

These tiger and wolf soldiers saw that the other party had the intention to retreat, and determined to drag them desperately, and immediately rushed to contain them. Each of these Xiongnu soldiers was thinking of Touman’s good at the rewards just mentioned, and only hoped that he could rush over and take credit for winning the government as soon as possible. The retreat formation was in disarray, giving the tiger and wolf soldiers a chance.

I have to say that Touman’s words are very attractive. Most of the Huns here are not willing to come to war. There are too few cattle and sheep on the grassland this winter. They came here with physical crimes in order to survive. If you can get Tuman’s good rewards, you won’t have to fight again.

They all fell into a state of madness for this reward, screaming, mad, mad, and rushed to win the government.

The two thousand tiger and wolf army behind Yingzheng, at this moment, everyone has entered a state of selflessness, without fear, everyone walked forward without fear of death. The indomitable momentum is revealed.

Yingzheng watched with cold eyes as the Xiongnu soldiers pounced like hungry wolves, bowing their heads indifferently: “What? Do you treat me as a prey? The weak and the strong, you know that you are the prey.”

After that, he suddenly raised his head, his expression cold and merciless, and raised his hand to point the sword of the emperor straight ahead: “Kill!”

After the two thousand tiger and wolf army got the order, they rushed up to meet the Huns in front of them, and killed them when they saw the enemy. The Huns know why these soldiers are called tiger-wolf soldiers. They do have fangs and claws like tiger-wolves, and they are mighty and ferocious.

Some Huns were very cunning, thinking about letting others die first, and took the opportunity to look for opportunities so that they could take the lead in winning politics. Yingzheng smiled contemptuously, and wiped out the Xiongnu soldiers rushing up with just a wave of the sword. They also stared wide-eyed and wanted to see the flaws in Ying Zheng’s body. They didn’t know that they had been in a different place, and they died like this without even feeling the pain.

The tiger and wolf soldiers centered on winning politics and surrounded him among the tens of thousands of Huns. They can get rid of most of the wishful thinking of the Huns, and they can respite from winning politics. He looked at Tou Man Shun in the distance. When there were no Huns to harass him, he took out the Houyi Divine Bow and threw an arrow away.

Since ancient times, capture the thief first, capture the king, and win politics knows this. As soon as the divine bow came out, it hit a hundred shots. Touman is good at the cold light of arrows reflected in his pupils, and his excessive fear makes his body unable to move. Seeing that he was about to die under the arrow, between Qiandiao’s shot, a soldier next to him helped him block the arrow.

This is a good general who has accompanied Touman for many years in the Southern and Northern Wars. The arrow went straight through his body, and blood flowed down the tip of the arrow. The arrow plunged into the ground when he fell, but his body did not fall. The arrow actually went through the bone and nailed the person firmly on it.

Seeing the general’s tragic death, Touman’s eyes widened secretly, and his scalp seemed to explode.

Prince Mouton was even more exaggerated. He took a sigh of relief and hugged himself with his hands. He was so scared that he jumped up. He kept shrinking back and yelled in panic: “Father, Father, save me. !”

Suddenly shouting and killing sounded behind him, and Prince Mouton was so frightened that he turned around and drew back. That was a thousand tiger and wolf soldiers in Yiqu. They had already solved the Xiongnu soldiers in front of them, and they were rushing towards this place with great momentum. It was completely impossible to see how many troops were defending.

Touman was good at feeling that the breath of death was approaching, and shouted again: “Take his head immediately, and the reward just now will be increased tenfold! Hundredfold!”

“You shout so much, can you afford it?” Ying Zheng’s voice was cold. He heard the voice of Yiqu Tiger and Wolf Soldiers. meet. I became eager in my heart, I just wanted to make a quick battle and speed up the progress.

The gusts of wind roared, the swords and shadows were dripping with blood, and the battlefield was filled with the smell of blood, which was disgusting. The sound of weapon collisions and shouts were deafening. The severely wounded soldiers lingered on the ground. They had no way out and were trampled to death back and forth. The corpses on the ground piled up like a mountain, and the blood shed thousands of miles.

The heaven and the earth are killing, and the creatures are disgraced. The crime of non-war, this is the price the Xiongnu must deal with!

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