Chapter 351 The holy prince is here, we are saved! [First update, please customize]

A few miles away, Touman was good at looking at the tiger and wolf soldiers who came from Daqin. The tiger and wolf soldiers were really like wolves and tigers. Touman is good at not believing what he saw, let alone what the messenger said. Can a tiger wolf soldier kill their five hundred Huns?

Believe, let alone believe it.

The tiger and wolf soldiers oncoming from a distance relentlessly harvested one life after another on the battlefield. The expressions on their faces are as cold as the armor on their bodies, which makes people wonder if their bodies are still warm, or whether they are really human-shaped killing machines.

Touman is good at discovering that the talent they lead is the most terrifying. He was the one who cleared the way along the way, and everyone behind him followed him closely. Touman is good at puzzles. It stands to reason that if this is the main general, how can he rush to the forefront without any protection?

That person was the great prince of the Great Qin who won the power. He was wearing a battle armor and tightly holding the sword of the Emperor of Heaven. With one sword, he broke a hundred armor, causing thousands of damage to the Xiongnu soldiers. This move was so powerful that even Shanhe was crying. There is no fatigue on Yingzheng’s face. Such a move is nothing to him. He’s been anxious since he heard about the war again

Ru Fen, dispatched troops to Yiqu at the fastest speed, heard the sound of the Huns attacking the city from a distance, and won the government because he was afraid that he was late, and shouted to the soldiers behind him: “There is no time to line up troops. After setting up the formation, they all followed me as they raided from the rear, and took down the head of the head that Man was good at!” Then they rushed up.

The formation of troops can determine the outcome of a battle, let alone fighting more with less. However, the Saint Prince has already rushed out, and I am afraid it will be too late if he doesn’t keep up. Their worries are superfluous. When to win politics, they need someone to protect them. He always protects others. Even in the great Qin, winning politics can protect the world.

Before the Xiongnu soldiers wounded by the sword of the Heavenly Emperor fell to the ground, they swung another sword before winning the government. He immersed himself in blood, and when the blood splashed, the fishy smell diffused. He danced his heart with the sword, wherever his sharp edge, the corpse was everywhere. He has fallen into the abyss of slaughter, unable to extricate himself, only to kill the Huns in front of him can he stop.

On this battlefield, the sky was dim and the sun and the moon were silent. The Xiongnu soldiers saw the appearance of winning the government, as if Shura from hell had just crawled into the world and was tearing up the creatures with his sharp nails. Before they got close, the murderous aura on that person was overwhelming. They couldn’t breathe, and they could only retreat in fear.

The Huns, who were originally fierce and unafraid of death, have lost the courage to block victory in politics. As he ran, he yelled out: “Devil, this is not a human being, this is a devil from Daqin. 々!”

Winning Zheng will not let them go easily. Seeing the group of people running away, Winning only feels angry, and escapes for the soldiers, and the crime is unforgivable. He took out the Houyi Shenbow, and continued to empty the string with arrows. The divine bow exudes a compelling brilliance, and every arrow shoots directly at the chest of the Xiongnu soldiers. The Xiongnu soldiers who wanted to escape hadn’t ran a few steps before they vomited blood and fell down.

It is impossible for them to escape from the palm of the hands of winning the government. If they dare to commit a crime, they must have the consciousness that there is no bones left. The tiger and wolf soldiers behind the victory became more and more courageous, rushing all the way. Gods block and kill people, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas. The Huns fell down in large swaths, and the remaining alive also fled to the periphery in chaos to escape trial.

Touman was good at looking far away and saw the Ling Ling figure of Yingzheng on the battlefield. Blood was splashed on his face, all of which flowed from the dead soul under his sword. Touman was good at feeling that his whole body trembled, and a deep sense of fear surged into his heart. He never thought that a single person could really crush a thousand troops. I have heard others talk about it in the past, but Touman is good at only thinking that

It’s nonsense, it is clear that the prairie is truly invincible! No one can resist the warriors of these tribes.

But now seeing this scene with his own eyes, Touman is so good that there is only fear and fear in his heart. In addition, there is more deep regret.

“I, why go to provoke Da Qin!” Touman was good at speaking, and she shed tears of regret.

These dead Huns originally had children and daughters, and lived happily on the grassland. They should be good husbands who love their wives and good fathers who love their daughters. But Touman is good at only seeing their brave and fighting side as prairie men.

They support Touman being good, but Touman is good at treating them to this cruel battlefield just for his own selfish desires, letting them lose their lives on this border, even if Daqin’s city gate failed to enter, they were already defeated. , What a shame.

Thinking of this, Touman is good at infinite sadness in his heart, and Yingzheng travels unimpeded in the Xiongnu army, like an indestructible sword, deeply inserted into Touman’s heart.

Prince Mouton on the side saw the tiger-wolf soldiers who had won the government came over again, and screamed in shock: “”Father and father! You are about to think of a way, they are coming, what can you do? Father, We are going to die, I don’t want to die yet!” This look is obviously frightened.

A thousand tiger and wolf soldiers in the Yiqu were ready to go. They only waited for the Huns to enter the city. If they dare to enter the city, they would kill one. As soldiers, the tiger and wolf army knew that the army was with the city and the city broke the army’s fate, so they were naturally prepared.

The tiger and wolf soldiers persuaded the people of Yiqu to pack their luggage quickly, and run as fast as they can. The people of Yiqu still refused to leave, and the tiger and wolf soldiers regarded them as reluctant to give up their wealth. In fact, they really can’t bear it. How could it be possible (Is it) to leave the life that just got up? Enough hard days, knowing how dark and terrible it is, of course I will not go back again.

The city gate has been broken, and only a small wave of Huns came in. The tiger and wolf soldiers thought they were here to find the way, and then they would respond to the city before entering the city. They had to be vigilant and guarded. After waiting for a long time without any movement, sentinels were sent to investigate the situation outside.

The news that the sentry brought back made them ecstatic: “The Saint Prince led his troops to break in, and now he is about to kill three miles outside the gate of Yiqu City!”

The people of Yiqu had teary eyes: “The Holy Prince is down, now we can be saved!”

The tiger and wolf soldiers have always been well-trained, and upon receiving this news, they quickly issued an order: “Everyone! rush out of the city gate to meet and quickly meet the Holy Prince.” After defending for many days, it was finally time for them to counterattack. The tiger and wolf soldiers roared and took their orders, ready to go. .

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