Chapter 350 Three thousand people destroyed 50,000 people! [Fourth update, ask for customization]

All the Yiqu people took up their weapons, and all the hoe, hammer, and chopper went into battle. They want to fight with these Huns. Touman was good at watching the Xiongnu soldiers sprinting towards the gate of Yiqu, showing a satisfied smile. Although the battle had just started, he already felt the joy of success in advance.

The Huns were coming in fiercely, and the tiger and wolf soldiers saw them rushing over, knowing that this time they must be unstoppable, and it is better to fight them to the death. They all know that this is the last battle, and if you lose, you will die. The entire Yiqu people will be slaughtered, and those Huns will do whatever they want in this land.

Between a city gate, there is a distance of life and death. The 50,000 Huns were densely packed and crushed. They sprinted collectively, ready to take down the city gate in one fell swoop. They didn’t use any siege weapons, but a group of people huddled in front of the city gate, ready to push it open with brute force.

Touman was good at yelling, and the group of Huns slammed hard together. In addition to the Daqin soldiers, there were also the people of Yiqu at the gate, not only the strong men, but even the women. Everyone knows what it means to Yiqu when the city gate is opened in 08.

When the Huns launched the second collision, many people were knocked down, and they quickly got up and continued to resist. The tiger and wolf gang saw that this was not enough, so they transferred a lot of people on the wall to support.

It’s a pity that this is just a man’s arm as a car. Touman was good at giving another order, and a wave of collisions arrived as expected. This time, the city gate was already crumbling. Seeing the gatekeeper broke, Touman was good at showing a satisfied smile. He only needs to give another order, and Yiqu is in his bag. Not only this small Yiqu country, they opened the gate of Daqin. this

This idea made Touman good at falling into fanaticism. He had already fought off Daqin’s various things. If he could conquer Daqin with this scimitar in his hand, he could hardly imagine how powerful the Xiongnu would become.

What was completely different from his mood was the Yiqu people on the other side of the city gate. They already knew that everything was going to end, even if they resisted, it would be useless. They hated these Huns in their hearts, and at the same time hated their incompetence. But now lamenting that it is too late, I can only close my eyes in pain.

Touman is good at already giving orders, everything is in the midst of a dead end!

“His Royal Highness, if you really regard us as Daqin people, please come and save us.” This is the last cry in their hearts when they fall.

The city gate is broken. Touman’s good face was full of cruelty: “My grassland men, let’s enjoy the carnival now. Kill the tiger, wolf soldiers and Daqin soldiers, the men will kill them all, and the women will let you enjoy. The cows, sheep, gold inside The silver treasure is yours”

“Report! The battle situation in the rear has changed!” The messenger shouted loudly from a distance to convey the news urgently. Unfortunately, Touman was good at his dedication but was not satisfied with his loyalty. When he was interrupted, he frowned and looked at the messenger. The messenger panted and ran to the front: “The battle situation in the rear has changed, and a wave of Daqin soldiers is breaking through from the rear of the army. At this moment, it is right.

Rush here!

Touman’s expression changed: “Who is leading the army?”

“I don’t know yet, but their speed is very fast. Our army can’t stop them at all, and will break through soon. How do we respond?” the messenger asked anxiously.

Such a variable was unexpected by Touman, how could Daqin’s support come so quickly. Not to mention the speed on the road, it will take more than this time to dispatch troops. Touman is good at quickly asking: “How many troops does the opponent have?”

The messenger soldier said embarrassedly: “Two thousand.” It’s not that he doesn’t say it, but it is really difficult for him to say: “These two thousand people are very brave and good at fighting. Although we are large in number, we can’t stop them at all.

Touman is so good at getting blown up, and how good two thousand people can be, so yelling and yelling made him a false alarm. The Hun soldiers in front were all waiting for Touman to be good at giving orders to enter the city. After finishing his command that was just interrupted, what should I do if all the flowers and jade women inside were gone.

I am afraid that this order will never come down again. Winning has already brought two thousand tiger and wolf soldiers around. They stabbed into the back of the Huns like sharp knives. Tou Manshan has already seen the figure of the Great Qin tiger and wolf soldiers in the distance. He hadn’t seen the person who was in the first battle, and I don’t know where Daqin’s general was.

This sharp blade cut the formation of the Huns neatly, splitting a fatal hole, and the sharp knife continued to tear the hole, as if to split the entire battlefield. And all this came so happily, the Huns didn’t even notice when the army approached. When they noticed, their rear was already there.

It’s overwhelmed.

Another messenger approached Tuman Shun, and the news he brought directly shocked Tuman Shun’s speech: “This team has killed more than 10,000 of us!”

A mere two thousand troops could kill 10,000 of them. Could this be the terrifying aspect of the Great Qin Tiger Wolf Soldier? Touman was good at not forgetting that there were still a thousand Tiger Wolf Soldiers in Yiqu. He quickly turned to look at the front of the army.

Seeing that the city gate had been opened, some Huns were already a little impatient. Regardless of the military order, they could not be taken back halfway, and they went straight to Yiqu Nation. But this is only a small number of 440 people. As soon as they entered, the pieces of armor killed by the tiger and wolf soldiers did not remain.

Prince Mouton on the side was in a cold sweat, but now he was attacked on his back, and 50,000 people were forced into a difficult situation by 3,000 people. This is too unimaginable. Prince Mouton is an incompetent person. The next year will not be young, but his head is full of grass. He will only look at Touman’s good face and act, and he has no idea at all.

He would only look at Touman being good, hoping to find something on his face. Touman is good at furrowing his brows and saying nothing. The messenger asked eagerly: “Please indicate how we should respond?”

Touman is good at not answering. Now it’s Prince Mouton’s turn to be anxious: “Father, think of a way, if you don’t speak, they will be in front of you.”

“What do you want me to say, fifty thousand people were beaten by three thousand people and the army was defeated. What can I say? Order the retreat? The gates of Yiqu have been opened, how could I say retreat.” Touman said with a gritted teeth, he said. Not willing to stop here.

“But they will kill them if they don’t run!” Prince Mouton was almost crying in a hurry.

Seeing this picture of his son, Touman was good at spitting out: “It is said that the tiger father has no dogs, why did I give birth to you so useless!”.

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