Chapter 349 The righteous channel of life and death! [Third update, ask for customization]

Touman was good at and was unwilling to attack the confidence of the Xiongnu soldiers as soon as the war started, encouraging them: “Well said! I think the soldiers called tiger wolf soldiers are very brave, but they are not worth my fifty thousand good men on the grassland. As long as we plunder Yiqu in this way, we can annex several surrounding grassland tribes along the way. It is really a good deal.”

Prince Mouton knew that this was using profit to attract the Xiongnu soldiers to fight bravely, and quickly said: “Father is brave and invincible, Daqin will naturally not be his father’s opponent. As long as he goes south, he can easily defeat Daqin.

This flattering headman is good at being very useful. He confidently said: “This is inevitable, not to mention a big Qin. In the future, I will even hit other countries one by one. Then I will turn these places “four or four zeros” into grassland. The cattle and sheep of the Huns are running in a wider area.”

Hearing that Touman is good at saying this, the Huns are a little moved. Although the Huns are a brave and good fighting nation, they are not willing to go out to fight in this icy world. The only purpose is for the cattle and sheep of Yiqu. Just now Touman was good at saying that he would let cattle and sheep everywhere, they couldn’t help but imagine the scene in their minds.

That is simply what they dream of. If this is true, it would be no regrets to let them die on the battlefield. The Huns rely on cattle and sheep for their livelihoods. Without cattle and sheep, they are not allowed to survive.

Touman is good at constantly brainwashing the Xiongnu soldiers: “It was Daqin who bought our cattle and sheep, so we won’t be able to eat beef and mutton this winter. How many people starve to death because of this. Daqin is really nothing. Now we just have to. Go and take back our cattle and sheep.”

The Huns roared, no matter if they were right, they were all crazy now.

Listening to the whistling of the wind around my ears, the roar shook the sky. Touman closed his eyes with good enjoyment, feeling the happiness of tens of thousands of people, and then suddenly widened his eyes, and shouted in a very impassioned voice: “Tomorrow morning, launch a general offensive! We are based on the Daqin soldiers in Jiangyiqu Country. Together with the tiger and wolf soldiers, perish together!”

No one dared to violate the military order. The Huns seemed to be ignited, and their shouts became louder.

This voice even reached Yiqu, and the people inside knew that this was the final fatal blow that the Huns were preparing to give. A child in Yiqu Country heard this sound and was so frightened that he burst into tears and cried into his mother’s arms. The mother could only reach out and hug the child tightly in her arms.

During the war, women, children, children and the elderly are the ones who suffer the most. This mother was originally a widow, and the man in the family died early. It was very difficult for her to live with her children alone. She wanted to remarry someone else in order to survive. But it coincided with the establishment of a woolen thread factory by the Saint Prince. She was named by the county magistrate and entered the factory as a female worker.

She thinks she can’t do these meticulous tasks with clumsiness, but she didn’t expect it to be very simple. Get started soon. Working in the factory can get a lot of Qin notes, and the lives of the mother and son are finally getting better.

She had prepared things a few days ago and wanted to feed her son some good food. Unexpectedly, the Huns would come in suddenly. She has been torn by wind and rain for so long, and she has just enjoyed two days of good life, and then she has become like this again. It is really a trick of heaven.

Thinking about it, she let out another chuckle. God? Where did the sky come from? If Cangtian really has eyes, she shouldn’t be a commoner woman to suffer this twists and turns. She held the child in her arms, tears streaming down her eyes.

The people of Yiqu next to her persuaded her: “Don’t cry, can’t you still hold it. Although the tiger wolf soldier only has one thousand, it is under the hands of the Saint Prince. Maybe you can really hold it.”

What this said, he himself lacks confidence, one thousand to fifty thousand, if a tiger wolf soldier can kill fifty Huns, then he can win. But how is this possible, saying this is just to comfort others.

The mother didn’t reason to step on it, but just said a mindless sentence: “Really, is there any day?”

Others just thought she was nervous and ignored it. In this besieged channel of justice, even the air is depressed. When they were silent, they kept pondering what the mother said. After a long time, a person suddenly said: “Maybe, it is really a day of 0

These words are thoughtless. They didn’t know that many years later, after Ying Zheng stepped onto the throne, he was called the emperor when he scorned the world and looked down all his life. At that time, the people of Yiqu knew that there really is a heaven, and their heaven is the holy prince.

The county magistrate of Yiqu could no longer be restrained. Go and see the Yiqu people outside. At this moment, they are no longer busy with their own livelihoods as they used to be. Seeing the county magistrate came, there was no response.

“Do you believe that Yiqu County will be breached? Even so, shouldn’t you enjoy the last day?” The leader of Yiqu County said impassionedly: “I have already sent the letter to the Holy Prince, and I must have received it by now. News, I will come back soon to rescue us.”

The people of Yiqu County slowly raised their heads and looked at the magistrate of Yiqu County blankly.

“If you believe in the Saint Prince, be prepared to cooperate with the reinforcements when the time comes. We also have many male husbands. I believe you are unwilling to be slaughtered. Then take the weapon in your hand and I will prepare with you. Tomorrow’s battle.” The county magistrate of Yiqu had rolled up his wide sleeves and made a look like death. 1.3


On the second day, 50,000 Xiongnu soldiers lined up neatly under Yiqu Nation, and their swords were at war. Looking down from the tower, it was densely covered with blackness. Touman is good at looking at the city in front of him, looking like he is determined to win. He raised the big knife in his hand and pointed at the city gate: “Chong! Get me the righteous canal, and the cattle and sheep are allowed to eat!”

The Huns were full of fighting spirit. They knew that except for a thousand tiger and wolf soldiers in this city, the resistance was a needless struggle. The 50,000 of them can still fear that the 1,000 will fail, not to mention that they are still scarred.

With the command of Touman’s good command, the Huns rushed forward, waving the big swords in their hands. Charged toward the gate of Yiqu City like a hungry wolf.

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