Chapter 348 However, the war has risen again, and the Huns are deployed! [Second update, please customize]

After the soldiers finished speaking, Zhao Gao saw that Yingzheng’s face instantly became gloomy, and even his tone of voice changed: “Who is the leader of the opponent?”

This soldier is just a small messenger. Now that Ying Zheng speaks like this, he can’t breathe under the coercion of the emperor. Zhao Gao poked him to prompt the Saint Prince to be questioning. This little soldier reacted and hurriedly Said: “The proud head of the Northern Huns is good at Man.”

“They are mad, why are they attacking Daqin suddenly? What banner did they use to attack?” Zhao Gao asked quickly.

Yingzheng’s face was as cold as winter at this time~cold.

“The heavy snow this winter was extremely heavy. The Xiongnu had a hard time, and many cattle and sheep were frozen to death. There are many cattle and sheep in Yiqu County, and they came for this.”

“If you want cattle and sheep to ask Daqin to buy, don’t they know that Daqin is now unprecedentedly strong and dare to commit crimes, for fear-it will be fatal.

“This is just one of the reasons. Yiqu now has money. It may not be like this before. Before knowing the sheep, they went to the Huns several times and bought a lot of cattle and sheep. Now the Huns have been crushed by the heavy snow and have no rations. So greed.” Xiaobing said helplessly.

Zhao Gao heard angrily: “The cattle and sheep I bought from them in the past feel that they belong to them? Can they be the same group? Or do they think the cubs under the cattle and sheep belong to their Huns. I really don’t know. Shame.

The young soldiers did not dare to make remarks, but continued to report the battle faithfully: “Today Touman is good at leading 50,000 Huns and launches a surprise attack on Yiqu. Many Daqin soldiers are casualties. Suddenly, they are unable to respond. .But fortunately, there were a thousand tiger and wolf soldiers of the Saint Prince, which barely defended the righteous canal.

This kind of battle made Zhao Gao’s heart half chilled, especially the number, fifty thousand Huns and one thousand tiger and wolf soldiers. How can this be against the enemy, it is a miracle that they can hold on.

Yingzheng smiled coldly: “Zhao Gao. He must go and tell Daqin Garment Factory that there is no need to worry about the raw materials. Someone has already taken the initiative to deliver it.,

Zhao Gao was frightened by these words. Let’s not talk about why the Saint Prince suddenly ordered him to go into woolen clothes business after hearing the war. This made Zhao Gao shudder. Maybe the Saint Prince was about to pull off the skins of these Huns to make clothes.

Yingzheng waved a big hand: “Observe the orders, call out all the two thousand tiger and wolf soldiers left by the prince in Baoyang County, and rush to Yiqu immediately.”

The little soldier responded loudly after taking the order, and he already felt the determination of the Saint Prince to be brave against the enemy.

At this time, outside of Yiqu, a thousand tiger wolf soldiers were resisting a wave of Huns’ invasion. These Huns were very barbaric, and they were not afraid of hurting their own people when they fought.

But the tiger and wolf soldiers are not easy to provoke. After this wave of fighting, only a few tiger and wolf soldiers were injured. They were not seriously injured. As long as they did not endanger their lives, they quickly went to the front after a simple bandage, ready to prepare for the next battle.

Different from the bravery of the tiger and wolf soldiers, the quality of those Daqin soldiers obviously can’t keep up. They have not gone through such a war with real swords and guns for a long time. In their hearts, they deceive themselves and think that Da Qin is now so strong that no one dares to bully.

Moreover, Yiqu is getting better and better, and they are still immersed in it. How can they not expect that the Xiongnu will attack at this time.

These surviving Daqin soldiers have all received varying degrees of injuries, and the severe ones are dying, afraid that they are only waiting to die.

The people of Yiqu had a hard time. When they went to the Xiongnu to buy cattle and sheep, they never thought that one day they would be confronted by swords. Now they can only close the city gate and guard the righteous canal. They know that the current situation is not optimistic. When other countries are invading, the people on these borders are the first to bear the brunt, and it is very difficult to defend it.

In their hearts, they meditated on the holy prince coming to rescue them. The holy prince brought so much hope to Yiqu, this time it must be possible too.

There is another person who looks forward to the arrival of the Saint Prince even more, and that is the county magistrate of Yiqu. He was a magistrate well. He thought he was dreaming when he heard the news that night when the Huns came.

I didn’t expect it to be true. Fortunately, it has not been breached. Otherwise, if he loses his official position, it will be really shameless to see the crown prince again, let alone a gratitude to him.

0……Look for flowers…

At this time, outside Yiqu, Touman is good at showing a cruel smile. He is the first generation of the Huns to be good at. He has shown a leadership ability different from ordinary people since he was a child. It is because he can unite people together and surround him, so he can be awarded the title of good at.

These two words made him very proud. He was determined to let the Huns dominate the Central Plains, what Donghu, what Yueshi, what Daqin. He will step on all his feet.

Now Da Qin’s border has not been breached in one fell swoop as he imagined, which made him a little frustrated, but it didn’t matter. It won’t last long with fewer enemies, and soon Yiqu is in his pocket.


Touman is good at having his son Prince Maoton next to him. The two were talking and laughing at the returning Huns soldiers.

Prince Mouton spoke first: “Da Qin is just dying to resist now, it’s useless. I don’t know how many Da Qin soldiers’ heads they brought back this time.’

Touman nodded happily: “The men in my grassland are brave and good at fighting. They will definitely return home, and when they come back, we will celebrate with those heads together.

It’s a pity that their expectations fell through. The Huns who returned did not bring back many heads of Daqin soldiers, only a few. Seeing the displeasure on Touman’s face, they quickly explained: “Good, we have already severely injured the Daqin soldiers this time. Even if they are not dead, they will be seriously injured. The next wave of fierce attacks will definitely break through the country of Yiqu!”

After these remarks, Touman’s face improved slightly: “It seems that the soldiers of Daqin are nothing more than this. How are the soldiers called Tiger Wolf Soldiers? Why didn’t I see you bring their heads back? Touman is good at looking at the “records” in front of him. There is no head in it that looks like a tiger and wolf soldier. They all feel like a weak general.

“Touman is good. Those tiger and wolf soldiers have suffered less damage this time. We haven’t killed their Xiangshang heads for the time being. We will definitely bring them back next time.”

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