Chapter 347 I wanted to spend the winter peacefully, but the Huns were not honest! [First update, please customize]

Except for Ji Wuye of Han country who felt this kind of despair, the monarchs of other countries also had similar feelings. Dyed woolen sweaters are popular in their country, showing no signs of decline. This thing is like a super big pocket, crazily filling your own country’s money into it, and it will automatically run back to Qin when it overflows.

They also thought about banning the sale of dyed woolen sweaters in a tough way, but unfortunately their methods could not reach these merchants. No country dared to ban it, but it just raises the price to the sky, the kind that even the nobles can’t afford. The merchants don’t care, and then they have the opportunity to trade underground. The nobles feel that the price difference is very large, and it is so cheap that they feel that they are making a profit.

To the point. Dyed sweaters sell better.

Other countries use their own clothes to sell, hoping to beat Daqin’s dyed woolen garments. Unfortunately, their clothes are not warm at all, and they have not yet dyed woolen garments to look good in style, which is really not competitive.

There are also countries that try their best to imitate and buy dyed woolen sweaters for research, hoping to make exactly the same. Those businessmen would laugh out loud when they saw these imitations. They had done similar things before, and finally lost 437 to a terrible defeat.

Unexpectedly, this group of famous people in the country would also want this kind of damage. These merchants all watched them lose money with a smirk.

The methods of these countries have all failed one by one. Seeing the kings fail to save the country, they dare not violate the popular support of the people. It is winter now. Only the dyed woolen sweater made by Yingzheng can effectively resist the cold. The people want to buy it, but they really don’t know how to stop it.

Even the kings of various countries couldn’t resist buying them and wearing them. It stands to reason that they enjoy the best conditions in their respective countries. There are various ways of heating in winter, but when they put on dyed woolen clothes, they feel that this is the best way to keep out the cold.

Seeing that the king had put it on, the ministers who had been with the king to prevent dyeing woolen clothes before tacitly wore them one by one. They don’t care what they used to be, as long as they can warm up. After putting on the sweaters, these ministers met with each other and did not talk about it, as nothing happened.

It’s not only the palace nobles. The same is true for ordinary people. The price of ordinary good woolen sweaters is really close to the people, and every household is willing to pay for it. People with average family background must have one hand.

Even if the family is relatively poor, you can’t freeze your children. You have to buy one for your child if you want to pool the money. This is the most precious thing in the family.

Now, even if those kings tried to stop them, they couldn’t get back to heaven. During this period, something happened. The woolen clothes they wanted to imitate before could not be sold. The kings originally ordered their subordinates to destroy all these clothes. However, some people were conscious of the wealth, so they just put these clothes in the good products and sold them to the people at a reduced price, hoping to profit from it.

Those who buy these clothes are very poor at home, but they have to buy one. This incident was quickly discovered. The people who bought these clothes rose up to resist. They were already living a hard life. Now those rich aristocrats are still coming, making them really anxious.

Regardless of whether the nobles would want them to die, desperately, they would be upset. Later, the movement became louder, and it reached the ears of the king.

The kings of those countries can only sigh and scold these officials for failing. Then ordered the money to be returned. I even have to send another sweater to appease the hearts of the people.

This ups and downs caused the six countries to make an uproar over dyeing sweaters. Later these kings simply let go. Let these Qin businessmen come and go, and take away large amounts of money from their country.

In just one month, dyeing woolen sweaters brought Daqin a generous tax. Trade in Baoyang County is also very (aibd) developed.

The taxes that Yingzheng received from the merchants had completely filled the expenses of the Daqin Academy, and Shuiqing’s accounts were also filled, and even a large amount of money was left in case of emergency. Let the scholars of Daqin Academy study hard without worrying about other things.

The people in Baoyang County and Yiqu County also made a lot of money. They all have a stable income, growing vegetables for growing vegetables, steelmaking for steelmaking, papermaking for papermaking, and knitting wool for weaving wool. These industries still occupy the first place in Baoyang County’s income.

Ying Zheng looked at everything in front of him very satisfied. Now Baoyang County, Yiqu County, and Xianyang City are all prospering under his hands, and the people are getting better and better. This makes him very pleased, and he is preparing to spend the winter peacefully.

At this time, Zhao Gao ran in: “His Royal Highness, it’s not good. The Six Nations is so crazy. The speed at which they buy dyed woolen sweaters is increasing. Even with the wool shipped from Yiqu County, it is already there. Not enough.”

Winning government disapproved and said: “What’s wrong with this, this is a good thing. The crazier they buy, the more I earn. How can I say it’s bad?”

Zhao Gao slapped himself lightly: “The slave is wrong.”

Seeing his scorching anger, winning the government thought that something was going on again, but it was only for this kind of trivial matter.

Zhao Gao continued to ask: “His Royal Highness, should we reduce the production rate of Daqin Garment Factory and use the remaining materials to survive the whole winter?”

This question made Yingzheng fall into contemplation. There are so many fast production and slow production, but between selling out in advance and selling slowly in a winter, which one can make more money, this is indeed a question.

Yingzheng’s inspiration flashed: “No, you go to Daqin Garment Factory and ask them to estimate how many more pieces can be manufactured, and tell the merchants the specific numbers. They are so smart, if they know that the goods will be empty soon, they will definitely go without hesitation. Raise the purchase price. When their purchase price is high, the selling price will not be low, and then we will be able to make more money.


As soon as Zhao Gao heard that he had more money, he quickly took his orders, excitedly ready to rush out to give orders. As soon as he turned around, he saw a soldier walk in. Zhao Gao stopped in doubt.

In the past, it was Han Fei and Li Si, as well as Shui Qing and himself, who came to Beijing to tell the matter, and occasionally added a Sanmo giant. Today, this soldier does not know what to do with the Saint Prince.

The soldier had a serious expression on his face, and he stood still and saluted: “His Royal Highness, the king said that the northern Huns invaded Yiqu County, and the many soldiers guarding Yiqu could no longer support it. The king asked the Prince what he did. Countermeasures?””.

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