Chapter 346 Dyed sweaters are popular in Korea! [Fourth update, please customize]

After being asked such a question, Ji Wuye realized that he still didn’t know anything about this thing, only that it came from Daqin, and now he didn’t know the specific influence, so he could only let the emerald tiger come. Tell him: “Come and tell me first, what is the origin of this dyed woolen sweater?”

Seeing that Ji Wuye began to calm down, Jade Tiger also put away his fear, and said everything he knew: “This is the victory of the Prince Daqin.”

Ji Wuye waved his hand: “Don’t talk about some of these things, just talk about the key points.” Now Ji Wuye gets annoyed when he hears these holy princes and other compliments to win the government. The Emerald Tiger is hitting his gun.

“Nowadays, dyed woolen sweaters are too popular, not only in Korea, but also in other surrounding countries. And those countries are too far away from Daqin. The businessman is even more open, and asks for all the prices. More than five thousand taels.”

Hearing this number, Ji Wuye took a deep breath. At this price, even he couldn’t buy many pieces. Seeing Ji Wuye’s reaction, Jade Tiger shut his mouth sensibly. This made Ji Wuye a little embarrassed: “You continue talking.”

“The price is ridiculously high, but just like that, there are nobles in various countries rushing to buy it. Just say that the country of Yan, the place is already cold, and their people are the craziest to buy dyed woolen clothes, plus the road is far away, five thousand. Neither can be stopped. It is said that not many people in Yan Kingdom can afford it at this price, but guess what, General.”

Jade Tiger said a little bit of emotion, and even asked Ji Wuye back. After being glared back by Ji Wuye, he obediently continued: “Those Daqin merchants just transported the dyed woolen clothes and they were sold out. The scene was really horrifying.

“A terrifying? Is there a terrifying scene of battle on the battlefield?” Ji Wuye was a little unhappy when he heard it, mocking Jade Tiger’s words.

The Emerald Tiger didn’t dare to talk back, and only said in his heart: “It’s all a group of people fighting for me and fighting with each other. Isn’t it just as terrifying as a battle on the battlefield, 々?”

Although he thought so in his heart, he didn’t dare to say that. He just asked melancholy: “General, do you say we can stop this? With so many nobles, if the general provokes them, I am afraid that life will not be comfortable. ”

“Is this general afraid of those nobles? It’s ridiculous, I don’t pay attention to King Han. Those people are nothing. I said they are nobles, but I didn’t see them being expensive. When vying to buy dyed sweaters, then One by one, I’m afraid I’ve forgotten about being a nobleman in Han country.” Ji Wuye said fearlessly.

Jade Tiger continued to analyze: “But we still have to cooperate with Yingzheng, the business that needs to cooperate with him, the annual income is an astronomical figure. If we forcibly prevent it, it will be discovered by the prince of Daqin. Then I’m afraid we won’t be able to get the money, what should we do then?

The current Han country really can’t provoke the Qin country. Ji Wuye said helplessly: “Then we will be more concealed, and the victory is far from Daqin, I don’t believe his hand can reach me. “After finishing speaking, Ji Wuye glanced at Jade Tiger’s expression, still hesitating to say: “If you have any worries, just say it. It’s really uncomfortable to watch it so twisted.

When I killed someone, I didn’t even blink, how could this be the case now? ”

“The general is not anxious. I am worried about the people. The sweaters sold by Daqin merchants are classified into high-grade and good-grade. The one that was shattered by the general just now is top-grade, and the price is very expensive. This is sold exclusively to the nobles. Yes. There is another good product that is sold to ordinary people.”

“Oh? There is such a thing? They are all sweaters, I’m afraid the price difference is not big.

“No, the good sweaters are sold very cheaply, about two hundred Qin notes, and ordinary people can afford them with a little bit of frugality. And they are willing to buy them. This thing is here to save their lives in winter. Many people winter. They were all frozen to death at the time, but now with these sweaters from Daqin, there are almost no people frozen to death.”

“It’s so magical?” Ji Wuye has been on the battlefield for a long time, and he also knows that the frontier is bitterly cold, and he has been cold when marching and fighting before. He has also seen how miserable people who have been frozen to death are. He looked at the dyed woolen clothes broken into pieces on the ground, and he couldn’t help but feel a little pity, why did he kick the slot?

“Yes, so I am worried that if the general stops, not only the nobles will stop them, but the people will also hinder you. They will not let you go. Even if you are now in high authority, if the people come to the time when they have no lives, they will I don’t know what will happen, and it’s hard to say whether Dahan will survive this winter.”

After listening to the emerald tiger’s words, Ji Wuye felt that all his strength had been exhausted, and fell directly onto the chair, looking at the emerald tiger on the side. “^” I don’t believe me, I really don’t have any way to win politics?”

The Emerald Tiger was silent. He didn’t dare to speak frankly, for fear of angering Ji Wuye. The answer to this question is obvious, but no one wants to admit it.

“Hahaha, I think you deliberately teased me today. You said that you have the determination to fight against Daqin’s dyeing sweaters. But you told me that this is not good, that is not good, then what is the use of this determination? It is better to feed the dog. Sweet potatoes can’t stop, neither paper nor pen, now it’s dyed sweaters can’t stop. Let me ask you, what kind of business is there in my high-level Korean? All won

It’s good if the government snatches it away!

Ji Wuye has nothing to do, and can only talk angry. Jade Tiger said, “I can do other businesses to make money in Korea.”

“Other business? What other business? You just come out and let me listen. I think the merchants in Dahan are wasteful, and they can’t do any business in Daqin (Why Zhao). People make so much money in one business, but I I’ve never seen Daehan earn so much.”

Jade Tiger lowered his head, what Ji Wuye said was true, he had nothing to say. But this fault shouldn’t be attributed to the Korean businessmen alone. Those businessmen in Daqin didn’t see much competence, and they didn’t rely on winning the government to send their business to their doors. If there is really a difference between Daqin and Dahan, it is probably the lack of a winning government.

Ji Wuye had no choice but to let the Jade Tiger retreat. He didn’t want to hear any more news about this matter. These things were annoying for him and his headache was unbearable.

The Jade Tiger didn’t look long, he hesitated and asked before leaving: “Will the general also stop the sale of dyed sweaters in Korea?”

In exchange, only Ji Wuye’s expression was like killing someone. The Emerald Tiger ran out quickly, so scared, his life was almost gone at that moment.

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