Chapter 340 Daqin Academy, learn mathematics, physics and chemistry! [Second more, please customize]

When Ying Zichu heard that the politician was setting up a school, he touched his chin: “Is the imperial examination system unsatisfactory this time? That’s why you want to set up a school to cultivate talents by yourself?”

“No, the results of this imperial examination system are very good. The sons and ministers found many talented people and let them enter Daqin. I believe that in time, my father will be able to see the changes they have brought to Daqin.”

Ying Zichu nodded: “Then why do you want to set up a school? In the past, these people were self-taught and read books to increase their knowledge. What can you teach them when you set up a school?”

“Erchen integrated the knowledge of the various schools of thought and compiled them into three books, collectively called Qin Xue. It has been distributed to various places in Da Qin. The school I set up teaches them this.

Ying Zichu was very interested in what he said about Qin learning, and Ying Zheng explained it a little bit: “This is a book written by Erchen specifically for the unification of the Qin Dynasty. It is hoped that all those who accept Qin’s thoughts can work for the Qin Dynasty. ”

Such ambitions made Winning Zichu nod his head: “The future of Daqin depends on you in 08. Although you can do it with confidence, the widow is very confident in the prince.” Winning Zichu has already acquiesced, and the matter of setting up a school will be let go to win politics. Done.

“The widows are very much looking forward to the effects of the imperial examination system, but the prince seems to have only arranged very low positions for them. Those scholar-bureaucrats are now beginning to feel relieved, thinking that the prince is just giving the ordinary people a chance to take a job in order to win the hearts of the people. What about the prince. Look at it.”

Winning the government doesn’t care: “I have arranged for them very low positions to let them understand the people’s sentiments, so that they can share their worries for the people and become good officials. And even if the official position is low now, it does not mean that they will remain low in the future. There will be some promotion based on performance.”

This imperial examination system was not a joke about winning politics on a whim. Those scholar-bureaucrats could no longer stop him, so they could only make a fool of themselves every day by guessing something and not.

“The prince is indeed clever in doing this. Those scholar-officials are in a trance and nobility, and they have never been sympathetic to the people. Replace it. It’s much simpler and easier to do. “Winning Zichu very much approves of winning politics.

A long time ago, he noticed that no one in the court had ever known the real Qin, whether it was the people at the bottom of the deep waters or the demands of ordinary people, they didn’t know them. Winning Zichu also thought about changing this situation, and he repeatedly told them to let them. Go and take a good look, but these people have never heard of him as a king.

It is even more effective to directly adopt tough measures to win politics. You deserve to be dismissed if you don’t go to the people. Whether from the perspective of the king or the people, these people are deposed for a reason. Even if they are reluctant, there is no way.

Now these scholar-officials only care about whether they will be deposed, and have never thought about uniting together to rebel and directly reversing the Daqin royal family. Because they knew that even if the winning Zichu was so bullying and there was a winning government, the rebellion would exacerbate their demise.

There are many scholar-bureaucrats who are already obsessed with the sensual dog Mali Zuishengmeng. They just want to enjoy the day or the day before their eyes, and wait until the victory in politics comes to destroy him. They were so drunk that they were so drunk that they were still vaguely saying a few words to curse and win the government.

Since the success of the imperial examinations in Baoyang County, in the court, the group of scholar-bureaucrats have become less lawless than they were in the past. Coupled with the multilateral intervention of winning the government, their power has been weakened very severely. There is no need to worry about the power of the Chu people.

As long as the scholar-bureaucrats collapsed, they would really not be able to fight the old Qin people anymore.

Winner Chu also knows the current situation. It is only a matter of time before the scholar-officials fall from power. Their death date is in the hands of the winning government. Now the winning government intends to test the officials who come up with the imperial examination system, so it gives the scholar-officials some room to breathe. When they feel that the time is right to win the government, then their period of advancement and death will come.

Yingzheng said contemptuously: “I never put that group of people in my eyes. After only one or two rounds of national imperial examinations, the group of scholar-bureaucrats will be like grasshoppers after autumn, and they can only jump a few times.

For these words, Ying Zichu agrees very much.

After the success of the nationwide imperial examination, a rally of hundreds of scholars was launched. Within a few days, King Qin issued a new decree: “Build the Daqin Academy.”

Down to the immature students, up to the young students, corresponding to their knowledge. Han Fei and Li Si also selected those who had failed the imperial examination among the hundreds of scholars, and invited them to the city of Xianyang.

Ying Zheng personally went to the newly built Daqin Academy, where was the giant Sanmo waiting. Behind it is a very beautiful building, the surrounding space is also enclosed, and the floor area is not small. The giant Sanmo said: “This building is divided into different compartments for students to study, and there are places for lodging and eating around, so that Daqin Academy can solve the life of every student.

On the problem. ”

This design made Yingzheng very satisfied. He let the giant Sanmo clear the way and went to see the structure in person. Everything is brand new to 433, which makes Winning a great mood.

Han Fei and Li Si took the subjects of Daqin Academy to Yingzheng. They carefully analyzed four disciplines: “Mohist”, “Confucianism”, “Numerical” and “Taoism”.

Each of these four courses has its own characteristics. “Mohist” is a training for students’ martial arts. Although they are scholars, they must keep fit. The body is the capital, and some martial arts to protect the body are necessary. “Confucianism” is to enlighten literature, ideology and politics. There are many designs with loyalty and patriotic thoughts.

As for “Arithmetic”, it is the knowledge of mathematics. “Taoism” involves alchemy and chemistry. The purpose of these two gates is not like the first two gates. They are to send officials to Daqin Chaotang, but to cultivate talents who understand them to benefit the people.

Qin Xue is taught as the core of the university. Ying Zhengman was very satisfied with everything in front of him, and immediately announced: “Daqin Academy will start enrolling students today!”

As soon as the news came out, it spread across Daqin and the whole country. Those scholars have not been relieved from the excitement of the imperial examination system, and they have fallen into the impact of Daqin Academy.

In their eyes, the Prince had been regarded as a god. They packed their luggage and set off, preparing to go to Daqin Academy. .

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