Chapter 339 Establish a school to cultivate talents in Daqin! [First update, ask for customization]

“I wonder if His Royal Highness Prince Sheng can lend me this book to watch?” It was a Taoist disciple who spoke.

Yingzheng nodded: “These three books will be printed on a large scale immediately. If you are interested in Qin studies, you can take a set of Qin studies from here.”

Afterwards, some people still raised some questions about Qin Xueshu. Winning the government asked Li Si and Han Fei to collect their opinions, and they would consider them accordingly.

After Qin Xue’s three books were revised again, Ying Zheng sent people to Baijia of Zhuzi. They also sent letters to the Saint Prince, and some once again proposed some amendments, and they have gone through the winning politics one by one. These proposals this time are not of much use. It is just that each family wants to add more of their own thoughts. Three-three” has been.

Winning government ignored it. Let Han Fei and Li Si print these three books in large quantities and then publish them. There are many people who don’t know the big characters. In order to take care of this group of people, a place is specially set up to send people to explain the content of Qin Xue.

Han Fei and Li Si arranged for outstanding talents selected in this imperial examination system. They have not been assigned official positions. The arrangement given to them by the Prince Sheng is very clear. Except for the four relatives, everyone else They don’t appoint high-ranking officials, and start from the low-level officials.

Part of them enter the farming industry, so that they can understand the people’s aspirations and understand what it means to serve the people. The other is to be responsible for explaining Qin studies for the people of Da Qin.

At the beginning, the people of the Qin country only regarded it as fun, as the mentality of listening to the story. But after listening to it for a while, they discovered that the things in Qin’s studies are very practical. They even mentioned the construction of some small things, and they benefited a lot from it.

Ordinary people have bought Qimin articles. Those who were preparing for the imperial examination quickly bought all of them. There are also wealthy people as collections. For a time, the printing of three volumes of Qin Xue’s book could not keep up with the speed of selling.

Yingzheng was not prepared to use this to make money. It was basically sold at a cost price. This book was sold by the Daqin government. Those merchants who wanted to participate in it were rejected by the company.

If Da Qin had a handful of this book, it would be much more important than his own money.

When Li Si and Han Fei came to report on the situation, Ying Zheng remembered that he still had one thing that he had not yet explained: “You should not let those who failed in the exams of Zhuzi Baijia leave Daqin. I have other arrangements afterwards. They need to help.”

“I don’t know what the holy prince is referring to?”

“Now Qin Xue’s books have been circulated from Xianyang City, although they have not yet been popularized in everyone’s hands, take your time, one day, Daqin will have a copy of it. At that time, Daqin will have more scholars. We too. They cannot be left alone.”

Li Si and Han Fei nodded: “Then I don’t know what is the wisdom of the Prince Sheng?” They have a faint premonition in their hearts. The place where scholars gather most today is Xiao Shengxianzhuang, where is there a place for them to learn knowledge.

“Opening a school. This school is divided into two parts. One is for young children. Learning is a lifelong thing. As long as they are of the right age, they should be sent to the school for education. The other part is for young people. This part is for training talents for my Daqin. If you have outstanding performance, you can take it for your own use.”

After hearing this idea, Han Fei and Li Si only felt that the design was much more comprehensive than the design of Xiao Shengxianzhuang, which was just an exchange of knowledge. However, the school of Prince Sheng was set up specifically for the purpose of cultivating talents in Daqin.

Only if the imperial examination system is not enough, can academies improve the quality of Daqin as a whole. In this way, a large number of scholars will be born.

“Then I don’t know why the Holy Prince said that he wants to keep the people from the hundreds of families?”

“You select some people who are knowledgeable and can accept my Qin learning from among them, and let them enter the academy to teach. This is their purpose.”

Han Fei nodded. He had read the test papers of all the candidates before, and many of them were well-informed, but they didn’t apply what they learned in governing the country. At that time, he was still sighing that these people’s talents might be wasted.

Now that they have a school, they have room to display themselves, which is very reasonable.

Li Si lowered his head and thought for a while and said: “In this way, the talents cultivated in Daqin Academy will have some knowledge of the philosophers and hundreds of families, which can be described as a mixture of a hundred schools of fine learning for their own use. Daqin will be in the future. It’s brilliant.”

“Indeed, this is exactly what I expected. At least stop the scholars, Da Qin will occupy half of it.” Ying Zheng suppressed his voice. He is a thirsty person, and he is determined to get talents.

After explaining these things, Yingzheng also asked Li Si and Han Fei to deal with those who always love to pick things, such as the two who died upstairs in Juxian, and the Confucian disciple at the gathering of the philosophers of the Hundred Schools. Such people are forbidden to step into Daqin’s land in the future.

Han Fei and Li Si took the orders, and the decision of the Saint Prince was entirely for their lives. When encountering a person who offended, Han Fei and Li Si wanted to kill them without waiting for the Prince to speak.

This matter is left to Han Fei and Li Si, and the buildings needed to establish a school can be built by the giants of Sanmo. The tuition fee for entering a school is also reduced as much as possible, and try to let people with knowledge and aspirations enter.

Only talented people can create more wealth. Yingzheng has repeatedly urged not to allow merchants to participate in any link. Wherever they need money, they can take it from the warehouse in Baoyang County. “There is Shuiqing in Baoyang County. She is very strict with the accounts. You only need to use my name to withdraw money.” There is no point in making money in this regard.

Xiaojiu left after talking about winning the government. Han Fei and Li Si looked at his distant back, like an emperor over all living beings, riding on the dust. He is the holy prince aloft, as if far away in the sky. But he also cared about the people, as if he was with the people.

At this time, the victory of the government was to meet with Ying Zichu. Now he is still the monarch of Daqin, and there is such a big move to let Ying Zichu know about the establishment of a school. .

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