Chapter 341 It’s another winter, and it’s time to make a fortune again! [Third update, please customize]

According to the order of the Saint Prince, Daqin Academy accepted the world’s capable people and strangers. A simple test is required before admission, and talents who are really plastic talents can enter.

The cost of Daqin Academy is very low. This is the waiting for them to win the government, so that these scholars can concentrate on studying. Some people heard about the Children’s Department and wanted to send their children in.

The Children’s Department does not require examinations, and the benefits of Daqin Academy will not be reduced. Moreover, the Children’s Department is more concerned about these children and distributes food daily to supplement them.

As a result, the cost of winning politics at Daqin Academy has soared. A few days after the opening, Shuiqing sent Baoyang County to come over to meet the Prince. When Ying Zheng saw Shui Qing, she was still holding the little white dog in her arms.

Shuiqing said: “I named it Ruanxin.” When Ruanxin arrived in Xianyang, he became unbehaved, and thumped out of Shuiqing’s arms. The two did not care about it.

This time Shui Qing came over again with a bunch of ledgers. Ying Zheng was unwilling to look at it. He just asked for the conclusion. Shui Qing said vaguely: “His Royal Highness, the recent expenses have been a bit big, and the warehouse has been emptied a bit faster. ”

Yingzheng knew that the expenses of Daqin Academy were too large, but he did not want to increase the income of the Academy. After thinking for a while, I remembered the road I had built in Yiqu, and quickly asked Shui Qing to find Bai Huagan.

Shui Qing also expected it, and pointed to the stack of books next to him: “I have also brought the accounts of the Bai family. Does His Royal Highness need to verify it?

Since the road from Baoyang County to Yiqu Country was opened up, Bai Huagan has been the same as where he lived. Just like now, he is still there. It’s another winter, when the Baijia glass greenhouse is officially showing off, he is now a busy man.

Bai Huagan was walking on the road of concrete, and when he was standing in Yiqu Country, he looked back and couldn’t see the edge. Bai Huagan only thinks that this road is really amazing, and no one knows how many gold and silver treasures circulate through this road every day.

However, there has been a major event in Yiqu recently. Now the country of Yiqu is in Yiqu County. Some time ago, the Prince Prince was engaged in imperial examinations and a scholar was appointed, who happened to be assigned to Yiqu County as the county magistrate.

Speaking of this new county magistrate, his story has twists and turns. He was desperate when he heard that he was assigned to Yiqu County. No one knows that for Daqin, Yiqu County is a poor rural area, and most people don’t want to come. It just so happened that he was assigned here so much that he was desperate in his heart.

But when he went there, he discovered that the road in Yiqu Country was so easy to walk, and it was not as muddy and bumpy as the rumors. A wide and flat concrete road is directly connected, which is very convenient.

He was very puzzled along the way, wondering if he really went to Yiqu County? Was it the wrong way or something. I have been sending people to find out if passers-by are in front of Yiqu County.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t inquire, he is even more curious as soon as you inquire. It turns out that all the people who come and go are businessmen, and there are still people who come and go.

The new county magistrate said to his entourage, “Where did these merchants come from? I heard that this Yiqu people had a very miserable life, and their cattle and sheep could not be sold. Isn’t it going to be winter again? Those cattle and sheep may be frozen to death. They are also very short of food, even people can’t feed them enough, let alone cattle and sheep, 々.”

The new county magistrate also noticed the glass greenhouse on the side of the road. He knew that this thing was used to grow fruits and vegetables, but he didn’t know why it was built on the side of the road.

The follower himself was short-sighted, and didn’t know why there was such a change, let alone tell a little about the glass greenhouse, and just listened foolishly to the new county magistrate.

After walking for a while, the new county magistrate couldn’t hold back his curiosity, and asked his entourage to find a businessman on the side of the road to ask what was going on. After a long while, the entourage came back and said many things that surprised the new county magistrate.

“The businessman said that this road was built last year. It was built by the Holy Prince. It runs from Baoyang County to Yiqu Country. Now Baoyang County is not only full for everyone, but life is also very good. They eat well and wear warm clothes. Their cattle and sheep sell very well, and merchants are scrambling to buy cattle and sheep. Now they are very prosperous, and there were originally some righteous barbarians.

He refused to accept Wang Hua to instigate the rebellion, but after having food, most people began to settle down and work. ”

After hearing this, the new county magistrate began to look forward to it. In this way, Yiqu country has become very prosperous after a year? It is all under the influence of the Holy Prince. I don’t want Yiqu County to be as good as Baoyang County. It’s not a poor country, where the people are savage and ignorant. Along the way, the new county magistrate kept speculating about the various things in Yiqu County, with mixed worries.

Love, the carriage entered Yiqu County.

He wiped the curtain open and saw that the sight outside made his eyeballs almost fall off. There are many stalls on the roadside selling things, and they are full of dazzling arrays. Although they are all small things, they can also see the abundance of people here. .

Everyone walking on the road is dressed very decently. The women are bright and beautiful, and the men are well-dressed. The houses are lined up, and there are old people sitting in the sun at the door.

When everyone saw that the new county magistrate had arrived, they greeted them with great enthusiasm and brought local specialties. The new county magistrate was also curious about what special product this place was, so he took a closer look. The basket was filled with red and white items.

Seeing the confusion of the new county magistrate, the people of Yiqu enthusiastically explained: “^” This is beef and mutton slices, which are used exclusively for hot pot. We Yiqu people made a fortune on this. You will be the magistrate of Yiqu from now on. You must try it, but it is delicious. ”

The new county magistrate just saw that Yiqu’s appearance was still a little bit happy, and now he started to worry about how to eat this blood-red, blood-red thing, and relying on this thing to make a family and become rich is indeed the way of the barbarians. He frowned when he thought about this.

The Yiqu people on the side saw the expression of the new county magistrate and didn’t know why. At this time, Bai Huagan happened to be in Yiqu County, and happened to witness the scene of Yiqu people welcoming the new county magistrate. He knew what the new magistrate was thinking, and stepped forward to explain: “I wonder if the new magistrate has ever eaten hot pot? It is a way of eating invented by the Prince Sheng.”

The new county magistrate shook his head quickly. He had heard of it but had not eaten it. He was born with a chill and had no appetite. When I went to Xianyang City to take the imperial examination examination, I once smelled a store smelling thousands of miles away. However, there was no money on his body, so I could only resist drooling.

Now as a small county magistrate in Yiqu, I don’t know if there is a chance to go to Xianyang again in this life. .

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