Chapter 338 Write a book and say, a hundred schools are shocked! [Fourth update, ask for customization]

Hearing these words, Xun Kuang disapproved: “These words of yours are the doctrines of the Fa School. You want the Saint Prince to treat the Fa School as the Great Qin Guoxue so that you can work hard.”

The Fa school disciple was said to be thinking, and stared at Xun Kuang a little annoyed.

“This question, let me answer it.” Ying Zheng said: “The way to govern the country is to run the country with Confucianism and law, sage and king inside. Do you understand?”

Xun Kuang was about to ask what is external Confucianism and internal law, and Ying Zheng said: “The rule of law is the main rule, and the rule of morality is the supplement. Law is moral ~ the bottom line.

This statement made Han Fei and Li Si’s eyes brighten. This sentence is not simple. When talking about the establishment of Qin School, the Saint Prince said that he wanted to learn from the strengths of all the families, but he did not expect it to be in this way.

Yingzheng continued: “It is impossible for everyone to be a moral gentleman and must be severely punished by the law. However, if there are some faults and cannot be called a violation of the law, they will be criticized by morality.”

Everyone nodded clearly, and Xun Kuang continued to ask: “Then what is the outer king and inner saint?

“The saint has life, and the king has success. The saint is to treat his own people and enable the people to live and work in peace and contentment. The king does his kingly way to foreign nationals.”

“Then what if the State of Qin annexed other countries?,

Ying Zheng replied with a very confident voice: “China will be China if you enter China, and you will be barbarians if you leave Hu Xia.” The meaning of the words is self-evident.

There was another wave of cheers from everyone, which was really wonderful. They never dreamed that Prince Daqin would say such a thing. Han Fei and Li Si also refreshed their views on Prince Sheng. The prince can always make unexpected moves and say incredible things.

Among them, the disciples of the military strategist are all looking at winning the government. This sage prince of Da Qin is indeed not easy. If he becomes the monarch of Da Qin in the future, he will definitely do something. It’s time for the country, and if there is a place where military strategists are needed, they can also show their fists.

Taoists are also very excited, because this statement of Waisheng Innernet was first put forward by Taoists. When Ying Zheng just said it, they wanted to jump out and explain to the philosophers of Baijia, but it was a pity that their Taoists were very indisputable, so they kept silent.

There is another one who is very happy, that is Fajia. Foreign Confucianism and internal law are also connected with their legalists. If one chooses a Daqin national study, according to the current form, their legalists still have hope.

“As expected of His Royal Highness, I am waiting to admire it.” Confucianism has been completely defeated, and they are convinced that they have lost, and they all stepped aside, and they did not have the pride of when they first came. They all cast admiring glances at the Saint Prince.

Han Fei and Li Si laughed and said nothing. The real good show has just begun now.

“Since you all said that you admire it very much, then I ask you not to refuse what I am going to say next.” Yingzheng’s words turned. “Everyone’s ideas are very good, but there are also many things that are not suitable for my Daqin, so I decided to integrate your theories as I said.”

The philosophers are very puzzled, how is this to be integrated together? What’s more, some of their ideas are completely contradictory.

Han Fei and Li Si brought up the books they had compiled. There are three books in total, namely “Governing the Country”, “Qi Min”, and “Self-cultivation”. Bring it to the philosophers and hundreds of families to circulate each other.

The chapters on governing the country are all the ways to prosper the country and strengthen the army, and it is also very clear about the great ambition of the Qin Dynasty to dominate the world. Like the external Confucianism and the internal law just mentioned, it also includes many Confucian and Legalist ideas. There is also a lot of content about military strategists and famous masters.

The Qi Min chapter is specially compiled to make the people’s life better. It has peasant thoughts suitable for farmers to learn, as well as things about manufacturing and doing business specially written by the Prince Sheng.

The remaining self-cultivation chapters are more mixed. There are Taoist thoughts of being calm and letting go, and the cognition of Yin-Yang reconciliation, which also includes medical techniques and physical fitness. There are also some ways to improve yourself.

Han Fei and Li Si said: “These three books are collectively called Qin Xue.” You should have discovered that many of them are the statements of each school, but there are also some of the ideas of the Holy Prince, and they have been modified in many places. , I hope you can accept it.

All the scholars and a hundred schools of thought have been talking about it, because some places are contrary to the original intent of their doctrine. For example, the Mohist advocates non-attack, but Qin Xueli has written many benefits of war. But in the final analysis, this is not a book of Mohist school, and there is no reason for the Saint Prince to compile it in accordance with Mohist school.

0………Look for flowers…

Seeing the philosophers and hundreds of schools are not easy to speak: “You have been arguing for their own doctrines for a long time, and they have been arguing with each other, and there is no result. I did this to unite you together. Do you not want to work for my Daqin?”

Even if they were unwilling, they had to admit that Daqin was indeed the strongest. Now that the Saint Prince had a unified will, that was basically a certainty.

At that time, if the light of Daqin Guoxue can be touched, then their doctrine can be passed on forever.

“If you don’t have any opinions, I will take it as your acquiescence. From today, Qin Xue will not be like yours. We will not lobby around the six countries. We will learn voluntarily. We will not be like others. Everyone accepts disciples like every other family.”


Hearing this, Zhuzi Baijia nodded, and doing so will not hinder Zhuzi Baijia, they can still maintain the status quo.

The Legalists were the first to stand up: “My Legalists agreed to do this. The Saint Prince puts so much emphasis on the Legalists. It is an honor for me to wait.

With the first leader, the other doctrines that follow have been agreed, and some of the smaller schools have only a small amount of their doctrines adopted, but as long as there is a touch, they all agree.

Some elementary school sects who have not found their own doctrines after going through three books, said embarrassingly: “His Royal Highness, there is no such thing as our doctrines.”

Li Si spoke on behalf of him: “Why haven’t you counted without yourself? When your theory develops, when there are things useful to Da Qin, the Saint Prince will naturally join Qin’s study.”

In the end, the opinions were finally unified, and Ying Zheng stood up and said: “Since you all have no opinions, then Qin Xue is sure that this is the case. It will be issued in Daqin in the future, and the people will see it. Moreover, Daqin’s imperial examinations are also available. It will prevail.”

Everyone nodded, and the Prince’s Qin Xue caught them off guard. By doing so, they recognized the Hundred Scholars and denied the Hundreds of Scholars, which made these people who want to become the only master of the Great Qin Guoxue feel very disappointed. factory,

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