Chapter 337 Shocked Xun Kuang! [third update, please customize]

“If you don’t commit suicide, I will really kill Confucianism.” Yingzheng said slowly.

Those Confucian students who were sitting in the room were scared into a cold sweat by this sentence, and those who practiced both Confucianism and Legalism, they all began to move their positions a little bit, and kept leaning toward the Fajia.

If things really turn out to be like that, then they can only kill themselves as a disciple of the Fa school in one bite, and quickly recall the things of the Fa school in their minds. At this time, what are the ways to govern the country, the words of the saints, etc. It would be great if I could save my life.

“It seems that you don’t want to die, so I can only kill other people.” After Ying Zheng finished speaking, the guards around him put their hands on the hilt of the knife.

This move scared all the disciples who practice both Confucianism and Legalism, but they didn’t dare to act rashly. They could only stare at the Confucian disciple, thinking that he would die soon.

But the Confucian disciple was so scared that he couldn’t return to God, and the whole person seemed to be frozen.

“Why? Didn’t you just talk about being benevolent and righteous? Why don’t you speak anymore?” There was no smile in the words of the victory.

The whole audience was caught in a deadly opportunity. The disciples of the famous and famous students who were usually clever tongues were all shocked and speechless.

They have been conquered by the winning government. They have not had a disciple with extraordinary talents for more than 430 years. They did not expect to see hope from the Prince Daqin, which is incredible.

A disciple who had both practiced both Confucianism and Legalism couldn’t hold back, and quietly touched that Confucian disciple, which made the other person come back to his senses. He already knew that his time of death had come, so Dozine picked up the knife beside him with both hands.

Seeing this action, the Confucian disciples were a little grateful. Although they were despicable, they finally escaped.

At this time, Xun Kuang came in: “Why did His Royal Highness the Prince be so angry that he wanted to kill my Confucian disciple.”

After he came in, he saw the Confucian disciple slaughter himself, and quickly asked him to get up and leave, not to be embarrassed here. The Confucian disciple knew that it was the master who had come to save his life, so he quickly took the opportunity to leave.

Yingzheng didn’t stop him, it was just a cheap fate, whether it was the same for him or not. Xun Kuang leaned over and thought: “I will finish the discussion of this Confucian disciple just now.

“We just talked about the war. Is it because I deliberately started it, or can it be quelled by me? I also want to hear your opinion on this matter.”

“Where is the source of the chaos in the world? Wouldn’t His Royal Highness the Prince not know?” Xun Kuang did not answer directly, but asked rhetorically. It is a witty choice.

The philosophers and hundreds of schools have also begun to watch the show. You must know that Confucianism speaks of “benevolent governance”, “kingdom” and “rules of etiquette”, and believes that the roots of cholera are the roots of cholera in the world. These words are on their lips every day. Moreover, Confucianism is the best argument. If you want to talk about it, I am afraid that the prince is not Xun Kuang’s opponent.

Yingzheng smiled and gave an unexpected answer: “Respect the old manners, conserve the old system, and do not want to make progress. This is the root of cholera in the world.”

Xun Kuang couldn’t help but smile, and Ying Zheng’s answer solemnly his trap: “Title page, the root of cholera in the world, happens to be the old people’s heart, and does not respect Zhou etiquette.” This is a Confucian cliché, and all scholars think it. It makes my ears callous.

Ying Zheng only feels that Xun’s situation is really old-fashioned, and his speech will always be in this tune. No wonder the disciples of Confucianism are also like this: “The people are the responsibility, the society is the second, and the emperor is the light. Is this love mentioned by Mencius?”

Although I don’t know why Yingzheng suddenly asked such a question, Xun Kuang answered honestly: “Naturally, this is what my Confucian sub-sage said.

Yingzheng smiled again and continued to ask: “Qi Jinggong asked Confucius about politics, and Confucius said to him, “Junjun, ministers and ministers.” Father and son. ‘Is that right?”

Xun Kuang felt a bit bad foreboding, but there was no way other than nodding his head and following the words of winning the government.

“But what you (aibd) said just now, regarded the words and deeds of the monarch as supreme. Then what are you talking about? The people are the most valuable, the society is the next, and the emperor is the light?” After Yingzheng finished speaking, he stared at Xun Kuang’s face, his expression Very interesting, as uncomfortable as a knuckle in the throat.

All the scholars were waiting for Xun Kuang to speak, but it was a pity that they were silent all the time. Those Confucian disciples wanted to help speak, but they didn’t know what to say. Xun Kuang stood dumb and speechless, the scene was very embarrassing.

Ying Zheng said indifferently: “Isn’t it saying that you want to help your disciples complete the debate? Why don’t you stop talking, or that Confucianism is like this, and you don’t talk when you talk. This is your debating technique?”

This sentence made Confucianism very embarrassing. The disciples of the famous disciples were very happy, covering their mouths and laughing. What they liked most was to see the opponent being rebutted and speechless in the debate. It was really funny.

Xun Kuang has always been personable and very refined. I didn’t expect to be caught in a dilemma on this occasion today, being surrounded by people and looking like a monkey.

Ying Zheng said indifferently: “It is no longer the Great Zhou Dynasty. The situation in the world is changing, and Confucianism is also changing and advancing with the times. Don’t look at Confucianism nowadays.

Everyone in Confucianism was dumbfounded, and they were extremely frustrated today. I can’t wait to find a hole to drill down together.

Xun Kuang sighed helplessly and said, “Holy Prince is wise, I am stupid.” Saying this meant that he had surrendered. All the people cheered loudly. The rebuttal of the Prince Prince was the most exciting they had ever seen.

Ying Zheng continued: “This time I want to find a doctrine that can be regarded as the Great Qin Guoxue. Now it seems that Confucianism is so corrupt that it is really not suitable.

The Falun disciple on the side said: “His Royal Highness, my Fajia is the doctrine that can make Da Qin prosperous and powerful.

When Xun Kuang heard him say this, he refused to give up: “Do you use your harsh laws to restrict the people? That kind of monarch is not a benevolent prince, but a tyrant.”

A disciple of the Legalist school was unwilling to say: “If you use the law appropriately, why not worry about the country being rich and strong? You are picking bones in the egg, our legalist’s usage is harsh?”

“Since it’s prosperous and strong, then I would like to ask His Royal Highness Prince Sheng, what is the way to strengthen the country?” Xun Kuang asked Ying Zheng, and he was still unwilling to lose just like that.

“I need to ask the Saint Prince on this question? I can answer you.” The Fa-school disciple said presumptuously: “Establishing the law of a country, and everyone abides by it, can be prosperous and strong. If there are those who do not follow the law, follow the law. Come and punish severely. If a country obeys it all over the country, it can move forward in accordance with the king’s order.”

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