Chapter 336 Great benevolence and righteousness is tyranny! [Second more, please customize]

Unfortunately, Qi Mo didn’t think so. He only regarded himself as a Daqin official like Han Fei and Li Si. He did not specifically respond to the Mo family disciples, and treated everyone in the hall equally.

The disciples of the Mo family also found it inexplicable. They had just walked out of the Mo family for a few days. Why did they turn their faces and deny them? Other people in the Bai family couldn’t help laughing when they saw this scene, and they wanted to hug their thighs. They are not willing to give it to you. Hold it.

After waiting for a while, Ying Zheng appeared. Seeing that all the scholars had arrived, he nodded. It seemed that the scholars of all scholars still didn’t dare not give him the face of Qin.

It is the official start after everyone sits down. Confucianism is the most impatient: “I heard that the prince was looking for Da Qin’s national studies. Now Da Qin is prosperous. If the people are taught by Confucianism, the country will be safe and prosperous.

Seeing that Confucianism took the lead, other schools of thought became anxious. Legalists also took the lead: “Rule of the country by law is the foundation. If it is not possible, the country will be in chaos. Although Daqin is now strong and strong, it has to take precautions.

Listening to what they said, Yingzheng nodded with a smile: “You are right.

Other theories were unwilling to follow, and one after another said that their school’s strategy of governing the country still had some important ideas. The debate in the hall was like fire like tea, and the Ying Zheng and Daqin officials on the side listened in silence.

After a long time, everyone’s speech was dry and their voices gradually subsided. At this time, Ying Zheng said, “You are all very good, you are worthy of the proud disciples of each family, and you have a good understanding of your own doctrine. It is a pity that you have forgotten a problem.”

Everyone thought it was time to talk about the main point, so they hardened their ears to listen.

“I want to govern the country and the people, to prosper, to prosper the country, and to strengthen the army. These are all required, but more importantly, I want to dominate the world. What I need is such a doctrine, 々.”

After Yingzheng finished speaking, all the scholars in the hall opened their eyes wide, and they couldn’t say a word.They couldn’t imagine that Yingzheng would dare to speak out their ambitions directly, not to mention that he was only the prince of Daqin. , Didn’t become a king just so anxious.

After a long silence, a Confucian disciple stood up and pointed directly at Yingzheng and said rudely: “You are going to pervert to the contrary, forcibly setting off war and breaking peace and tranquility.

“You also need to know mine.” Yingzheng answered him simply and clearly. This sentence does not need to be explained, it is already something that everyone knows.

“I don’t believe in your moral warfare. How can you prove that Qin’s dominance of the world can make the people of the world abide by the law like Qin?”

“I will prove it at that time.”

“If you are really benevolent and righteous, you should promote the seeds of sweet potato to the six countries so that everyone in the world can eat. Then I will recognize your benevolence and righteousness.”

Yingzheng raised his eyebrows and glanced at this Confucian disciple: “Sweet potato seeds are the seeds of my Da Qin. If the people of the Six Kingdoms become my Da Qin people, they will be given seeds. It is very simple to eat and eat. Take refuge in my country, Qin. It’s the same for all people in the world to eat, as long as the whole world is returned to Qin.”

“You are arrogant, just want to use war to annex other countries.” The Confucian disciple said very excitedly.

Ying Zheng replied indifferently: “As long as there are other countries on the Central Plains continent, the war will never stop. People’s desires are unlimited. If you want real peace, you must break this inherent pattern and create real The unity of the country. Only in this way can there be real peace.”

“Why do you think so? No one has ever done something that goes against the laws of heaven in the past!

“Just rely on me to win the government and dare to be the first in the world. There is always someone who will do this. I don’t mind if I win the government to personally experience it.” He was tired of the rudeness of this Confucian disciple, and pointed directly at him and said: “You Suicide immediately. If you don’t commit suicide, I will kill all of your Confucianists.”

The Confucian disciple was frightened: “You, what are you talking about?” He was invited to this scholar to talk about academics. How dare to win the government to kill him.

The audience was shocked for an instant, and the remaining Confucian disciples were also panicked, and hurriedly said: “His Royal Highness, the brothers are unobtrusive. Please also ask His Royal Highness to spare his life and don’t kill him.”

Ying Zheng snorted: “I didn’t kill him. If I kill him today, people in the world will make irresponsible remarks. I let him commit suicide. It has nothing to do with me. If you don’t want to be angered, you’d better close it now. Mouth.”

Those Confucian disciples were frightened. He just won the government but said that if he does not die, he must be buried with other Confucian disciples. Those who haven’t come don’t know if they can escape the catastrophe, they are absolutely sure now that they are in the Qin country, if they really irritate the victory of the government, then the little life must be explained here.

Sitting and looking at the Confucian disciple just now: “^” Win the government! Are you still not satisfied with the persecution of so many knowledgeable people? You said in name that the imperial examination started for the scholars of Fuze, but it was upstairs in Juxian. Killed two candidates, and now you are still killing me. In the future, you, Qin, are afraid that a wise man will not dare to come. ”

“People like you still claim to be very knowledgeable. I can feed the dogs all the books I read. I don’t care about the wise and the unwise, and they can’t be used by Daqin. No matter how clever it is, there will be such people. If you don’t come to my Qin country, I can’t kill you.

Winning the government said that, everyone in the seat felt completely cold, and winning the government was really terrible. They don’t know what this person is thinking anymore, they only know that if they disobey him, they will definitely die.

“Well, let you choose whether you are dead or Confucian burial? I don’t have the patience to wait. You’d better choose quickly.” Yingzheng stood up, drew out the sword of the guard around him, and walked towards the Confucian school step by step. A boat in front of the disciple.

The Confucian disciple watched Ying Zheng coming over, and was so frightened that he fell directly to the ground. Then the people in the crowd of people from a hundred schools smelled a smell of urine in the air, and they quickly covered their mouths and noses. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that the Confucian disciple was scared to pee. His lips were purple and he couldn’t say a word.

Ying Zheng was very disgusted and threw the knife at his feet. The sound of the landing made the Confucian disciple scared to death. Ying Zheng turned straight around, sat back on a high place, and looked down at the hundreds of scholars present.

They were all waiting for the choice of this Confucian disciple. Whether it was blood splattered on the spot or the Confucian being punished by the Confucianists, it was something they did not dare to face directly. ,

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