Chapter 335 Daqin, a hundred schools of scholars gather together! [First update, please customize]

Qi Mo, who was enlightened by Yingzheng, has been an official in Daqin since then. Han Fei and Li Si were very satisfied and reported that this person could be reused.

Yingzheng nodded in satisfaction. This was the first exam, and the quality of the officials promoted was not as good as expected. But it will not be the same in the future. It is common for the back wave to push the front wave, and it will get better and better.

“His Royal Highness, this is the book we borrowed from you before. I and the two of you have already read it. Knowing that this book is extraordinary, I changed it today to be handled by His Royal Highness.” Li Si presented the book in his hand. .

The winning policeman took a look: “Now you return this thing to me. I really don’t know how to deal with it. Is it possible to burn it?,

At this time, Han Fei suggested: “His Royal Highness, during the last imperial examination, I found out that although the various schools have their own strengths, there are many things that contradict my development in Daqin. His disciples are also a little dull, not as good as that. Let’s write a book and say, and form the school most suitable for Da Qin.”

Hearing this suggestion 08, Yingzheng nodded in satisfaction, which is a good place for this book. There are certain things in this manuscript that cannot be seen by others, but some parts can be shared with the world.

And now that the imperial examination system has just been implemented, scholars don’t know what to do. The schools of various schools of thought are numerous and complicated, and each has some stereotyped prejudices. It’s better to take this opportunity to write a book by Da Qin himself.

Bring the things that are suitable for Daqin in the Bai Family of Zhuzi, and modify the unsuitable places according to the meaning of the holy prince, and the determination of the holy prince to look at the world is written in it, and even the previous words of fighting to stop the war can become The content of this doctrine.

Han Fei and Li Si started planning on the side: “The Saint Prince not only has a lot of political achievements, but also has many ideas on business. If all of them are written together, such a book can be a wonderful book in the world. Readers can do it. Learn the way of governing the country, the businessmen learn the way of doing business, and the common people learn the way of the Qi family.

Yingzheng nodded. In this case, the whole world is truly united. There is no need to bother with people like Qi Mo, and say one by one that he is still not similar. “I’m afraid it’s not good to be all in one book. It can be divided into several volumes to produce. The so-called art industry has a specialization.

Han Fei and Li Si nodded, it was indeed more thoughtful to consider this way. “Then we will hold a meeting to gather people from the various schools of thought to discuss this matter together. If they can also agree with our doctrine, then we will recruit disciples in the Daqin area in the future to form ours. School. But what should we be called?”

Confucianism, Mohism, Legalism. They all use what they identify with as the name, and then bring a family character. They can’t go to a name called the Qin family. Qin is a very powerful country. How can you use the word family? What’s more, the word Qin is the name of the country, so you can’t use it casually.

The two of them had no choice but to ask the holy prince’s wishes, and then they thought about it and said, “Let’s call Qin Xue. We are not a family, but a subject. In the future, I also hope that the people of the six countries can adapt to become citizens of Da Qin. It is called Qin Xue, which means that this is Da Qin’s learning.”

Li Si and Han Fei nodded in agreement, and now they have decided to act. Soon they sent out invitations, inviting all the figures and disciples of the philosophers to participate in the exchange of academics.

Although some schools have prejudice against Da Qin, Li Si and Han Fei invited this time under the banner of academic exchanges, and they had no reason to refuse. Moreover, the name of the Prince of Daqin was not something they could disobey at will, so he could only arrive on time.

The location is in Xianyang Palace. Before this meeting was held, Ying Zheng brought back the manuscript, carefully selected many contents, and explained to Han Fei and Li Si carefully, and they were responsible for the compilation of the Qin Xue bibliography.

The two of them dared not neglect, and devoted all their life learning to it. Qi Mo had also heard about this incident. He had an exchange with the Prince Prince that day, and he had already seen the eloquent ability of the Prince Prince, even if it was not as good as one in ten thousand. This time a hundred families of philosophers gather together, and His Royal Highness the Prince will surely show his supernatural powers.

This time, the matter of the Saint Prince’s gathering of various families and families quickly spread throughout the six countries. Each family chose excellent disciples to take. You must know that if you lose face on this occasion, it will be a big deal.

The agreed time came soon. Not only did Confucianism, Mohism, and Legalism have learned, but also Taoism, famous masters, and Yin-yang school. Among the hundreds of families, a few are mutually exclusive for various reasons, and it is very rare that they can gather together like this now.

Li Si and Han Fei participated as officials of Daqin, and when they arrived, they quickly glanced at the people inside. Only the talented disciples of Confucianism came from Xiaoshengxianzhuang, and their teacher did not come, which made them wonder whether they should be happy or worried. These disciples don’t know if they can hold up the scene.

These Confucian disciples saw that Li Si and Han Fei were just indifferent luggage, unlike the previous ones. They had long heard about the Juxian building, thinking that as the chief examiner of the imperial examination, they could give Confucian disciples more opportunities. Unexpectedly, when they saw the test papers of Confucian disciples, they would be even more critical. There are not 430 Confucian disciples who finally entered the official career.

Imagine so much. This group of Confucian disciples just turned their elbows out as these two people.

“I wonder if His Royal Highness the Prince invited us this time, what is the so-called?” At this moment, the victory has not arrived, so I can only ask Li Si and Han Fei.

The two of them calmly explained: “His Royal Highness the Prince wants to find a suitable doctrine for Daqin, as Daqin Guoxue, to let all the people of Daqin learn. It stretches for thousands of miles and is good for generations. Do you think it is good?”

Of course they were happy. They thought that the Saint Prince was just getting together with a hundred schools of scholars to communicate with each other, but they didn’t expect it to be such a big event. The news made them very excited, and they all began to eagerly try.

“If you talk about the way to govern the country, I do not let my Confucian doctrine. Many monarchs of the six countries use my Confucian theory to govern the country.” The Confucian disciple said proudly.

“Oh? The result? Which country has overpowered Qin?” The famous disciple’s tone was full of mockery.

Before the holy prince arrived, Baijia of Zhuzi began to ignite the flames of war, which caused Han Fei and Li Si a little headache. At this time, a figure appeared at the door. Everyone thought it was the Saint Prince and hurriedly prepared to get up.

But the person at the door was Qi Mo. A disciple of the Mo family who was an official in the dynasty before. Seeing his appearance, the Mo family was very excited. This is the one who came to support them. .

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