Chapter 334 The so-called battle of justice! [Second more, please customize]

What happened upstairs in Juxian that day was spread out. At the same time, some of the scholars who came out of the building have already been appointed as officials, and only after Han Fei sorts them out, they can put the list to the world.

Soon they should take office and officially begin their career in Daqin. Han Fei and Li Si are busy with the rest.

The sentence the Saint Prince said that day: “End war with war.” It is even more impressive. All scholars are vying to discuss whether this sentence is right or wrong. Among them, the most reflected is the Mohist school.

Among the five people on the third floor that day, there was a person named Qi Mo. When Yingzheng asked him questions, he said that the imperial examination system treats everyone equally and can make people in the world more harmonious. This argument sounds like a doctrine of opening a home.

Later, Yingzheng placed him in the Ministry of Rites with “four, thirty, and zero”, and the official worshipped six products. When he really took office, Yingzheng saw him again, and it was Han Fei and Li Si by his side.

This trip to win politics is to come to see Qi Mo deliberately. These people elected by the imperial examination system are very concerned about winning politics.

Qi Mo always showed some hesitation when he saw the victory. It’s as if something was hidden in the mouth and didn’t say it.

Ying Zheng saw him look really uncomfortable, thinking that he was so hesitant that he was worried that he would be out of the mouth as soon as he took office. Winning had no choice but to push him: “If you have anything, just say it. You are a newly appointed official, and I can forgive you not guilty.”

Qi Mo asked: “On the day of the imperial examination, what you said in Juxianlou, stop the war with war. It happened to be Yang’s non-attack proclaimed by our Mohist school. Our Mohist disciples all hate those unjust wars. So I think. Ask, your Royal Highness the Prince, do you very much approve of our Mohist doctrine?”

Ying Zheng was amused by Qi Mo’s remarks, and he burst out laughing. Regardless of Qi Mo’s puzzled eyes. I just feel that I haven’t heard such interesting words for a long time. His voice was so loud that the entire Ministry of Rites felt the majesty of the Prince.

When he finally laughed enough, he resisted his voice and asked Qi Mo: “Let me ask you, what exactly is the just war of your Mohist school? Isn’t the so-called war the essence of desire in the eyes? Mohist school’s so-called non-attack, and demand It’s not hot in the dog days, and it’s not cold in thirty or nine days. What’s the difference?”

Qi Mo quickly said, “His Royal Highness is really the kind of person who bullies the weak because of being strong? Then what morality is there in this world?”

“Naturally, this morality is: if you don’t think about making progress, you will fall behind, and if you are weak, you will be beaten. The strong is the supreme law that has never changed. Do you understand it?” Yingzheng’s voice is very serious and shocking Qi Mo trembled in his heart.

What he said upstairs in Juxian is true, and what he said today is not false. What does the Mohist thought have to do with him? He only approves of what he approves of.

Qi Mo slowed down and said: “Then regardless of the purpose, at least the teacher is famous. You can’t bully other countries without warning and ask for them. That’s really not the behavior of a gentleman.”

“A gentleman? You shouldn’t forget who I am. Those who make big things don’t stick to the trivial, you don’t have to worry about these details.”

“Since ancient times, wars have had the etiquette of war. If the other side refuses to war, can the Saint Prince still force a war?” Qi Mo didn’t expect that the winning government would say so, and he immediately emphasized it.

“Of course there is going to be a war, not only to start a war, but also to attack its unpreparedness and engage in a sneak attack. This way the chances of winning are great enough. To fight a war is to win the war, otherwise, let the soldiers of your country go to death in vain.” It seems that an iron horse has appeared in front of Yingzheng’s eyes. The appearance of a glacier.

“What does the Holy Prince said that day to end war by war? It was you who said that you are a just war.

“Naturally it is just. When the Qin Dynasty unifies the world, I will never launch wars at will, so that the people will suffer from wars again. This is what I call justice. Your so-called morality is just the last piece of the weak to deceive themselves. Just cover it. My Qin State unifies the world, so that the people of the world are like the people of Qin State, obey the law, live and work in peace and contentment, this

It is the greatest morality in the world. ”

“Then the people of other countries deserve to die in vain?” Qi Mo asked a little excitedly. He didn’t believe that winning the government was such a ruthless person.

“That’s not necessary. Once a war begins, the Six Nations are doomed to fail. At that time, all the people who surrendered to Daqin, I will treat them equally and treat them as Daqin’s citizens.” After that, the face of Yingzheng was covered. A layer of gloom: “But if you forcefully resist, you will only have blood flow for thousands of miles.”

Qi Mo looked at the way he won the government: “If you do this, the history books will always engrave the holy prince’s indiscriminate killing of innocent acts. Is it okay to be scolded by later generations?”

Li Si on the side opened his mouth: “Since ancient times, he has become a king and defeated a bandit. By that time, that history book would dare to write half a bad thing about the Saint Prince? The whole world is Da Qin, who would dare to write things that are not good to Da Qin. Even history will be me. Daqin’s.”

Qi Mo was more than just talking about what Li Si said, but he chuckled softly: “Even if it is really like that, what I want is the prosperity of Daqin and the generations. What about later generations calling me, it is not only enviable. I have an unprecedented prosperous age.

Winning politics doesn’t care about these names before and after a lifetime. He just does what he wants to do to bring the world into one.

In this rebuttal, the word “Zhengzheng” was pierced into Qi Mo’s heart like a sharp knife. He was originally very angry, but he was said to be unable to refute. In the end, he could only tremble and froze in place.

He was overwhelmed in his heart, carefully recalling the words that Yingzheng had just said, and the figure of Yingzheng, who looked down upon the 1.3 heroes like the world.

At this time, Qi Mo realized that this great Qin prince not only had the business acumen of fantastic ideas like the rumors of the outside world, but also had very powerful political talents. The words just now showed that he was still an eloquent talent!

Ying Zheng looked at Qi Mo, who was stunned in place: “Return to your senses. As a disciple of the Mo family, you have been instilled with these ideas for many years. I don’t blame you for having these inherent ideas. But you are now the official I chose. You will work with me in the future. Da Qin, you should also be with me, Da Qin. Do you understand?”

Qi Mo knelt down in front of Yingzheng: “Weichen understands.” The non-offensive land in his heart has been swallowed up. From then on, he will follow the words that Yingzheng just said, and move forward with Da Qin. Until the day when he rules the world. .

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