Chapter 331 The last exam! [Second more, please customize]

In the last imperial examination, Yingzheng expected that he would not spend it peacefully: “The remaining people are half of the unfamiliar scholars, and some of them are rich and powerful princes. The rest are from the six countries. Disciples of Baijia. I am a little worried about these three waves.”

“I wonder what is your Royal Highness’s concern? The ministers are willing to share their worries.

“If after this last game, those unfamiliar scholars could change their lives and become officials of Daqin, then it would not be as easy to solve as they are now.” Ying Zheng showed a smile that made people wonder.

In the middle of the night, in an inn in Xianyang City, a house was still lit. Under the lamp, a scholar was immersed in his studies. Although he was drowsy, he insisted on reading it. Because when it’s dawn, it’s the time of the last exam.

The night is quiet, but it is a pity that someone has to come to break the silence. Suddenly a man in black broke out of the window. The scholar was taken aback. The white blades in their hands were dazzling. He only knew that he was a scholar, never grudges against others, and didn’t know where it came from. The scourge of death.

The scholar was trembling with fright, and closed his eyes in fear. He heard a sound of fighting in his ear, and it passed away suddenly. When he opened his eyes again, those people had already fallen. The scholar stood up and looked around. There were no traces. Everything was as calm as before, except for the dead people on the ground.

The killing was shortly before, and the only killer group that could do this was a snare. They received an order from the prince to protect the poor scholars who participated in the imperial examination, especially those who were expected to win the top prize. I thought that the Prince’s worries were unnecessary, but I didn’t expect someone to do such a despicable thing.

On this side, Ying Zheng and Han Fei sat together, and they looked at the test papers of every candidate on the case. Han Fei didn’t hold back his curiosity and asked, “Could it be that His Royal Highness the Prince is worried about their lives, 々?”

Ying Zheng smiled and said: “Not only that. I am worried about the people of these three parties, but this group of poor children is the most vulnerable now. Those powerful and powerful people are used to killing people in the past, and they regard human lives as waste. They dare not come to kill. I can only cast my anger on those candidates. That’s why I sent a snare to act.”

“His Royal Highness the Prince really has foresight. I just don’t know what the other two people are worth worrying about?” Han Fei continued to inquire.

“When you wait for tomorrow, you will know what is worth worrying about the disciples from the six countries and the hundred schools.” Yingzheng was also a little helpless, but he did not forget that Han Fei and Li Si were also all the scholars. Disciples of the family.

The next day, the last session of the imperial examination began. The Saint Prince specially built a pavilion for this examination, named Juxian Tower. The towers are towering, and all candidates who can enter, no matter what the final result, have already represented that they have different talents from ordinary people. At this moment, there are scholars who are going to take the exam today.

People in Xianyang City were very curious about this exam, and gave the building a three-story inside and three floors outside. These waiting crowds were automatically divided into three waves unknowingly. They didn’t know why this phenomenon occurred. No one can tell how they distinguished each other’s origin. But the real people are divided into groups.

These three waves of people look down on each other, and the poor scholars think that the children of the rich only know about pleasure, and that they study for arty. The children of the rich felt that the poor scholars were so shabby that they certainly couldn’t even afford books. The group of people in the Baijia Family of Zhuzi is even more pretentious.

On them.

But there is no harmony among them. The three disciples of Confucianism, Law and Mohism look down on each other. Among them, Confucianism is the most arrogant. The Mo family once again used the name of the three Mo giants to back it up, while the Legalists rejected their practice of using people as the backstage. They don’t need anything

Anyone can be so hard-spirited.

The reading people at the entrance of Juxian Building started to quarrel with each other. The words are full of smoke and fire. The people in Xianyang city who were onlookers laughed repeatedly, and the scholars were so careless about it.

Han Fei and Li Si went to Juxian Tower together. As soon as I walked to the door, I heard this group of people talk loudly. Among them, Confucianism had the loudest voice. A Confucian disciple said: “My Confucianism is the language of sages. How can you like crooked people compare?”

Hearing this, Han Fei and Li Si’s face turned black. Saying this, is this really a Confucian disciple? Han Fei coughed awkwardly, attracting everyone’s attention at the door.

Although the Confucian disciples have a humble face, they reveal a superior look in their bones. Seeing Han Fei and Li Si arrived, their arrogance diminished slightly.

They said in unison: “”” Meet the two seniors. “This sounds like a greeting, but Han Fei and Li Si can feel the strange feeling in this tone. This is obviously to show off their names to the people here.

After noticing this, Han Fei and Li Si shook their heads: “We are now officials of Daqin, not disciples of Xiaoshengxianzhuang. You do not need to pay attention to these etiquettes.

Those Confucian disciples expressed that they did not dare. The saints said that they should be humble and polite, regardless of whether they are seniors or officials, all the etiquette must be exhausted.

Han Fei and Li Si coldly hummed in their hearts. If they really understood this word of courtesy, they shouldn’t have been so presumptuous just now, and they couldn’t remember courtesy when they treated others.

At this time, Han Fei knew that the holy prince said yesterday that he was worried about the disciples of these philosophers, just because they were arrogant and dissatisfied with each other. The ugliness revealed between the fights is chilling.

The two of them sighed. They thought that Confucianism was the most competitive in this exam. Unexpectedly, before the exam started, Han Fei and Li Si’s hearts were half chilled: “The hour is here, open the Juxian Building. It’s like the door.”

When the door was opened, people saw the appearance of Juxian Building. Each floor is in the style of many small compartments. In each compartment there is a table with pens, inks, papers and inkstones. The candidates approached one after another and entered their compartments according to the arrangement.

To prevent peeking, both sides of the compartment are made of solid wood. There is no door in front of you, so you can see the person on the other side.

Han Fei stepped forward, stepped onto the highest position and sat down.

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