Chapter 332 Natural selection, survival of the fittest, when will this world be fair? [Third update, ask for customization]

Because Han Fei is the chief examiner of this exam, he sits at the highest point on the first floor, and Li Si is the invigilator on the second floor.

In addition to these two floors, there is also a third floor, which is not built in compartments. The whole space is very spacious, with only the upper row of seats. After the candidates entered their respective compartments and sat down, Han Fei began to tell them the main points of the exam, which are roughly not to be entrained.

The decree puts the lighter in jail, and the severer decapitates. Do it yourself, everyone. ”

This is the idea that Han Fei came up with to ensure the fairness and justice of the imperial examination system. After he finished speaking, he still didn’t start the exam. Until the arrival of the holy prince, he personally started the topic.

The other candidates were very shocked when the victory came. They didn’t expect to see the Prince Prince now. Those unfamiliar scholars couldn’t restrain their excitement and almost jumped out of their cubicles.

Han Fei respectfully said: “Everything is ready, just wait for the Prince to start the topic.

Yingzheng nodded and walked to the center. There was a tassel in 427. He stretched out his hand and pulled down a huge scroll with very large characters written on it. That is the test question for this time.

This was made by Han Fei. Winning did not pay attention to what it was, so he went straight to the third floor. There is a time limit for this exam, and it must be completed within this time. Then Han Fei and Li Si will select very good ones.

These people are qualified to go to the third floor to meet His Royal Highness the Prince.

The remaining candidates who do not have this opportunity do not mean that they have not passed, and will continue to choose among the remaining candidates, but the position will be smaller. Those who are on the third floor can get big positions.

Han Fei announced the official start of the exam, and the candidates were staring at the exam questions carefully. Soon afterwards, one after another rushed to write and write.

Ying Zheng sat on the third floor and closed his eyes gently. He heard the sound of turning pages in this building, and the smell of ink. This is the imperial examination system he has long awaited, and it is finally realized today.

Soon after, the time came and all the candidates handed in their test papers. The one on the first floor was reviewed by Han Fei. On the second floor is (aibd) Li Si. The candidates below all looked at the expressions on their faces eagerly, guessing their own results.

There were only less than a hundred people in this exam, and the speed of the two people’s review was not too slow, and finally five people were selected from them. I clicked their names and let them go to the third floor.

When these five people came out of the compartment. The excitement on his face was naturally unconcealable. When other people saw their figure, they were also extremely envious.

On the third floor, Ying Zheng has been waiting for a long time, but he has never been so active. Finally, five scholars arrived, and he looked at the five people in the seat with an expression of admiration. This is the talent selected for the first imperial examination.

Yingzheng just decided to ask them questions when he was waiting at the top. He said, “The question I want to ask you is very simple. What are the pros and cons.”

The simple-dressed person said: “Naturally, it is profitable and harmless.” He is the biggest beneficiary of this institutional change. The one from Confucianism said that this is a good thing to encourage people to read. Others responded accordingly, and after listening to Yingzheng, they nodded their heads. According to their answers, they can be appointed official positions.

Yingzheng thought about it carefully and began to allocate them. One of them, his answer was very concerned about the people and very close to the people. Winning government gave him a lower-level official position. This position requires people who are close to the people, which is very suitable. But this person heard that his official position turned out to be the lowest among the five. I was very unconvinced.

He thought that his official position might be lower than those of the two levels below who did not come up. This is a child of the conscientious family. If there is no imperial examination system, his father will get old a few years later, he can inherit the official position, and he will not be used for this test. He was dissatisfied with this, and the result now gave him even more courage.

“His Royal Highness, you asked us just now. I don’t know if I have the honor to ask the Prince a question.”

Ying Zheng raised his eyebrows: “Let’s talk.”

“There used to be a village with seven big households. One of the big households was named Ying. He accidentally made a fortune, and his power grew stronger and stronger. As a result, he relied on his own power and continued to invade the other six big households. And the land is rampant in the countryside, arrogant and domineering. Isn’t this stupid? It will eventually perish?”

As soon as this problem came up, before winning the government’s speech, Han Fei and Li Si on the side could not sit still: “Laughter! You dare to speak wild words. Your Royal Highness, I will call the guards to come up and drag this fanatic into the car. .

When the man saw Li Si being so excited, he didn’t rush and said: “This is Li Si, the important minister of the Qin Dynasty? I think it’s like an acute monkey? I heard that the Saint Prince is known to be inclusive of all rivers, but I don’t think so.”

Winning the government waved his hand indifferently: “Li Si, don’t be too excited.” Then he was just this young man. There were indeed many people who asked him questions in the past. This person was the first to be so desperate.

“Since you are so curious about this question, then I will answer you.” Yingzheng’s voice was so loud that even candidates on the first and second floors below could hear it. “Why is this stupid? Since ancient times, natural selection and survival of the fittest. The law of nature is the law of the weak and the strong. There is no absolute fairness in this world, only relative reasonableness. Those who call for fairness every day are nothing but nothing to do.

It’s just a weak person like a woman and a child. ”

When the man heard Ying Zheng say this, he was still a little unwilling to give up: “The holy prince is just arrogant words. This world is so big, I don’t believe that there is no fair place.”

“Then let you look for it. At least for now, it is not fair at this moment. Although you are all candidates, are the people on the third floor the same as the people on the first and second floors? All I can give is It’s fair to take the test together. Is it unfair for those who are able to win? In the same way, Daqin is stronger than other countries, so what’s unfair?”

As soon as this remark came out, the crowd was shocked. Li Si and Han Fei nodded their heads. They were fascinated by the holy prince. The remaining four candidates are humble and taught. The scholars on the first and second floors can’t help but bow their heads. It is true that they are not as knowledgeable as people. If you compare them to the country, then they are just waiting to encroach on the small country to be annexed. .

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