Chapter 330 Scholars from the six countries came one after another for the first national imperial examination! [First update, please customize]

Zhao Gao took them to meet with the prince, first telling the story about the manuscript. Ying Zheng took it in his hand and flipped through it. It was indeed something he used to scribble a long time ago. One day it suddenly disappeared. He was still looking for it, and he didn’t think it was all in the Daqin library.

“I waited for the two of you to read this book and there are many very interesting things written in it, so I couldn’t help but look through it. The Prince’s idea is really unprecedented, and I was so amazed.” Li Si stood in the court and said. .

“Are you interested in what’s inside?” Ying Zheng asked, raising his eyebrows.

“Indeed, if His Royal Highness the Prince is willing, can you lend me this book and wait to read it?” Han Fei took the initiative. They just saw a little bit of it and felt that they had benefited a lot. I really wanted to see what was written in it. what.

“Since you are so curious, take it. It’s just that there are many confidential things in it that can only be seen by the two of you. The others are not necessary for 08.”

“I’ll be clear.” Everything here can be regarded as Daqin’s secrets. Of course, you can’t show it to others casually. This book has been kept in Daqin’s library. If it weren’t for the record, I’m afraid it would be turned over.

It was a mistake that fell into the hands of these two, and it was incredible to win the government. In this case, go with nature.

“I’m calling you here this time, and there are other things. Now that many people in the Zhuzi Hundred’s family have taken refuge in Daqin, it’s time to start the first national imperial examination.”

Han Fei and Li Si looked at each other, both of them were thinking carefully, not in a hurry to speak. Winning politics is not in a hurry. After all, it is a major issue and should be considered carefully.

After a while, the two men said: “Now King Qin has decreed that imperial examinations will be held throughout the country. The reputation is so great that the six countries have already known that, and the hundreds of scholars who depend on Da Qin have already set off. The time is ripe and there is no need to wait any longer. NS.”

Yingzheng nodded, just in line with his wish: “You are thoughtful, and almost as I thought. In that case, the content of this imperial examination will be drawn up by Han Fei.

“The minister leads the order.” Han Fei stepped forward. He was very pleased to get such an opportunity.

“Not only that, you have to act as the chief examiner of this exam to supervise the process of the imperial examination throughout the whole process. You should know exactly how to do this. You should select the talents layer by layer and enter the examination room after checking. There should be no cheating or cheating. Fish-eyed people. The test papers should also be kept properly. This time it is up to you and Li Silai to approve them. If you see something very outstanding

Yes, let me see it again. “Yingzheng reminded all the details.

Han Fei nodded as he listened, keeping this article in mind.

“The final official title is based on the nine-rank Zhongzheng system. Official positions are assigned according to the level of talent.” Yingzheng continued to add.

Han Fei and Li Si understood, and they prepared carefully according to Yingzheng’s instructions.

During this period, the number of pedestrians on the road leading to Daqin was a few percent more than in the past. They came from all directions, with some luggage on them, and they seemed to be going far away. Every time I see these people in a hurry, I carefully check their clothes. If they look like a scholar, then there is no doubt that they are going to Daqin.

The inn and Mayi on the road all figured out these details, and regarded the trend of the Daqin imperial examination system as a selling point. Attracting these people, the literati who gathered in these inns all talked about books and theories. Whenever they were interested, they asked Xiao Erbei to write a pen and ink, splash a bit of ink on the wall, and leave a poem.

The boss didn’t care, he just waited for one of these people to be able to perform the imperial examination for high school, these words are worth money. If it doesn’t, then you can only get a basin of water, pour it on your brain, and be innocent. Quandang has never existed from beginning to end.

In a short period of one month, all the poor scholars and people from hundreds of families who wanted to seek an official position in Daqin had arrived. They do not distinguish between high and low status, age, or even country. Only on the level of knowledge.

Han Fei also prepared the imperial examinations one by one and officially announced the start. These students gathered in Xianyang City are screened one after another.

The day before the beginning, the city of Xianyang was as quiet as before. People knew that the imperial examination would be held tomorrow, but no one imagined the grand occasion of the imperial examination. They only felt that there were many people who talked very well in Xianyang City, which was very lively.

On the day when it officially started, the people of Xianyang City witnessed the crowd. Yingzheng stood on a high place, watching the crowd surging at the entrance of the examination room. They were all waiting for the door to open, and at this moment they had been waiting for too long. When the door really opened, the group entered in an orderly manner. Yingzheng feels that this scene is like going into a container

It’s as magical as loading things.

If all talents in the world can be used by Da Qin, then why not worry that Qin will not prosper for all generations. Talents will grow old, they will gradually fade away, and lose their enthusiasm for serving the country when they were young. But as long as the imperial examination system is in place, there will always be a steady stream of talents coming in.

This scene made winning politics very comfortable, but to the scholar-officials, in such a hot weather, they felt like they were in the ice. The way these people entered the examination room stung them. Yingzheng really dared to get these people 427 into the court, no kidding.

The exam is one day off and two days off. Because it takes time to correct the exam papers of the candidates, the results of the previous round will not be known until the next afternoon after the exam. If you enter the next round, you will have to take the exam early the next morning.

This makes the candidates very anxious, they are always worried about whether they can make it, and at the same time they have to force themselves to prepare with peace of mind.

Those who did not enter the next round can only regret to announce that this year’s imperial examination failed. They could only leave Xianyang City sadly in advance.

Every round of exams will eliminate some people, and gradually people in Xianyang also found that there are fewer and fewer scholars in the city. Until the end only a handful remained.

Since the start of the imperial examination, Han Fei has plunged into the test paper. When Yingzheng went to see him, he felt very tired.

“His Royal Highness the Prince doesn’t have to worry about his ministers. Although it is indeed a bit exhausting to work day and night, the ministers are happy and happy.”

Hearing Han Fei’s words, Ying Zheng showed an expression of because. It is really commendable that he can do his best for the important affairs of the country, so he will go.

Yingzheng asked Han Fei: “There have been many rounds of exams, and now there are less than a hundred people left. It seems that the next one will be the last one. Do you know what this means?”.

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