Chapter 327 Seigniorage, transforming Xianyang city [first update, please customize]

Ying Zheng also looked directly at Ying Zi Chu. In his eyes, the father and king seemed to have suddenly entered his twilight years, and he was already very old.

“Erchen plans to expand the business of the bank and introduce paper money. Then we can print money and circulate it among the people of Qin.

“Why are you so obsessed with Qin Chao? Is it just because it is easy to print? You said before that if you print it at will, it will devalue Qin Chao.”

“The benefits are of course more than this. Qin banknotes are much more convenient than current currencies, lighter in weight, and easier to carry. In this way, sounds that require a large amount of currency will not be so troublesome.

Moreover, if people in the Six Nations also find Qin Banknotes convenient to use, then Qin’s business will be better in the Six Nations. It is more convenient to make money in the six countries.

Winning the government and printing money this time is not just like building a road. This time he was going to replace all the currencies Daqin was using with Qin banknotes.

“Not only that, we can also collect seigniorage to fill the national treasury.” Ying Zheng said a novel vocabulary, and Ying Zichu hurriedly asked after hearing it.

“What kind of tax is this again?”

“Simply speaking, it is the income of our printing of money. For example, if I print 10,000 Qin banknotes, if the cost is only one Qin banknote, but this 423 thousand Qin banknotes can indeed buy 10,000 Qin banknotes. The nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine Qin notes are seigniorage.

“What exactly should I do?”

“It’s very simple, we print 10,000 Qin banknotes, and the people can exchange it with the current currency one to one, that is, 10,000 for 10,000, but we spent one Qin banknote to print, and of course we are the rest. Of it.

Winner Chu was stunned: “Can you still make money like this?”

“Of course.” Yingzheng nodded: “This will not only make money for the people of Daqin, but also make money for the Six Nations.”

“What do you say?” It is the topic that Win Zichu is most interested in when it comes to making money from the Six Nations.

“Same as the truth just now, what if people from the Six Nations come to exchange Qin banknotes?” Ying Zheng showed a sly smile. The country is very important, and the six countries often need to have financial contacts with Daqin.

“Then you can get the money of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine and six countries!” Winning son Chu suddenly realized that using Qin Chao is equivalent to actively giving up a lot of wealth in his country.

“More than that, father.”

When Qin banknotes become the largest currency in the world in the future, it will be the day when the Daqin treasury is fullest. Winning politics only changes the form of money and can bring huge wealth that people can dream of.

“Okay, just do what you said. Let’s print money!” Ying Zichu was a little excited, wishing to start printing now.

“Not only printing money, but I also have an engineering team here. We can overthrow the city of Xianyang and rebuild it, and let the civil and military officials continue to seize money to buy houses. This way, we can continue to stock up gold and silver.”

Winner Chu stared at Winning with a dumbfounded look. Although he had just said that he let him go and do something like this, it was too bold. What did he just say? Overthrowing Xianyang City?

Yingzheng said on his own: “First, start the construction of the palace, and then move the civil and military officials to the vicinity of the palace to build a new Xianyang city.” He said and gestured in the air.

Winning Zichu here did not understand the meaning of the gesture at all. Xianyang City is the capital of Daqin, and it is as prosperous as any place in the six countries.

I just asked Ying Zheng to build a house for the people, but he didn’t expect him to be so bold that he planned to demolish the whole city and rebuild it. Between this demolition and construction, I don’t know how much it will cost.

After Ying Zheng finished speaking, he looked at Ying Zi Chu with a worried look and said: “Father, don’t worry, your son will definitely turn Xianyang City into Baoyang County.”

“Go.” Ying Zichu closed his eyes. He will not regret his decision after (aibd). This time he must be given the right to win politics: “I just don’t know why you moved all the civil and military officials to the palace. .”

“The civil and military officials originally served the king, of course, they have to be under the eyes of the king. They will definitely appreciate me in the future. They have shortened the distance and made it much easier to go to court.”

“Are you afraid of their collusion? You dare not act rashly near the palace?

Winning politics does have this meaning, but it has a more important purpose. Established together, a political area can be formed, which is mainly responsible for handling political affairs. It is closely intertwined one after another. It saves the time required to transmit information on the road and the government orders can be faster. The central government can quickly respond to any issues.

“This new Xianyang city will not diverge at a single point like Baoyang County, but will eventually be distributed like a spider web. Xianyang City will be more concentrated. Each area has its own distribution of functions, and the final shape is also four or four. Fangfang.”

Winning Zi Chu nodded thoughtfully, this is indeed more in line with the style of the royal capital. Baoyang County is just a county after all, and Xianyang City must play more roles.

“Children will also consider the residential areas of the people. It’s just that there are too many people in Xianyang City now, and some people need to leave Xianyang.”

“What do you say?” Ying Zichu is very curious. Before Ying Zheng said that the three-story building can accommodate more people, how come here in Xianyang City, he deliberately expelled the people.

“It’s just a small number of people. Other areas may take up a large part. I hope that those who can live in Xianyang in the end are all the useful talents of Daqin.” Ying Zheng said firmly, like his imperial examination system. Natural selection, survival of the fittest. After a period of survival of the fittest, only those who remain can bring the future to Daqin.

This day’s discussion has been awakened for a long time, and Ying Zichu has been refreshed all the time. In the end, he can only nod his head continuously.

After Yingzheng left Xianyang Palace, he went straight to Baoyang County and summoned the giants of Sanmo: “We are about to start construction, and you will get my new city planning map tomorrow. When you install this map, you want to transform Baoyang County. Same, the next step is Xianyang City!”

The giant Sanmo was so shocked that he wanted to transform Xianyang City. The Saint Prince never teased them, this time it seemed to be true. They couldn’t help feeling a little excited.

“It’s not just you. Starting from tomorrow, the people in Baoyang County will start to work. The brick factories and steel bar yards will all move. The materials needed to transform Xianyang City must be made urgently and should not be delayed because of materials.”

After taking the order, the giant Sanmo stepped back, turned around and entered various factories to notify the news.

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