Chapter 328 Daqin, that sensational imperial examination system! [Second update, ask for customization]

The people of Baoyang County cheered upon hearing the news. They are all dependent on the various factories opened by the Prince Sheng to make money and support their families. Now that the Prince Sheng is in need, they should certainly be obliged to do so.

Since the order was issued, every factory began to manufacture non-stop, busy day and night. The bricks produced by the brick factory were piled up one after another, and were carried on the truck by the muscular young man, and transported out through the concrete road.

Although the workload has increased, the workers are as excited one by one, working fast and well, and unambiguously. The output of the factory has also increased.

Yingzheng is very satisfied with the figures reported by each factory every time, just like a marching battle, there is a reserve and no worries, and the front can be big ~ show its fists and kicks.

The Sanmo giant also got the city plan that Yingzheng said. This time there is only one. The house is still built in the same way as before. There have been many changes in the city planning.

After another study and discussion, I finally figured out the prince’s intentions. Enter Xianyang City non-stop,-start the reconstruction plan.

There were two people sitting on a small stall in Xianyang City. One of them said, “Hey, isn’t that Sanmo Giant, you know, before in Baoyang County, if you saw Sanmo Giant with a demolition team on the street? If you leave, it will attract a lot of attention.”

“Is it so exaggerated, isn’t it just demolishing the house?”

“Don’t doubt it, soon you people in Xianyang City will feel this way.”

“What do you mean by this?” Which ordinary Xianyang citizen still doesn’t understand the reason.

“You don’t know it yet. His Royal Highness has given the king’s order to transform Xianyang City. Aren’t you the one here? How can you still not know?”

In fact, he really didn’t know, because King Zhuang Xiang announced the incident to the people the next day. From the intention to the announcement, the process in the middle is done honestly, and the speed has not kept up. Even Win Zichu didn’t expect that the action of winning the government could be so fast.

Just as the person from Baoyang County said, the current situation of Xianyang City is exactly the same as that of Baoyang. The Sanmo giants have once again become the focus of everyone’s attention, but this time they are much calmer.

Two-story and three-story small houses were built. These buildings were arranged in a series, lined up in a line, and finally formed into one. Form a neat and beautiful residential area.

The people of Xianyang City watched the changes in the capital with satisfaction, and their mouths couldn’t close their smiles. They have long envied Baoyang County, thinking that they are also a member of the royal capital, how can they live less than a county. Now the Saint Prince can finally show off their grand plans in Xianyang City, and the day they can enjoy their blessings has finally come.

The surrounding businessmen also heard the news. They were the group of people who failed to buy a house in Baoyang County. They did not buy a house at that time and missed a good opportunity. They thought they would never meet again in this life. I can still meet, and I can’t let go of this opportunity if I say anything this time.

They rushed to Xianyang City and begged to see His Royal Highness the Prince. Winning politics is still an old routine, not seen. The old rule is that if you want to make a house business in Yangcheng, you can buy a house here and make a wave of merchants’ money before talking about it.

The businessmen also knew their importance. What’s more, this is the business of the royal capital, can it be compared with Baoyang County? If you bite the bullet, you have to go bankrupt and buy it. It is not only that they can make money now, but that their children and grandchildren can live at the feet of the emperor. This is a priceless business.

The giant Sanmo said at this time that if they can provide assistance when building a house, they can wait for them to buy a house and have priority. The priority is determined by the amount of funding.

This group of businessmen heard that it was pretty good. It is both a good thing and a bad thing. But the things that can be solved with money are simple things. They happily took out large sums of money from their pockets to invest in the construction of houses.

This side is busy building houses in the dark, and the other side is not idle. Yingzheng suggested that Ying Zichu promote the officials in Baoyang County. Now there are rumors that Baoyang County is only used by the Prince to conduct experiments, and now that the experiment is over, it will be abandoned. Where officials are promoted, on the one hand, can soothe people’s hearts.

On the other hand, it was also announced that the imperial examination and the nine-grade Zhongzheng system were started. The political system of Daqin has undergone earth-shaking changes. Use the cabinet system and six ministries.

0……Look for flowers……

Lu Buwei is the first and second minister of the cabinet, and the second is Cai Ze. Han Fei was the assistant minister of the Xing Department, and Li Si was the assistant minister of the Ministry of Rites.

The court also adjusted the positions of most ministers in accordance with the establishment of new positions. Those who are talented and know how to govern the country are all placed in important positions.

Those incompetent, but now there is no sufficient reason to dismiss. Putting them in idle positions allows them to fend for themselves.

Some people can’t accept it for a while because of the gap in official positions. Those who flattered themselves in the past stepped on their heads suddenly, feeling ashamed and angry. The official position that has been passed down from generation to generation arrives at my own place. Suddenly, my family has fallen into disrepair. I feel dull and suicide.


Yingzheng didn’t care about the life and death of these people: “Why don’t you die? It’s better to die. Give up the official position, just let the blood of the New Year replace.” Then Zhao Gao was ordered to step up the imperial examination.

In a few days, when the people in Xianyang City were still immersed in the wave of building houses, a new decree broke out, causing a new uproar. The notice board in Xianyang City was for a large group of people, and everyone was on the first floor. The crowd shook their heads and looked at the contents of the new policy decree.

“From today, Daqin began to hold the imperial examination system recommended by the Saint Prince. Everyone has the right to take examinations. According to the regulations, the examinations are level by level. Those who stand out can enter the court according to their own talents.

As soon as this decree came out, the scholars who studied hard in the cold window shed tears. After waiting for so long, they once thought that what they did was meaningless, and they had big plans that were difficult to develop. They were laughed at. Useless. With this decree, they finally saw hope again.

Everyone in Daqin knows that those who participated in the imperial examination for the first time have now been promoted, and among them there are also high-ranking officials. Seeing this result, many young people are already determined in their hearts to take revenge on themselves in the future. Many families have even handed over their own young children, and they will also have to enter official careers in the future. factory,

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