Chapter 326 Restless Xianyang City! [Third more, seeking custom]

Since Ying Zheng agreed to these officials, to help them build a house, he is like the three giant ink.

This money to repair the house, or natural to ask what they want. In addition to his father even think about a run. Secondly, to help them repair their own house always take an any good now.

Three giant ink to make their team to build buildings under the command of the time, especially underground a special command. Whenever loyal and good will, on the proper construction, all play by the rules. But those times have been hampered holy His Royal Highness Prince of literati, the construction of the movement can be bigger at night can be built.

Some scholar mixed in the day ministers in disarray seek the Holy Prince Gailou grace, could have been triumphant. Despite that three giant ink to build the first day of the meal toss, You’re getting home in utter confusion, the evening also been so much noise.

They really can not stand, shortness of breath to the theory. Those who actually construction team, said: “Holy Prince commanded us to quickly build, otherwise you can not wait for an adult patient of another patient, the past few days just fine.

That being said, the day he can just go towards the front foot, back foot construction team went out to eat, drink, and at night but also some drums and gongs. For several months, so that these literati dumb eat in silence, suffering not to say.

Ying Zheng moving in the classroom one day see a scholar, walking foot superficial, trance, also towards absent-minded look. Chu was severely reprimanded a lot to win the child, and later learned that three ink giant construction team to his home.

Xianyang Gong in three-story house was finally built, the construction of this building process than many other building complex, St. Prince personally made more design. We spent a lot of manpower and resources, like when it finally built, but also people can not help but admire.

Win child after Chu enter this building was found, Ying Zheng put inside the function are changed, there Xianyang Gong East Palace West Palace, so do not need any old room children’s room, which added a lot of room space can be placed personal items, some of Entertainment facilities are also readily available.

As the winning sub-Chu Wang, from long ago to remember that he is the king of Daqin, rather than winning sub-Chu. He has devoted his life to the needs of Daqin begins territory, without any of their own desires.

Ying Zheng has chosen can reflect on your own Daoxing This building is like to live like the average person. Chu Ying Zheng looked back to win the sub-following: “You are deliberately doing it, 々?”

“All the design of this building are from Er Chen handwriting, confusion as Er Chen do think that this is built specifically for the father, father do not like it?”

Win sub-Chu sighed: “If one day you do the king, some people tell you that you have a space of their own words, and then you will understand the mood of the moment Guaren.

Chu Ying Zheng did not reveal the child win as sad look, he replied: “? If it is the king of this world Wang soil,” those places he has, what he wants to be, what you can.

If the king Ying Zheng, he will not regard themselves as sacrifice sacrifice his devotees, he wants ruler. What put the world into something like what it was like, this is his idea.

Since this building three-story house stands in Xianyang Gong cases, where there are frequent rumors that the king, for a time the world people have different guesses. Only sub-Chu Hao know, every time he live here comfortable when there is a clear idea: Prince than their own good, and now he does not have to embarrass yourself as what, just let go and teach the Datong-Qinhuangdao Ying Zheng,

You can spend the rest of your life in peace.

Winning Zi Chu had already begun to wonder, how long is it until he abdicated? He seldom goes to the harem concubine, but sits back and relax in the three-story small attic. He is a king standing proudly on the land of Daqin, but he doesn’t have such a big mind to accommodate everything. This pure square of land is just what he wants.

In the streets and alleys, some people began to say that the imperial examination system hurt the interests of the nobles, and the Prince Prince was able to carry it out successfully. One of the important reasons was that the three-story building was used to bribe the courtiers.

The people in Xianyang City began to wonder again, this building is really so good, even the king stayed in it and didn’t want to come out, what is the magic?

The liar deceived the crowd, saying that there was a seductive evildoer inside, and he was hooked when he entered, and he would never be able to get out again. The people laughed at such nonsense.

There is already an undercurrent surging in Xianyang city now, and the victory is far in the palace, but it is also somewhat heard. It’s just that he has been indifferent to this matter. He is waiting for the opportunity.

This undercurrent is the restlessness of the people in Xianyang City, and their curiosity about the three-story building is growing day by day. Many people visited Baoyang County before when they were building houses. They were indeed built with bricks, tiles, and mud. Later, some people who followed suit bought houses.

They are inquiring about each other, what are the feelings of those who bought the house. They were curious about how to live in this building, and at the same time they heard a lot of the benefits of living in Baoyang County. They regretted it at the same time they felt itchy.

Now the officials in Xianyang City have such a three-story building, and the people are greedy. I didn’t buy it in Baoyang County. It is now being built in Xianyang City, and it is only built for officials. When can this three-story building be built for the people of Xianyang City?

There will always be such a voice among the people, and more and more people say this, the voice is getting louder and louder, and it has been passed into the Xianyang Palace.

Hearing the wind in Ying Zichu’s ear, he thought of the grand scene in Baoyang County, and then overlooked the city of Xianyang. After understanding the demands of the people, I called the prince: “Now everyone in Xianyang city is looking forward to living in such a three-story small attic. Would you like to build new houses for the people in Xianyang?”

Yingzheng smiled at the corner of his mouth. This is what he was waiting for (Is it okay). Xianyang City is at the feet of the emperor. Unlike his own Baoyang County, he can do whatever he wants. Now with the words of Ying Zichu, he can let go Hand and foot: “Of course I am willing.

The people in Xianyang City are rich. He has long wanted to make all the money in their pockets into the treasury.

Ying Zichu said: “Prince, you can do things with confidence in the future, not only in the small Baoyang County, but now in the entire Qin State, if you have anything you want to do, you don’t have to worry about what I will say. ”

“Father, what do you mean by hypocrisy?”

“In the future, this will be your country, I just let you feel it in advance. Your previous performance is in line with the seat of a king, even I sigh, let it go. If I restrict you, it will be the world. The sinner.”

Winning Zichu sat on the icy throne, watching the winning government in front of him.

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