Chapter 323 It’s useless to ask anyone, you should ask the people here! [Third more, please customize)

After Zhao Gao finished talking about this number, everyone present was even more shocked. How could there be so many? This number must be false.

Winning Zichu and Lu Buwei were also shocked by the scene in front of them. It can be said that all the officials who saw the scene of piled up silver like a silver mountain were shocked and couldn’t return to their senses.

After they finally adjusted themselves, a scholar-official asked: “His Royal Highness, we saw that Wuyang County is thriving just now. It must have spent a lot of money to build to the way it is today. But why do you still have so much tax and money in it? What about here? Or, is this really the tax collected by your Royal Highness?”

Yingzheng replied: “Isn’t it, what is tax and silver? Is it possible that I took advantage of the dark night and high winds to steal from the treasury?”

He was joking, and Ying Zichu knew that from his treasury, those rare and precious treasures were removed. In terms of real money alone, I am afraid that there are not as many in this small room as winning politics. He can’t steal so much if he wants to steal.

Another scholar-official interjected: “It seems that many merchants have walked along the streets of Wuyang County. The merchants are all wealthy. I don’t know if these silvers are related to them?

“Just say what you want to say, this bend is more circumscribed than your guts, and everyone can’t understand what you mean.” Yingzheng gave some harsh orders.

The scholar-bureaucrat gave himself courage: “The minister dare to ask, is the silver that His Royal Highness the Prince put here borrowed from the merchants in Wuyang County? It’s just to fill the scene?”

“Hahaha, your imagination is very good, but I want to ask, who can lend me these nine thousand three hundred taels? I don’t think all of their merchants’ wealth together can come up with this number.” Wu All the merchants in Yang County came to win politics. Everyone knew that these merchants depended on the Prince Sheng to earn their money.

Winner Chu heard this number again. What he thought was: “If all of this money is placed in Da Qin’s treasury, I am afraid Da Qin will be able to live without tax for ten years. At that time, Da Qin will be rich and strong, and the people will live and work in peace. What a splendid scene then-! ”

Chang Ping Jun and Chang Guo Jun turned their heads hard, looked at Ying Zheng and said, “It’s worthy of being His Royal Highness Prince. what.

“So those of you who have any doubts about this point are completely doing nothing.” Zhao Gao made a conclusion to them.

“His Royal Highness, forgive me, I will be convinced by the two of them.” Changping Jun and Chang Guojun said in unison, this time they finally kneeled in front of Yingzheng with conviction.

Seeing that these two people were just like the grass on the wall, they turned their backs when they saw the money, the literati forces were very angry, but they couldn’t say anything to refute them. After all, the facts are in front of them, they can only shut up obediently.

Changping Jun and Chang Guojun have always acted as the first bird. Now these two people don’t stand here to talk, and they don’t want the next bird to be their own, so they just wait silently for others to speak out. Unfortunately, there is no one.

So much money, even if you see it with your own eyes, it is still hard to believe that the Prince Sheng can really store so much money in Wuyang County in one breath. Did he search the treasury of the Six Nations?

Ying Zheng enjoys the admiration or jealous eyes of this group of people: “Do you need to count it, adults? If you don’t need it, I want to take my father to Wuyang County to have a look.

Some people insist on making an inventory. While doing the inventory, they can touch the money a little and get addicted to their hands. At this time Shui Qing appeared at the door. Yingzheng doesn’t know how she will come. Zhao Gao has a headache. Why is this little girl always following His Royal Highness?

But this time he came very timely. Yingzheng let Shui Qing come in and said that Daqin Bank was specially responsible for the account. If you have any questions, just ask her. Shui Qing also volunteered that he could help you adults to check the accounts.

Yingzheng gave Shuiqing a look, and Shuiqing nodded knowingly. Shui Qing’s happiest thing is to be able to help His Royal Highness the Prince. “That’s it. Those who want to check the tax and silver will stay here, and those who want to visit Wuyang County together, please come with me.

So the courtiers became two groups. Ying Zheng took Ying Zi Chu and his party to leave the warehouse, and the group of people behind them watched continuing to accompany them with money that did not belong to them.

0……for flowers…

Win Zichu and the others traveled all the way in Wuyang County, and the eyes were full of pearls and jade. The bricks and tiles here are brand new.Even people walking on the street can feel their spring glory, and they seem to live very much. Happy and happy.

Win Zichu is very satisfied with all this in front of him. As he expected, winning the government is indeed for the king. In the future, he can also safely hand over Da Qin’s world to him. Perhaps winning the government can do better than him, but to what extent it can be, Win Zichu dare not guess. Since ancient times, he has become a king and defeated a bandit. This kid is too ambitious. If he fails, he will not dare to imagine


Ying Zheng followed Ying Zichu as he walked and watched. The latter suddenly asked, “How did you manage so much tax and silver in the vault?” He was very curious about how so much money can be spent in such a short period of time. Earn money here, no one thinks that this is absolutely impossible.


“With regard to this question, my son and minister don’t know how to answer for a while, so my father might as well ask the people here.” Yingzheng said modestly.

“E? ​​Then I’ll find one at random. Just that.” Ying Zichu stopped and looked to one side, where is a rice field that has just been stained with fresh green, and an old man in a short shirt is plowing with a working tool. field. Seeing Ying Zichu’s reaction like this, Zhao Gao understood the wink, and quickly ran to ask the old gentleman who was plowing the field to come over.

Looking at the figure of Zhao Gao who fisted in the past, Ying Zichu said: “Everyone knows that riches make for pleasure, and poverty makes for hardship. This old gentleman looks shabby dressed, he is also getting old, and he is still sitting and plowing the field. This kind of hard work. Would the prince feel that it is too harsh for a few candidates to ask?”

Some scholar-officials behind secretly laughed. This kind of farmers can’t even wear long gowns. They just wore them in the spring and don’t know what they are like. They are still doing rough work. When they see the king, they will definitely be scared. My legs trembled and I couldn’t speak.

What kind of happiness is there for this kind of people? The scholar-officials now only hope that the old peasants can discredit the Saint Prince and talk about their “real feelings.” How do they live a life of dire straits?

Zhao Gao has called the old farmer over. He hadn’t seen the king, but he had seen the holy prince. factory,

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