Chapter 322 The shock of hundreds of civil and military officials, piles of real gold and silver [second more, please customize]

All the people present were silent. They looked at the king, trying to find the answer from his face. Winning Zichu forcibly collapsed his expression, without showing anything abruptly. Yingzheng was too cheating this time.

Win Zichu still chose to indulge him: “I allowed the Prince’s printing of money, so you don’t have to be so surprised.

Hearing my father’s answer, I was a little proud of winning the government. It seems that this is to protect the calf: “Printing money is only to cope with the use of road construction. But I also know that excessive printing of money will definitely devalue the currency, so Now the money coefficient printed out has been added up.”

The scholar-bureaucrats said: “It’s really wrong for His Royal Highness to do this. Who can tell this account clearly.” The implication: Who knows if you are greedy for something? What if you print a lot of money? Use it.

Now this kind of thing is just in line with the literati. As long as the account is not clear, it can be said that the Prince Prince has collected a lot of money from it. Regardless of the facts.

It’s a pity that Yingzheng didn’t take this trick at all. He has Shuiqing in Daqin Bank, and all accounts are clear. Let them check, and check if there is any error in three,420 days and three nights.

Shui Qing also knew it well. This time printing money is like the Prince Prince is borrowing money. But in this world, who else can borrow money from the Prince. I can only borrow money from myself.

If it is overprinted, the money will be worthless one day. The Prince is a wise man and will not make such mistakes. The taxes collected from various places, as well as the money from my own business, have long been made up.

The current King Chang has nothing to say, so he can only say angrily: “This account must be cleared. At this time, it is related to the Great Qin State and should not be underestimated.” As long as it is something that can discredit the Holy Prince, it will not. Can be despised.

Winning government told them not to care about these and others, and to enter Wuyang County soon.

These scholar-bureaucrats remembered the purpose of their trip and hurriedly entered Wuyang County. As soon as they entered, they saw that the city was full of three-story houses, neat and beautiful. Looking at it from a distance, I just feel pleasing to the eye.

Yingzheng said: “This was built according to my city plan, and now only most of the residential areas have been built.”


Ying Zichu nodded with satisfaction: “This kind of house seems to make the people live more comfortable, very good. To be the king is to make the people safe.”

“It’s not just that. Didn’t the father find that the people in Wuyang County were also hiding?”

At this time, everyone discovered that there were indeed a lot of pedestrians on the street, comparable to the downtown area of ​​Xianyang. All the civil and military officials around made a surprised voice. Houses, people, streets. Such a scene is really shocking.

Mr. Chang Guo and Mr. Chang Ping were even more shocked. Although they heard that the development of Wuyang County was very good, they did not expect this to be the case. The scholar-bureaucrat can only continue to comfort him in his heart: “It’s okay. If you make so many things, the tax and silver will definitely be spent, but you can lose it. The more you make, the more you spend.”

They began to estimate the price of these things. At the same time, they also found that there were many businessmen walking on the street. They felt very strange about it, but they didn’t say anything.

Chang Guojun and Changpingjun worked hard to calm their minds. They pulled themselves back from the shock and took a deep breath and asked: “I don’t know when His Royal Highness Prince Sheng will let us take a look at the tax revenue of Wuyang County. Where is it?” Looking at it this way now is harmful but not beneficial to them.

The officials of the scholar-bureaucrats on one side also all started to ask: “His Royal Highness, don’t waste any more time.” There is no point in dying to struggle. Taxes will not be changed because of delays.

Yingzheng saw them look anxious: “I wanted to invite you all to come to my Wuyang County to take a good look at the grand occasion here. I didn’t expect you to look at tax and silver in such anxious manner. In your eyes, the silver is actually better than the ordinary people. more important.”

Those people hurriedly said, “No, His Royal Highness the Prince has misunderstood us. I just remember the purpose of this trip.

Ying Zichu said: “You vowed to learn how to get rich from the prince before, but now it is really chilling to say this.”

Seeing them being flanked back and forth, Ying Zheng didn’t make fun of it anymore: “Since you are so anxious, let’s go see it first. After reading it, we will calm down and take a good look at Wuyang County.”

Until the Yellow River, the heart will not die, and the coffin will not cry. The only way to win the government is to let them see the “coffin” in person.

Zhao Gaoxiang led the way for the ministers, and when they arrived at the place where Yingzheng deposits tax and money, the net disappeared a moment ago. When he walked to the door, Yingzheng smiled slightly, and turned his head to look at the ministers: “All taxes and money are stored in this house.” He pointed his finger at the closed gate behind him, and everyone’s eyes were attracted to him. .

Scholar-bureaucrats are getting excited, and an empty room is also worth locking up? I really feel wronged by this lock. After winning the political order, Zhao Gao opened the lock. After Zhao Gao took the order, he felt the eyes of those who could burn to death sticking to him. When the lock was opened, his hands felt a burning sensation. These people It was horrible, the eyes could melt the locks.

With a crisp unlocking sound, the warehouse door opened. Zhao Gao retired respectfully. Changping-jun and Chang-guo quickly stepped forward and opened the door. The moment they pushed away, they were completely stunned, their bodies motionless.

The people in the back were blocked from sight. They didn’t know what they saw, so they approached curiously. When they looked into the room, they were like Changping Jun Chang, and they seemed to be frozen. Not only did they not move their bodies, but their eyes became straight. The others became more curious, and they all came over.

It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t look at it. As soon as you see the big event, Da Qin’s officials are crowded at the door of a small room at the moment, and they all stared inside dumbfounded.

The inside is so shining, the densely packed silver piles up into mountains, and when you look at it, it looks like an endless ocean, which is unimaginable. The eyes of these people were straight, and then they all walked over involuntarily and touched the silver with their hands. The body didn’t listen at all, just wanting to plunge into the ocean of gold and silver.

“Is this all true?” Chang Guojun couldn’t say anything anymore, and he stammered out a thoughtless sentence.

Zhao Gao sneered again: “Of course it is real money, a total of more than ninety-three million taels, and the remaining copper coins are not included.

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