Chapter 324 The shock of Daqin Manchu’s civil and military! [Fourth update, ask for customization]

So the old peasant knelt down and said: “Meet His Royal Highness the Prince.” It is reasonable to say that you should first greet the king. Now that a big living person like Ying Zi Chu, standing in the position of the stars holding the moon, he was actually A vulgar farmer ignored it.

Zhao Gao hurriedly reminded the old farmer to ask him to greet the king quickly. The old farmer has lived to this age, and never thought that one day he would see Wang Shang, and he was panicked for a while.

Winner Chu is also generous and doesn’t care about common people. Just ask him: “I will ask you a few questions now. You have to answer truthfully, and you don’t have to worry about whether the Holy Prince is here.”

The scholar-officials on the side said: “If there is a half lie in front of the king, it is a crime of deceiving the emperor. If it is wrong, it will afflict the nine clans. You must have other relatives in your family at your age. It can be said that they are safe.”

Ying Zheng glanced at them, and it was clear that these words were directed at him. But he didn’t care at all, and said to the old farmer: “You don’t have to hide anything while telling the truth. The father loves the people like his son. This time he appreciates the people’s sentiments and does not cheat.

These words were in the arms of the sergeants, and they stretched their ears one by one, ready to listen to the next words of the old peasants.

Win Zichu’s question is simple: “How do you like your life now?”

The old farmer was frightened by the sky, and his speech was a little trembling, but his tone revealed pride: “Every household that the king sees now is inhabited, and my home is in it.

As soon as this remark came out, the scholar-bureaucrats who had just looked down on the old peasants were shocked. With such a poor look, he actually lives in this three-story small attic? How could it be possible: “How can you afford this house? Can you rely on farming?”

“This was when His Royal Highness the Prince was demolished. Both of my sons were married and each had a son under his knees. In addition to my wife and son, there were eight people in the family. With 200,000 Qin notes, I lived in such a good house.”

“Where did the two hundred thousand come from? It’s impossible for you to make so much money by planting fields for a lifetime.

“Of course you can’t rely on farming alone. Life in Baoyang County is very comfortable. In addition to plowing the fields, I can also go to work in the brick factory. I am older now and can only do simple tasks. I can do it in a month. I received one thousand yuan Qin notes. The family has some savings, and I have collected one hundred thousand Qin notes and used them to buy a house.”

“Where is there more than one hundred thousand?” The scholar-officials clung to them, insisting on making every penny clear.

“This is all at the expense of His Royal Highness the Prince. Now Daqin Bank can borrow, and the remaining 100,000 is borrowed from Daqin Bank. The 30-year period, even if it is not repayable now, but such a long practice, dripping water through the stone, It can always be paid off.”

The corporal officers were speechless. The old peasants on the roadside of Baoyang County could live in a three-story pavilion, which is really unfair.

Winning Zichu nodded while listening, thinking thoughtfully: “No, this kind of large-scale borrowing, how can there be so much money to borrow?”

When some discouraged scholar-bureaucrats heard the king say this, their spirits were instantly refreshed. The loaned money was probably printed by the Prince Sheng. Before, the king said that he had agreed to build roads and print money, but now the king is indeed asking questions by himself. There seems to be something tricky in the accounts of this bank.

Winning the government did not rush: “The money borrowed by the bank is nominally borrowed, but in fact it is not the real money that is put into their hands. The bank does not have that much money. It is just an empty figure. But. They still have to pay it back, which is the future money earned.

The ministers behind him suddenly realized. The prince is really smart. If you only consider whether the people can afford it, then you can only sell at a reduced price. That would be a big loss.

Ying Zheng went on to say: “Not only the loan money is not real money, but most of the money paid is not real money. It is said that the old farmer has lost 800,000 yuan, but as long as they are sure to use the compensation money to buy a new house, they will 800,000 are deducted directly from the money they bought the house, and all people who use the compensation money to buy a house will get a discount in the follow-up.

“But this old farmer finally bought it with one million Qin notes.”

“One million is already a very cheap price. In the current sales department, I don’t even know what the price of a house is.”

Victor Zichu asked: “I have lost 800,000 directly, so how can the business of this house make money?”

“This policy is only aimed at people who originally lived in Baoyang County. They originally had houses here. I demolished someone else’s home. Of course, I have to lose money. The money can be taken from other people who want to buy a house here. earn.”

The scholar-bureaucrats sneered: “Does this really make money? His Royal Highness the Prince?”

So was the money you saw before was for nothing? Yingzheng couldn’t help but slander in his heart: “Do you think the expensive money is the money for building a house? Those are not worth mentioning at all. The cost of a house is not worth a hundred at all. Ten thousand liang, what is really expensive is the land price in Baoyang County.

The price of building a building in other places and building in Baoyang County, even if it is this three-story small attic design, is completely different. Those people came for the holy prince, which can be said to bless one party.

Winning Zichu let the old farmer continue to work on his own, leading a group of people to move forward, and he asked Winning: “This business is very creative.”

“Father, this is called the advancement of the future, and the advancement of future wealth to the present. There will be a steady stream of tax revenue.”

The ministers in the back listened and studied silently in their hearts. This idea is truly unprecedented. Not only did the Saint Prince think of it now, but he actually did it. It is really commendable.

In the early spring, everything recovers. Wuxiang County is also new to life, the spring is slightly cold, and the spring breeze is like shearing. Ying Zichu and his party continued to walk forward. They felt that the development level of Baoyang County has far surpassed any place in the Six Nations, and it is already a top city in Daqin. If it spreads out, then Daqin will be unlimited in the future.

In their eyes, what will happen to Da Qin, but in the eyes of Ying Zheng, the future of the whole world is reflected. At that time, the whole world would become one Baoyang county after another, stretching thousands of miles. .

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