Chapter 321 The honor bestowed on the Bai family! [First update, please customize]

Yingzheng showed a sly smile: “I also said last time that the two of them broke their mouths because of their age. I heard that the elderly can exercise more to strengthen their bodies and prolong their lives, so this time I went to Wuyang County. , I asked you two to walk over.

Looking at the cars that one side had prepared for the courtiers, Ying Zheng said, “These two cars will be empty. What’s more, the two adults will have to sit when they come back. Let me give one to my servant Zhao Gao. , One for my dog. My dog ​​has been closed for a long time, and this time just took him out for a stroll.”

After the arrangement was over, a group of people set off. The courtiers couldn’t help laughing when they passed by Chang Guojun and Changpingjun. Yingzheng is absolutely absolutely nothing but a slave and a dog to occupy their car. This is a shame for both of them.

Winning Zichu got into his car. In Daqin, these frames are strictly regulated. There is a fixed number for what kind of identity and what kind of car. Winning Zichu’s identity is naturally the most prominent among them.

A group of gorgeous convoys set off surrounded by the guards and servants. At the end of the line, there were two walking people. The two of them reluctantly followed. If they were left behind, they would be “graciously” urged by the guards.

They have to participate in the assessment. How can they complete the assessment when they are not present. The reason lies here.

It is not far from Xianyang City to Wuyang County. As soon as he left Xianyang City, Ying Zichu saw the concrete concrete road built outside Xianyang. Daqin’s guards quickly guarded both sides along the way for the king’s motorcade to pass through.

Winning Zi Chu praised: “The Saint Prince is really amazing. In this way, the trade between Wuyang County and Xianyang will be more convenient and faster. It is not simple.

The scholar-officials sitting in the cars that followed, they all saw the scene outside the window, including the concrete road they were passing through. They said unconvinced: “Huh, isn’t it just building a road? What’s the use? I walk around every day, and my head is dizzy. It’s really troublesome, 々.”

Their unreasonable troubles can only be enjoyed in the car like this. A courtier didn’t think so. He looked at the concrete road and sighed that this road is really good: “It’s much flatter than the average road. Moreover, the Prince Prince also unified the width of all cars. There are counts on this road. Now as long as it is in the world Any car can get by.”

Generally speaking, the more prominent the low position, the more luxurious the frame and the wider the width. However, Yingzheng has unified the specifications of these cars, and now even the widest king-top frame can be unimpeded from any concrete road.

These small details are designed to make transportation more convenient. The group arrived in Wuyang County soon after. After getting off the bus, they were still communicating: “This road is really well built.” They didn’t expect that they could get there so soon.

Of course, the two people who followed didn’t feel that way. This road was torture for them. The current King Changping and King Chang are still like nobles, and they look like beggars.

Everyone in Wuyang County is dressed in splendid clothes, but these two people seem to be inferior to civilians.

Win Zichu got off the bus, and felt that the king seemed to be interested in the concrete road, and some ministers attached it and said: “I heard that His Royal Highness Prince Prince has even opened up the road between Wuyang County and Yiqu Country. It’s really a shocking move.”

The scholar-official said in a weird manner: “I have heard that the road calls an astronomical figure. Even the silver earned by the crown prince from dyeing woolen clothes is still inadequate.

When everyone heard this, their faces were triumphant. Indeed, the winning government has spent almost nothing on taxes, and even lost money. He was doomed to fail in this assessment.

When Winning Zichu heard these words, his expression also showed faint anxiety. Eyes looked at the Saint Prince on the side.

Yingzheng still did not have any extra performance, and nodded to Ying Zichu without humbleness. As he said before he set off: “Father, he should only be here to enjoy the mountains and rivers, and he can spend it comfortably.”

A person in front came to visit Bai Huagan, who was formally called to win the government: “This is the Patriarch of the Bai family. When I repaired the road to Qu State, their Bai family provided a lot of financial and material resources to support. The painter personally went to the battle to supervise the construction of the road, which is a lesson for my loyalty to Daqin.

Bai Huaqian knelt down again and again, listening to Ying Zheng’s words, he did not mention that he was for the glass greenhouse, and felt that this was the kindness of the prince. Although he was killed and took half of his Bai family’s wealth, he is now giving back in unexpected ways.

You know, before this, the Bai family had a bit of money, but it was always an ordinary family. There is no political support in Daqin, and there can only be ups and downs in the troubled times. Survive by His Royal Highness the Prince.

Now that Yingzheng said this in front of this group of courtiers, his Bai family will no longer be a simple ordinary person. Daqin emphasized agriculture and suppressed business, and no matter how rich merchants were, they were untouchables. But after today, the status of the Bai family in Daqin is different.

Winning Zichu looked at Bai Huagan with admiration, rewarded him with some money, and asked Bai’s family to supply fresh vegetables to the court of Qin Kingdom in the future.

This gift made Bai Hua extremely excited, and he didn’t know what to do except for giving thanks. He looked at His Royal Highness, who was standing next to the king, and kowtowed his head heavily.

The business between the Bai Family and His Royal Highness the Prince has never disappointed. No matter how you come, you won’t lose.

The scholar-officials watched this play as if it was the dying struggle of the Prince: “^” Twenty percent is too little. What about the remaining 80%? “They asked aggressively.” Does Saint Prince want to say that with the funding of this little white house, His Royal Highness can build a way out? Then this Bai family’s ability is really amazing.

Bai Huagan quickly said: “No, no, this road can be built entirely by the wise decision of His Royal Highness the Prince. My Bai family only did a little bit of effort.,

“Then, Your Royal Highness, where did you get so much money?” The scholar-officials asked directly, waiting for Yingzheng to admit that they had run out of taxes and money.

It’s a pity that Yingzheng didn’t care: “The last thing I lack in Wuyang County is money. Do you know why? Because I print and use money myself. The road to Yiqu is printed with money. Built with the money.”

As soon as this remark came out, the seats were all silent. You know, printing money is a big crime. The Saint Prince not only dared to do this, but now he admits it so generously. .

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