Chapter 320 Everyone is looking forward to it! [Third more, please customize]

In Baoyang County at this time, merchants are still continuing to expand their purchases. The speed of circulation in the six countries has increased unabated. This group of businessmen bought a house in Baoyang County that day to make money with Prince Sheng.

Later, the group of businessmen who got their wish and lived in a three-story building in Baoyang County also entered the sales department through the relationship with Prince Sheng. In the current Baoyang County, the demolition is aimed at the people who originally lived in Baoyang County. The sales department is for those who do not belong to Baoyang County, but also want to buy a house and live here.

The second issue was also quickly sold. Because of the design of the three-story small building, they can now use less area to accommodate more people. Not only can everyone live comfortably, but they can also use the surplus space to build new buildings and live in more people.

The businessmen had also spotted this point. They had tossed in the needles, and studied the city planning map of the Prince of Saint-Prince over and over again, and quickly marked down an open space where it was possible to build a building.

Of course, they didn’t dare to come in unscrupulously, and they were all built within the residential area marked by Prince Saint. They also nodded and bowed when they saw Giant Sanmo, inquiring about the progress of the building.

These later built buildings were all allowed to enter the sales department to sell, but the land and buildings did not belong to them, they belonged to the Prince, and they could only take a part of the profit from the sale.

Even so, this group of business people are still very enthusiastic to join them. The previous one million Qin notes can no longer be stopped, and now the price of two million a building is everywhere. This group of merchants are still raising prices.

The flow of water in Baoyang County is endless, but Shui Qing doesn’t care about these incoming and outgoing accounts, she can take care of them in an orderly manner. The gold and silver that collect and pay taxes are placed in piles of boxes. When Shui Qing closed the door of the warehouse, he saw the piles of gold and silver mountains inside, and wondered: Will he be happy to see these holy princes?

On this day, Zhao Gao came to find Shuiqing, she naturally knew what was going on, and took Zhao Gao to count the silver liang. Then he followed Zhao Gao sternly, saying that he was going to report to the Saint Prince.

“Total, more than ninety-three million taels.” Shui Qing said in a sweet voice. Zhao Gao, who was on the side, was furious. He obviously sent himself to count, and he didn’t know why this girl was so clingy. It seemed that he didn’t need to exist now.

Yingzheng nodded and glanced at Zhao Gao. Zhao Gao nodded again and again: “That’s the number, that’s right.

Shui Qing is a bit sad, and she needs to confirm with Zhao Gao again. This is obviously because she doesn’t trust herself. Is it just because she is a female generation? Just trying to argue something, she won the government and let Shui Qing go down.

He has other things to explain to Zhao Gao: “You should send more snares of killers to guard them, so as not to be stolen by thieves. Before the courtiers come to Baoyang County, I don’t want to have any unnecessary incidents.

Zhao Gao took the order and stepped back. After going out, he saw that Shui Qing was still waiting outside the door. The little girl’s eyes were a little red, and she looked like she was about to cry, and said in a very aggrieved voice: “Just standing here, I will think about the accounts three times in my mind, obviously there is not a single mistake, why?”

Zhao Gao helplessly: “If there is no mistake, there is no mistake. You still hope that there will be no mistakes.

Now is an important period for the imperial prince to conduct imperial examinations, and there must be no mistakes. Zhao Gao didn’t want to get caught up in the trivial matters of these little girls. Let her go back to her Daqin bank soon. “His Royal Highness said that you don’t have to worry about paying taxes and silver in Baoyang County afterwards.”

Shui Qing’s tears almost dripped. She didn’t know that it was Zhao Gao who deliberately distracted her in order to arrange the snare, just as if he had done something wrong.

Zhao Gao arranged the assassin, and sent the assassin with the name of Tianri to sit here. A safe depository is foolproof.

In the courtroom that day, Ying Zichu said that the next day he took the courtiers to Baoyang County. Just before departure, Ying Zichu called to win the government. He wanted to find out how certain he is to win the government during this trip.

Winning the government is still full of confidence: “Father, don’t worry, you can make it. Father has lived in Xianyang for a long time. This time I go to Baoyang County to relax and relax. You don’t have to worry about it.

Winning Zichu was relieved now. But when it was time to set out, King Chang made another ruthless trick. He said in front of all the courtiers: “His Royal Highness, this time he is going to Baoyang County, and all the officials will leave, which will delay the affairs of the country. If the time comes. What should I do if I can’t pay taxes, or pay too little?”

Meng Yu only felt that these two people were really unchangeable in nature. The scholar-bureaucrats all sneered in their hearts, looking good at the show, waiting for the answer from the winning government. They only felt that winning the government was now ruining itself.

If the court admitted that he used too much taxation, the king said he was incompetent at most. Now if I go to Baoyang County, it will be a big deal. Not only is it incompetent, but it is also ridiculous. It is ridiculous.

The scholar-officials had already laughed out of their hearts. But Yingzheng said indifferently: “If the two adults are not satisfied this time, then the imperial examination system should be abolished.”

As soon as this remark came out, the crowd was in an uproar. Previously, when winning the government and exiting the imperial examination system, it was so swearing that no one could stop it. Today I actually said that I would give up such a thing.

420 This makes the scholar-officials look forward to it even more. To know how much benefit this damn imperial examination system took away from them. When I think of the glory and wealth and status that I inherited from my ancestors, I want to share it with those untouchables. They can be awakened when they sleep at night.

Don’t wait for King Chang and King Changping to speak, whether this is good for them. The scholar-bureaucrats quickly agreed: “Since His Royal Highness has promised this way, then I can’t wait to say more, so let’s do it.

Chang Guojun and Changpingjun looked at these scholar-officials, and they suddenly appeared out of no matter what happened to you? As they were about to say something, the scholar-officials pushed them back: “Last time in the court, the two of them talked a lot. The curse, can it be forgotten so soon?”

The two of them closed their mouths reflexively. They didn’t dare to talk any more, and looked towards the king without consciously. If they angered the king again this time, they didn’t know what would happen.

Yingzheng on one side suddenly said: “When I mentioned the Japanese court, I remembered that the two adults still owed a penalty, right?” Yingzheng looked at Changping Jun and Chang Guojun.

There was a cold sweat on these two people. Is the Saint Prince going to attack them? I don’t know what the trick is this time. The two of them are like fish on the chopping board. .

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