Chapter 319 Courtiers go to Wuyang County! [Second update, please customize]

The two felt that the killing intent had approached them. If it really made people feel that they were what Meng Yu said, then it would be disenchanting against the world, and everyone was punishable. They can only fight desperately to argue for themselves: “It is true that the Saint Prince is late. At this moment, he has not appeared in the court. It is the best evidence. No one can distort it.


Winning Zichu said in a solemn voice: “When you two say this, doesn’t it mean that the Sairen just said is lying to you? A widow is the emperor, and what he says is the destiny. How dare you question?”

Both Lord Changping and Lord Changguo have softened their legs. This is good. Not only did they have no quibble, they were even more entangled. Now they can only surrender, hoping to send these words away as soon as possible: “Wang Shang calms down, the two of us have no intention of this. We believe that His Royal Highness Prince Sheng is really busy again. “April 20″ has not returned , I have waited so much.”

“You are not troublesome, you are looking for trouble!” Ying Zichu’s tone was full of anger.

Meng Yu interjected in time: “It’s fine to look for things if there is nothing to do. It is the matter of looking for the Saint Prince. It is an inexcusable sin. It is better to let them kneel at the door, and when the Saint Prince arrives, let the Saint Prince send it off.”

“Let’s do this, it’s considered merciful to the widows.” Ying Zichu waved his hand, motioning for them to quickly give thanks and get out.

Meng Yu stared at them with murderous eyes, making them compelled to submit. This is really self-humiliating, but it is much better than losing a life. The two walked outside the door and looked at each other helplessly. The guard told them: “Just one left and one right, kneel down neatly.”

In the court hall, without these two people, it seemed much quieter. Everyone was afraid of what happened to them just now, so they were silent. I kept thinking about it in my heart.

The time now makes them feel very difficult, and they just live like a year. So they mistakenly thought that a long, long time had passed, and they thought: The holy prince has not come for such a long time, is it true that the imperial examination has failed? So now I am afraid of hiding? What the king just said may really be a lie. . They began to steal joy in their hearts.

Winning Zichu felt disgusting when he looked at each of the following with ghosts, and asked casually: “What do you think of the imperial examination system of the Prince Prince?”

No one dared to answer, and Ying Zichu could only force a civil servant to answer. The Wenchen was vague and dodgy, not saying good or bad, and talking nonsense.

Meng Yu certainly knew their true thoughts. The imperial examination system promoted the untouchables they thought, and they believed that these untouchables would definitely not do good deeds. This system is really too bad for them.

At this time, a voice came from outside the hall: “The Holy Prince is here!”

Yingzheng walked all the way leisurely, and from a distance he saw Chang Guojun and Changpingjun kneeling at the door. At this moment, for the first time, the two of them felt that it was a great blessing to see the Saint Prince.

“What do you two kneel here for? Are you using your titles to pray for my Daqin?” One Changguo, the other Changping. It is indeed a good sign, nothing wrong.

The two of them had no choice but to say all the stupid things they had done in the court before: “Please send the message from Your Royal Highness the Prince.”

Yingzheng thought for a while and said, “I haven’t figured it out yet. The two are nobles anyhow. It is not appropriate to kneel at the door like two stone lions. Let me go in first.” After that, he went straight in.

The guard on the side pulled up the two people whose legs were numb, and urged them: “Don’t go in soon.” The two men clutched their knees and followed.

In the court hall, all the officials retreated to make way for the holy prince. The crown prince took a stride, and he was very powerful.

“The son-in-chief pays homage to the father.”

Winning Zichu asked him to waive the courtesy: “Why did you bring these two people in again.” Now he was upset when he saw it.

Winning the government is neither humble nor overbearing: “The sons and ministers think that the two of them usually gossiping and talking are probably because they are old and can’t do much, and they like to talk blindly. That’s why they offended the father and the king. These are all trivial things. What’s more, they are sons and ministers today. How can you miss these two on the day of assessment.”

Changping Jun and Chang Guojun nodded again and again, and won Zi Chu no longer care. Seeing the king no longer bother, both of them let out a sigh of relief.

Chang Guojun’s death did not change: “Then our review will begin. Dare to ask His Royal Highness, how did Wuyang County pay taxes recently? Why didn’t you bring it?”

They had planned for a long time, and they would not let go of this. The prince spent so much money, and he must be losing a lot. As long as he asks him for money, he will definitely be asked.

However, winning the government just smiled confidently: “It’s not that I didn’t bring it. It’s just that Wuyang County has accumulated too much, and it is really impossible to move it.”

Chang Guojun sneered: “Can’t move? Is it because Wuyang County has only delicate women and children? How can it be impossible to move? His Royal Highness can’t help but laugh.”

Yingzheng replied: “It’s true that I can’t move it. I think it’s not as simple as what you have witnessed.”

The scholar-officials present only felt that winning the government was just trying to save face. The reason for not being able to move is that they are botched. They are not three-year-olds. Who are they lying to? But at the same time they are also very excited.

The Saint Prince dug a hole for himself to jump. Even telling a lie won’t make it through. Let them see it in person. But when it was really revealed, the face of the holy prince couldn’t bear it anymore.

Now they can’t wait to know what the Prince Prince wants to do. It is best to take them to Wuyang County in person. When the time comes to open the warehouse, it is empty and dusty. I’m afraid the king’s face will be dark.

Winning Zichu and Lu Buwei were also faintly cold. Looking at the confident smiles of Winning Zheng, they didn’t know what they wanted to do. They were extremely worried and felt that it should be fine.

1.3 Yingzheng said: “I officially want to invite you to go to Wuyang County to see what the real situation is like.”

The scholar-bureaucrats stepped forward excitedly: “Your Majesty, this is a terrific move. I heard about the unprecedented prosperity of Wuyang County a long time ago, and I wanted to see what it was. I’m going to have a look this time, so I can learn from His Royal Highness the Prince. “Learn how to go bankrupt hahaha.

Winning Zichu still hesitated, Chang Pingjun could only push him personally: “It’s really good to do this, and it will make this assessment more reliable. If you just look at the tax alone, you can look at Wuyang. The state of the county today is the most fair and just judgment of the Prince Sheng.”

Now that they have said so, Ying Zichu is helpless: “Then let’s follow your wishes, we will leave for Wuyang County tomorrow.”

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